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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Here Here! I'm not into battle ravaged Gundams, I like mine looking like they just came off the assembly line ready to kick ass. I've painted a few, like the Mk.II titans and my Zaku's. I personally think they look better with panel lines, a few paint marker details, and the dry transfers. For some reason though, I do paint weapons sometimes.
  2. Maybe it's the RX-78-1, or RX-78-3 2.0? That's if the pic is accurate. Like I said, Nightengale or even better, PSYCHO Gundam 1/100!
  3. Number 100 should be a Nightengale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I'm going to guess that 100 is going to be jagd-doga or possibly a 2.0 Sazabi, since they did the Hi-Nu. However, I have a feeling that being 100 it will be a Gundam. Since the RX-78 has been done to death, I'm thinking 1/100 Deep Striker.
  5. The 19 will win. It's package is already in the ready position.
  6. Anyone heard anything else about the Mobile ops: One year war game? Damn it looks cool and I want it BAD!!!!!!!
  7. i am so jealous of your talent...
  8. I used 1/55 MPC stickers on mine, and it actually looks decent.
  9. no you are not, I think it's flat out god f'ing awful.
  10. The durability isn't all bad. As with all "winged" gundams like the Zero, Freedom, etc. It's not as balanced as say...the Mk.II for example. Personally, I have one, but I also have the Endless Waltz version and personally had I known the MG Zero then, I would have gotten something else because I think the HG is a very good representation of the Zero at 1/2 the price. Some paint, some detailing and they're almost the same.
  11. Looks sort of like the Strike to me. Face would be perfect if it had the red tongue piece.
  12. That website sucks...I'm glad I got banned from there (for "continously offering negative comments about Transformers on a TF fan site, not contributing any positive material to the threads, and name calling." Even though the guy that started it is still a member on there). They're all raving about Classics Jetfire as the best Transforming toy ever. I bought one and it's semi-decent, as far as TF's go. However, I'm gonna take a picture of my 1/48 Roy and my PG Strike Gundam taking a piss on his face, post it as a sig and start a new membership, just to see how long before I get banned again. Good idea or not?
  13. Well, I guess we could probably argue forever about this, but it would be pointless. One thing though, how could you miss with the GP02 gun?! Anyhow, you got your opinions and I have mine. One thing though, if it wasn't for that ugly ass RX-78, you wouldn't have your Macross today and you can't deny that. You'd have ended up collecting He-man toys without Mobile suit Gundam!
  14. I forget. Was the Firevalk reissue the last Macross product they put out? How can they not love Macross?! They played such a large part in making it what it is today! You need to make a friend in Bandai and talk sense into him dammit!
  15. I know you don't want to get into a hypothetical battle but I disagree completely on these points: A valk is NOT more equipped than the F91 (especially) or a Zeta (including the Sentinels). Not to mention the GP's. Pin point barriers wouldn't hold up against that big cannon the GP02 has. And bullets/missles would be useless against Gundam armor. I love Macross like I said, but I'd give the battle to the Gundams. Of course, I'd rather see them team up and kick the crap out of the Transformers, not like they'd need to as either one alone could do that. Only other thing they have in common is they'd both get slaughtered by the EVA's.
  16. Hey Graham, I got one: How are your connections with the folks at Bandai? Tell them we want a PG/MG valk kit, or a SOC valk! Or at least something that rivals Yamato's stuff like an updated 1/55. I'm sick of the lacking QC, bugs, and paying between 100-200 dollars a pop! You know, I don't like Toynami, but I'll give them credit, at least they're trying to give us a nice product at a decent price. The 1/100 valks are a VAST improvement over the MPC'S.
  17. You're logic is astounding!
  18. Welcome to the fold! The Wing Zero MG is nice. However, I think the Strike with IWSP is you're best choice. The Sentinel is great too, has a few problems posing with the big gun, but still worth it. And when you're done with those, you should check out the Mk.II 2.0 !
  19. I second that motion Seriously though. I love Macross (why else would I be here) but Gundam is my first love. There's more variety, and while every one almost has the same fundamental headsculpt, clown feet, etc. I find the mech designs far more appealing. The only thing that comes close to a Gundam is an EVA. And besides, no valk could take down a Gundam. It's twice the size and packs a lot more firepower. And as for the SDF, I'd bet the Dendrobium could blast that thing in two!
  20. when my 1/60 YF-19 gets here, I'll decide then.
  21. Actually I should know better, I have the PG strike. I was looking at my bookcase and I have the Wing Zero standing next to the Roy 1S. They're relatively close.
  22. I actually like it the way it is. Not real flashy...simple, yet sharp.
  23. All I want are some serious price reductions...I pay to much for these little quirks in their products. Also, can we please get some more variety?! Like a VF-2 or something?
  24. I passed on the first one, but I actually like this one more. Just might have to buy it after all...
  25. This is probably the only movie out I actually want to see this season.
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