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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. And Skywarp looked really BLAH in Jet mode...what a disappointment. Yet I'll buy it for the bot mode. As for Thundercracker, there's no need for pics. Buy Skywarp, Buy US Starscream, and call Japanese Starscream "Thundercracker". I'm already practicing.
  2. Just came from Walmart...NOTHING!!!!!!!! So I went to Shopko and bought out what was left. I scored Jazz, Proto Starscream, and Ratchet.
  3. You know, I was done with TF's. I swore to stick to Gundam and Macross. Then I saw the movie, and HAD to have a Barricade. So I spent 15 bucks on ebay, cursing myself for spending more than 9 bucks on a deluxe, and I would do it again, I loved him! Then, I got lucky on another auction and got V.Blackout and repaint Skyblast for 21.00 shipped. After that, I went and bought Bonecrusher (the only one left at my Walmart), and I like him too! Now, if you think about it, I think that these repaints like "Recon" Barricade, G1 Jazz, Thundercracker, "Rescue" Ratchet (Who looks awesome BTW), and G1 Starscream (who'll end up like the Ultra/Skywarp pack, way too many) are hasbro's way of making up for the people not being able to get a lot of the original figures. While I appreciate it, I still want the originals. I still can't find Ironhide anywhere, and I want him the worst of them all ! So, for someone who doesn't have any except Blackout, Barricade, and Bonecrusher, any recommendations or warnings? I'm thinking if I can't find Ironhide, I may go get leader Brawl.
  4. If Danny choo designed shoes (or choo's) does that mean Vera Wang designs Wangs? The best part is you could put their names into the same sentence: Danny choo's vera's wang.
  5. I'm gonna go with "The last starfighter". Oh my god that was horrible...
  6. I was all over those until I saw the "25th anniversary" marking. Ugh, I wish they'd just make them plain in that color scheme. a stealth 1S would be bad ass.
  7. All they have where I'm at is Cyberstompers and a boatload of Bonecrushers.
  8. I just got the red ring of death! I just bought my system like 5 months ago. This is bullshit! I have some questions: 1. What happens if I have to send it in? 2. Are they still giving away free wireless controllers and 1 month Live for their stupidity? 3. Do I have to send in my HDD? 4. How long does this take? 5. Do they actually fix it right?
  9. To my knowledge, painting is the only way. On the brightside, it may come out better than the original. I wish I had a 1/48 in so so shape, so I could paint myself a stealth/Low viz vf-1s.
  10. I hear you. Illinois isn't any better. Hell the only games I have are: Transformers Gears of War Dynasty Warriors empires Lost Planet Dead Rising Armored Core 4 The Darkness Burnout revenge MLB 2K7 Madden 07 Hitman blood money. Chromehounds When I had the original Xbox, I had twice as many games in half the time compared to how long I've owned my 360.
  11. I watched it in english first. I speak French also though, so it wasn't really a big difference to me either way.
  12. Just bought it, watched it, and people THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME!!!!!!! One of not just the best animated movies I've ever seen, easily one of the best movies I can recall in the past 3 years. IT IS A MUST OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The end especially is cool.
  13. I have a couple as well, a little smaller than MG Gundams, but not much smaller.
  14. If you repainted Millia from Revy, could you do Max with contacts from Dante? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........
  15. I'll buy it, however I'm still waiting for Mobile Ops...any word on an official release date yet? Damn that game looks badass.
  16. I voted for Grimlock, sorry, I had too. I'd love a Dinobots vs insecticons battle.
  17. From what I've heard, here's the explanation: Barricade had a freeway death scene (you see him driving next to bonecrusher before the fight with optimus), but they yanked his death because he's obviously a favorite, and they have to leave at least a couple alive for the sequel, which given the success of the film I'm sure is already in planning. Smart on their part, but it did leave quite the hole in the movie. If you think about it, the only decepticons that lived were Barricade, Starscream, Scorponok (though captured), and Frenzy. Brawl, Blackout, Bonecrusher and Megatron all bought it. As for the sequel, here's my guess: Starscream finds away to get some more guys to Earth like Bumblebee did, they try to salvage Megs and the others from the deep, and then it carries into transformers three with Megatron somehow due to the fusion with the allspark becoming Galvatron. God, Michael Bay is predictable...
  18. I'm looking at my PG Rx-78-2 and trying not to weep...that is without a doubt the most horrible thing I've ever seen. I can only hope to GOD that Graham doesn't spot this thread, he'll never let us Gundam fans live this one down...
  19. I've been listening to a lot of Mindless Self Indulgence lately, and oddly enough remember the Human League? For some reason I started listening to them and LIKING them. God I have NO taste...
  20. Excillon


    Can someone please help me out? I'm curious about a couple kits. Pics, reviews, etc. would be great. Also size would be great. I'm not all that familar with Macross scales outside of toy scales (1/48, 1/60, 1/55). I am very familar with Gundam scales though. 1/48 Legioss vairable kit All bandai variable kits (Mac 7, VF, etc. in 1/144, 1/100, and 1/72 scale) Thanks!
  21. Damn, I remember seeing NIN at Lollapalooza 1...I really am old.
  22. I agree, I'm gonna go with the Zeta 3. I have all the other versions, why stop now?
  23. Ministry has done something more relevant. While they could have kept that platnum Psalm 69 sound, or even the high tech Mind is... sound, they chose to go minimalist and make grindcore music, which love it or hate it, you have to respect that they chose art they wanted to make over money. And Rio Grande Blood is a great album, I highly recommend it. As for NIN, so if I understand it correctly, he ripped off a Biafra mentality and catchy A-A rhyming, ripped off ministry's guitar riffs (survivalism), ripped off Skinny Puppy/242's technostyles (random but structured sequences and samples), Fear Factory's "post apocalyptic" concept albums "demanufacture, obsolete, and digimortal), and he get's glorified for this? HE'S A *%*% HACK!!!!!!!!! Nothing but a rip off artist, I still think SP should've sued his ass over "Down in it/Dig it". I don't hate Trent for making anything mainstream, I hate him because people give him credit as an artist while all the truly great ones before him get ignored, when the fact is that if it wasn't for Al Jourgensen Trent wouldn't be able to program a VCR. And what does he do to give back to the people he ripped off? NOTHING. Well wait, he did manage to destroy Pop Will Eat Itself, which was the greatest band in the history of rock music IMO. To surmise, Al Jourgensen said it best in an interview last year pardon the language: "You know what would be really fun?! Watching those sad motherf***ers Reznor and Morrisey playing Russian Roulette. Just have to make sure every chamber in that F***ing gun is loaded..."
  24. Not to big on this album, seems NIN is trying really hard to ax the Industrial thing, but not so much as to alienate their fanbase. Trent's just gotten a little too Dead Kennedys for my taste lately. Though it is a lot better than "With Teeth". I'll just listen to the new VNV Nation CD for my industrial fix. Furthermore, I hate too say it but NIN, no matter how many albums sell, will always be a second rate fanboy by-product when compared to Ministry, Skinny Puppy, VNV Nation, Front 242, or any of the other groundbreaking artists from that genre. However, I guess it's OK by "pop" music standards, and it is better than Marilyn Manson. Here's a list of better recent releases to check out : Skinny Puppy:Mythmaker Ministry: Rio Grande Blood VNV Nation: Judgement Imperative Reaction: As we fall God Module: Let's go dark Assemblage 23: Meta Mindless Self Indulgence: Rip off
  25. help me out with something: I have store credit I haven't used, should I go with a MG Perfect Gundam or use my 45 in credit along with 22 dollars and get a Zeta 3 Unicorn?
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