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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. I think why there has been failure at this is because one guy has been trying to do it all, like Devin, or the guy who tried to take over for him. If you could find partners in different regions of the world, it might go easier because you guys could share the workload if one guy was slow and the other was swamped. I'd offer, but I have NO clue on how.
  2. By an airbrush or use Spray paint !!!!!!! Seriously though, I just play around with thinner until I get it right.
  3. Oh, and for what it's worth, GREAT job on the fast packs and gunpod.
  4. Can someone non-spanish impaired ask him what supplies he used for paint/weathering/etc.? Sorry, my mom made me take French in high school.
  5. Who the hell made that?! I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!
  6. True, especially with 00 kicking off. The sad thing is as much as I love Gundam, I'm sick of it. It's all a rehash to me. You can only give a robot the same damn head for so long before it's boring.
  7. As far as cardboard goes, that's really good! One of the better cardboard builds I've seen.
  8. I can relate. I'm working on a Super vf-1a right now and almost puttied the seams on the arms, but then I thought "why when the FP covers it anyway? More shortcuts means more time to spend building other stuff, and more time to focus on the details that DO matter.
  9. Yeah but so much disappears under the paint! I love the details, but I hate the scribing. I just wish they'd learn to make the lines deeper. As a builder of MG's and PG's, I'd have to say I wouldn't mind a snap kit if it had an inner skeleton and the detail level of a newer MG or PG kit.
  10. You, my friend, have a very...interesting imagination. I wish I could say more, but I'm kinda speechless after reading that, and my wife will tell you that's rare when one has the power to shut ME up.
  11. The only AMV that seems really good to me is one on youtube I saw a while ago of Gundam Seed with the song as Slipknot's "wait and bleed". Not a big Slipknot fan, but the song fit perfectly with the clips. However, Boom Boom Satellite's "Dive for you" from Appleseed was decent. As for music video's: 1. Boom Boom Satellites : Pill 2. Boom Boom Satellites : Dive for you (live) 3. Pop Will Eat Itself: Karmadrome 4. Skinny Puppy: Killing Game 5. Ministry: Just one fix 6. Green Day : Basket Case (Love the colors) 7. Nine Inch Nails: Perfect Drug 8. Incubus : Hungry like the wolf (live) 9. Marilyn Manson : The Dope Show 10. Busta Rhymes: Gimmie some more 11. Front 242: Rhythm of Time
  12. OK, update. The legs are done, having some fit issues, as if I needed that on this of all kits. Anyhow, all that's left is to assemble the FP's and gunpod. Hopefully I'll start painting next weekend. I'll put more pics up soon!
  13. www.aircraftresourcecenter.com is a good site for tips.
  14. Maybe a mix of cottonballs AND feathers might give you a good effect. You could even try gluing some to the blue sides to create a sense of depth. I'd get some fabric dye and dye the sides a lighter blue though.
  15. Maybe it's not impressive from a volume standpoint, but impressive taste wise. God I love alpha's.
  16. Plagarism. If it's an homage, credit should be given somewhere.
  17. I'm still waiting for that "supposed" YF-19 Battroid they were working on 4 years ago...dammit. I guess if I had to choose a thunderbolt would be nice to have.
  18. REALLY cool idea, but to be honest I'm not crazy about it. For what it's worth, here's what I'd do differently: 1. airbrush some of the feathers lightly in a really thinned down mix, make some grey ones and change the pink to orange and red. 2. The table is just too little for a really good display of that scale. I'd consider using Toynami 1/100's (you can get some cheap 1/100 kits for enemy mecha), Hasegawa 1/72's, or Mac plus 1/72's (A guld vs. Isamu fight would look great in there, maybe you could even have a little room for a vf-11. Just some thoughts but more power to you because no matter what anyone says if you like it that's all that matters.
  19. All I can say is it would have lots of nudity, guns, blood, and giant robots kicking the crap out of everything. Oh yeah, and lesbians. There would definately be lesbians... One thing there would not be is an angst ridden whining teenager who doesn't want to fight as a main character. And if there was, he'd get called nasty names and killed by his own people after 5 min.
  20. Here's a pic of a rough dry fitting (still needs a little clean up). The torso, arms, and wings are all puttied up. The head isn't glued at all yet, that's why the visor looks crooked. Didn't make as much progress as I would have liked in the 2 weeks off work I had (union machine shops rule!) and unfortunately, I have to go back tomorrow. However, I hope to get the legs done this weekend, as well as finishing fixing the awful seam on the side of the head. You'll notice I've skipped around step wise a bit, but I hate building Hase's legs, way more complicated than they need to be. Just be aware that if you expected a thorough, anal retentive build up devoted to every microscopic detail you're in the wrong thread, especially with the conditions I'm building this under. If there's a shortcut, I'm taking it. I've already taken a page from Drukenmaster's playbook with the whole if it's covered by the Fast pack, I ain't F---in' with it. That's not an excuse, as I think I want this to come out well more than any other kit I've done. My major goal is to have a nice looking battroid that will blend with my airbrushed, more superior builds. I've actually becomed determined to have this come out well and that helps curb the urge to cheat. Anyhow, I've rambled on enough. I'll try to update this every weekend with pics, but to be honest there probably won't be a lot till I get to priming/painting/detailing. Any advice please chip in!
  21. Ok, first minor setback. I've glued, puttied and sanded the arms, fusalage, upper torso and wings. Now, wood putty is WAY thicker than model putty. Does anyone know how to get the putty out of panel lines without digging it out with my knife, or washing away the putty for the seams? I really don't want to have to dig or re-scribe!
  22. Appreciate the help. However, I can't use future sadly, as I've banned myself from my airbrush. As for the paints, I've spent a little time testing them out, and I'm using testors for the body, and krylon for the gunpod and feet/intakes. I've got a few ideas so far. God I wish they had model putty at my walmart, good idea about the spot putty, wish I'd thought of it. I used wood putty, but aside from a hell of a lot of cursing and sanding, it does the job.
  23. OK, about 2 days into this project, and I'm already thinking of starting smoking again as another hobby. It's so hard when I look at my toolbox and see model putty, tamiya paints, Gundam markers and my airbrush. God I miss my airbrush. Anyhow, some good has come out of this little project already, to let anyone who cares know where I stand. I found a really great adhesive called quick grip. This stuff is awesome. I've still got my trusty Krazy Glue handy, but this stuff is the missing link between Krazy Glue and Rubber cement. Not as stubborn to come off, and it's almost rubbery in texture while retaining it's stickiness. I'm actually trying it out as a putty substitute on the bicep parts of the arms, to see how it works. I'm finished assembling the arms now, I've actually used wood putty on them, which seems much thicker, and is a bastard to apply. Not only that but I'm going to have to sand the crap out of it, and I hate sanding the most. Another upside is I found some Krylon triple thick clearcote. I'll post pics tomorrow, promise. I've got some paints I picked up, but I'm torn between Krylon and Testors for the more metallic looking parts...any advice? So far I'm leaning towards Krylon.
  24. Thanks. I'm underway, maybe I'll turn this into a a ghetto style build up thread with pics. I'm thinking that with the lack of an airbrush, as tempting as it is to use, for shading I might attempt to brush on in a thicker style wash, then paint and cote. I guess I'm doing Hikaru's or Millia's TV valk, as the paint selection was VERY limited, however I found a perfect red for the stripes. I'll post pics soon, when I have all the stuff together (probably tomorrow). And Big F, I'm not cheating I got the economy size detergent ready with the wallyworld tag still on it. Also, I think a Mc'd's valk would get me sued, so I'd feel more comfortable doing a Great clips valk.
  25. Not brush, spray painting.
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