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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Sorry man. But that last one was a hell of a deal, and I wanted to help Rockhound out and get him a quick sale. Can't wait for that Ghost kit, I got a really cool idea for it, that to my knowledge hasn't been done yet. See there I go again! Two battroids, an unfinshed Ivanov and I still can't focus!
  2. Totoro242's selling an old rider in that scale, you should buy him and paint him to match, it'd be a shame to paint yours, he looks like he's in awesome shape.
  3. I need advice on how to kick the backlog problem. I started building a Hasegawa VF-1J Super battroid. Got it ready for painting. Then, I started a VF-0S Battroid. Got it ready for painting. Then I started an SV-51, got it half painted. How do you keep focus? I get bored or slightly discouraged, and then I'm off on some other kit. I have a 12 kit backlog which the wife says must be done if I want Frontier kits! Maybe I should farm them out to HWR MkII, he'd do 'em in like 6 hours. He's like the Bob Ross of Macross models.
  4. Excillon

    My fan site

    Really enjoyed the trance mixes. Nice to see another electronic musician on here. Got anything available for download? Also, just curious, what do you use?
  5. Can anyone think of any of these figs that could be customized into Macross figs without too much work? So far I'm thinking Duke's head with some resin hair and a pilot suit might pass for a Roy. Anyone else have any ideas/suggestions?
  6. Bandai won't sink any money into PG kits for a few reasons. One is that PG kits are expensive to design and create, and it shows in their pricepoint. Kind of risky to put that out there, when they haven't even seen how well the 1/72's sell yet. The other reason is that Gundam has MANY more fans than Macross. You have to remember they're in this to make money, not accomodate fanboys like us. The other reason I've heard Bandai's leery of PG's is because they don't sell well in Japan due to smaller living spaces, which means people have less room to display their models. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a PG valk from ANY macross series, but I'm not holding my breath, especially since aside from recolorings like the Strike Rouge, RX-78 color variant, Titan Mk.II and Pearl wing zero, we haven't seen a new PG kit in a VERY long time. I'd recommend you build one though, it's not that hard and a memorable expierience. I have all of them to date and love them. Bandai does make excellent models, really.
  7. This is very true. I'm a machinist and a few months ago we had to remake some ancient stuff with NO prints, just samples. I spent the better part of a week just taking measurements alone. Even CAD is being phased out now by Pro/E. I've been working with Pro/E now for a little bit, and it is way nicer than CAD. I've even used it for a few personal projects (fairly simple stuff). Now, when an engineer makes a part, they draw it on Pro/E, send the DXF to AP100 and AP100 writes the CNC program for the machine. what an age we live in. I suspect that's how toys have gotten so advanced and released so quickly over the years. I'm curious about what Bandai uses, as I'm sure it's different from our metalforming and plastics systems where I work.
  8. Krylon is your friend.
  9. I disagree. Matsushiro Jetfire's aren't that limited, I have 1 MIB, and 3 more loose. There's usually 3 or 4 a week on ebay at any give moment. And, while it is a TF item, bearing the Macross kite nonetheless makes it a part of Macross lore, with the whole Bandai/Matsushiro buyout and licensing to Hasbro story. Also, factor in Robotech was one of TF's biggest competitors, and to have Hasbro buy the design and use it and have it be considered one of it not the coolest TF of all time is a nice small victory for us Macross fans. Basically I see it as Hasbro saying "we can't beat the toy, let's buy the toy..."
  10. Alpha made a few of these some years back. I knew a guy who had one, not all that special. I thought the purple was wrong, more a softer purple, not bold and bright like most decepticon logos.
  11. say what you will, but I'm not giving up or judging bandai's efforts until I have a kit in my hands, and in the process of building it. That's the true test as to it's quality, IMO.
  12. cool looking, but the lack of feet disturbs me. Sort of reminds me of ZOE.
  13. In this day and age, with bandai's resources, I doubt it. Why bother? If they can make a PG Zeta Gundam, they can make an accurate transformable valk. I for one am willing to sacrifice minor gap issues for a well designed transformable kit.
  14. Anyone wants one LMK.
  15. Just thought I'd let anyone interested know that Target had a Shark w/grand slam fig on clearance in my area for like 7 bucks. It was black though.
  16. Hey, sweet!!!!!! Two engineers and I'm a machinist. Maybe we should just build our own damn VF and be done with it.
  17. I don't think he's lying. He's just sharing HIS expierience with it,which is the entire purpose of these threads. Nothing personal, but that response to his statement could have been worded better. It comes off as sounding like instigating. As for something easier to find, as I said before in the above post, just go to walmart and get Krylon Triple thick glaze, and matte finish. Also, in a pinch, Krylon paints aren't a bad substitute.
  18. I've personally used both testors flat and gloss, as well as Krylon's. IMO, Krylon has given me better results. I use the "Triple thick" glaze, followed by reg. old Matte coat finish. Just use the Glaze SPARINGLY. The first time I used it I was doing a TF Alternator custom, and I sprayed equal amounts of glaze/matte. I had to coat it in Matte like 4 times to get rid of the shine. Came out great though.
  19. I agree. Not only that, but it'd be nice to have some leg weight to avoid it being top heavy.
  20. I love dragonball, and I REFUSE to watch this crap. I'm not opposed to a DBZ movie, but this looks awful! I'd rather watch paint dry.
  21. I'd recommend Roy's VF-1S in 1/48. You could get that, and the strike set for the price of a YF-19. Besides, if you're only buying 1 toy, IMO Roy's valk is the best of them all!
  22. That's really sad if he only bought them to either scalp or make people jealous. What a f***ing loser. I never liked that guy anyway, always struck me as strange. The only GI Joe I have right now is Firefly, he's the only one I wanted. Cool little figure though, just not all that into joes (although I might buy the vehicles). Anyhow, I have a point to this post: To be the opposite of Agent GHQ, I go to Target, walmart (2 of them) and Shopko pretty much weekly. GI Joe's I've noticed don't sell to well in my area, so if anyone's looking for any I can keep my eye out. I'd only charge for exact shipping and only ask for payment after I find the figs. Can someone post a list of harder to find ones, so I can see if I can find some?
  23. The best deal, if money is scarce, is go for the 1/55 reissues. for 85-90 dollars you can get a valk with Fast packs. However, if you really want to buy more than one, at risk of making people mad, buy Toynami 1/100's. They're inexpensive, pretty good toys, come with stands and extra hands, and on top of that they're making fast packs for all of them. about 50 USD will get you a set of three.
  24. Only Joe I liked was Hit and Run, anyone know if he's coming out?
  25. Just like to add that if your grinding plastic and using something abrasive like toothpaste, keep your RPM's way down or you could do considerable heat damage.
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