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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Mine just came yesterday, but my wife intercepted them and is holding them hostage until I build my hasegawa kits. Dammit, now I have to plow through 8 builds just to get to them. Maybe I'll hide 4 of them in the closet...
  2. Excillon


    I have Ivanov's, never transformed it one time. I love the SV-51, it's my favorite fighter in macross, but Battroid and Gerwalk are just nasty looking. Almost as nasty as Nora's paint scheme. I'll take a problematic Ivanov over a fixed Nora. But like I said, if you never plan on transforming it...
  3. My vf-0s is OK still after about six transformations. I do have a replacement set handy though, just in case. I've seen no signs of problems yet. But then, I waited a while after they came out to get one.
  4. 1/60 YF-19. For all it's minor flaws, it's too damn cool looking. Best valk ever. Period.
  5. Personally, I think Computron would be easiest, as it's fictional vehicles, it would allow a little more license to the engineers. However, I also think (and wish) if they were to make an MP Gesalt, Predaking would be the best candidate. I mean, he is CLEARLY the best gesalt, wouldn't be that hard to make, and Predaking towers over other gesalts. I'd be happy with a 100 dollar each price point, and the 5 released over the course of a year.
  6. I agree with the don't kill yourself part, I for one mainly want proper TV pilots that will fit in my valks, not to concerned about backpacks, buttons, etc.
  7. I just had to quote this for the sake of immaturity.
  8. Absolutely! I'd love tv pilots! I'd also love standing flightsuit characters, maybe Misa and Global as well. In a nutshell, I'd be REALLY interested.
  9. Yes, it's just a repaint of Cybertron Evac.
  10. The TRU valks aren't more valuable, just a slightly different color than the TV versions. Personally, I prefer the TRU versions. As for repainting, I really don't advise it for the 1/60. The Die cast in the legs I would think would make doing that a pain in the ass. Besides, if your 1/60 collection grows, it's always nice to have a bunch of Brownies to bolster your squad. If you insist on repainting, I'd say the Toynami's are cool because hey, if you screw up, oh well they're cheap. But if you insist on repainting a 1/60, go to the buy sell trade forum and see if anyone has any yellowed/paint chipped valks they want to unload. I'm sure someone here could oblige you. When repainting a toy, take it apart carefully, and account for all the parts. I put them in separate baggies labeled (Right leg, Right arm, Head, etc.) and then pick one section at a time to work on. I recommend Tamiya paints and a good airbrush, but really any model paint (and in a pinch Krylon Fusion) will do. Just remember: Paint, Clear gloss, Decals/panel wash/, Clear Matte. Can't go wrong with that formula.
  11. Oh yeah, I'm gearing. I'm taking off early from work to pick it up. My living room will be filled with the sounds of screaming locust the entire weekend. Let the carnage begin!
  12. He already did play the role, if you count that music video from way back...
  13. I did an LM-HG special coating EVA 01 last year, and didn't have any problems lining it, but then I used a Gundam marker. I wouldn't know about thinner on it.
  14. I still want a damn YF-19 Battroid!
  15. What I think is you should buy a kit, build it yourself, and then if your unhappy with the results buy a second one and have a pro do it. I missed the 1st round of these kits, but have both on pre-order for next month. I've read they're comparable to Gundam MG and PG kits, of which I have built MANY (and I'm no pro). These are easy to assemble, and still look good without painting. The only thing that I've seen on the 25 that HAS to be painted is the Battroid visor, easily fixable with some Testors clear green and a small brush. And maybe the pilot if you display fighter mode. My advice is pick up a cheaper gundam MG kit (around 30-40 bucks), build it, and if you don't think it was that bad, then do the vf-25. I recommend a later MG kit that's inexpensive, like the Strike Noir, F91, or the RX-78 ver. 2. At least if you screw up (which I doubt you will), it's cheaper than screwing up a vf-25. Also: Pick up a grey Gundam marker and try your skills at panel lining! It's easy.
  16. not yet, but not because I don't want to. It's the shear length of it, and with Gears of War 2 AND Fallout 3 in the very near future, I'm going in this order. GOW2, Fallout 3, then Fable. It is a tease though, I have it still wrapped on my bookcase. LMK if it's good!
  17. I've used them, and still do in a pinch. They come out ok. I recommend their clearcotes (gloss and matte).
  18. Finally caved and bought a Firebat. Cool little toy, I'm thinking of painting it and putting Macross decals on it.
  19. Anyone playing Silent Hill Homecoming? Man what a pain in the ass. If you want a challenge, there you go. I don't think I've ever sworn at a console more in my life!
  20. maybe they used the series to see how popular it would be. Might also explain why the VF-25 kits ran out so quick. Maybe they tried a short run to test the waters. Judging how quick they went, I'd say it's a good sign we can expect much more product out of this line.
  21. Love dioramas. Where's the 1/5000 scale valks ?
  22. Never built a destroid. I'll enjoy this and hopefully learn something.
  23. Vash the stampede, since I cut all my hair off.
  24. I'm unaffected, mostly because I build models now, and save for the occasional must have toy, I stick with that. I figure it's cheaper when I can just buy a Hasegawa kit, and paint it as Max, Millia, Roy, etc. That and I love 1/72 scale and having everything in the same scale which is easy to do in 1/72. I remember last year I sold off most my Yamato stuff, save for my 1/60 YF-19, Mplus 1/72's, and a few 1/48's. I mainly stick to Macross kits, and Gundam PG and 1/60 kits. That and I find that buying stuff I want is easier if I just wait, save my money and every 6-8 months buy a big lot of stuff someone is unloading. More bang for the buck and anything I don't want in the lot I can just sell off individually. I work as a machinist and surprisingly, we've actually been getting busier despite the economy being bad. Actually though, the only thing on my radar is I preordered the frontier kits, as an X-mas present to myself. To be honest, there's not much out there I even want right now...
  25. I personally would have suggested Enigma or The Orb from maybe 91-96ish, but those are great as well.
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