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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. The build is impressive. I would have chosen a darker grey with maybe black trim for stealth, but it's your build. The only thing I really don't like is it's too glossy. Might I recommend some Matte coat to dull down the finish?
  2. you know, i was hoping this might be decent, however, starring Neo I should have known better, shame on me...
  3. Been married 10 years, never had any problems or complaints (well, about that anyway other than "you want what?! what time is it?! You expect me to do what after I had to do all those dishes?! You never cook me dinner anymore! Where's my backrub! You just want to get laid, you don't love me! The kids might wake up! Where's my new laptop, huh?!") Wait a minute...maybe this guys got a good idea. F**k this, gimmie the goddamned robot!!!!!!!!!!! BTW, I meant who cares if a ROBOT has an orgasm. Seriously though, gimmie the f**king robot, I'm sooooooooooo not playing.
  4. I don't care what that guy says. If he dropped 20,000 and sculpted it a silcone vagina, he's f**king it. Probably didn't make it walk so it couldn't run away from him. I love the simulated orgasm part. Like anyone cares if she has an orgasm...
  5. I feel your pain. My mom was in the military, and when we moved one time, half my Transformers got destroyed.
  6. Awesome, now bring on RE5!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Ummm....ew? I hate basketball with a fury, and I'd rather watch real basketball than that.
  8. Nice, I actually prefer the 1J to the 1S anyhow, nice to see someone else giving Hikkie's 1J love.
  9. Just thought I'd do this, although I'm sure he's extremely busy. I would have started a poll, but with so many macross items not getting proper love in 1/72 scale, I figured it would be better to leave it open. Personally, I don't consider myself a battroid or fighter guy, but the lack of proper Battroids in 1/72 scale leads me to wish for some: 1. YF-19 battroid 2. YF-21 battroid 3. Proper GBP for hase battroids 4. VF-11 fighter and battroid 5. Elint battroid 6. SV-51 battroid 7. 1/72 fold booster for the YF-19 8. More diorama stuff 9. Some battle damaged pieces to build into an existing kit, either battroid or fighter 10. A solid, non kitbash gerwalk conversion kit! Also, while I'm wishing for the moon here, I'd love some actual good, updated Mospeada stuff.
  10. Hey, can you either do some comparison shots, or a comparison to the Hase Elintseeker? I'm dying to know which is better.
  11. It's not exactly getting started, I've built a few already, not to mention A LOT of Gundam stuff. It's just getting back off the ground. I think what happened was a while ago I started the IJ, and tried to do something different by building with only supplies that could be found at walmart (no airbrush, etc.) and it was coming along good, but it just got to be a lot more work like finding the right paint, supplies, etc. than I bargained for, and I just got burned out. Then I bought a half built vf-0s battroid that was built by someone who had NO clue about model building, and decided to try and save it. It also is coming along nice, but again, a lot more work than what I originally thought. Maybe you're right. I'll post some pics of the 0S soon, and hopefully that will get me back into the swing of things. That and I have the launch rail and booster waiting for me, but I won't build it until I finish these, as I'm trying to give myself incentive.
  12. I only read two books now. Moon Knight and Nova. I HIGHLY recommend Nova, I think it's one of the most well drawn, and definately the most well written comic series I have ever read.
  13. Awesome, I am so envious of cardboard builders, I wish I had the talent.
  14. I'm worried I'm starting to lose interest in my model building. I've got a huge backlog of kits now, including a half finished VF-1J Battroid, and a half finished VF-0s battroid. I bought the Mac frontier models, hoping a good build, without painting (except the canopy and clear parts), putty, and all that crap would help me get motivated to finish all my Hasegawa's. It didn't work, I built both Frontier kits, and I still dread going to work on my Battroids. It seems like so much work just to do them anymore. It's been a long, long time since I've finished one, and I hope that maybe if I bring myself to finish one, it will re-spark my interest. I mean, it's gotten so bad I've considered going back to being a "toy boy", and I sold off most of my Yammies to get into models. Basically, any advice from anyone who's been here would be great.
  15. Hound is out? Damn, I'm not into TF's really anymore, but I need that for my Hound collection.
  16. Damn dude, explain your brushwork skills for those of us who aren't so great at it.
  17. Not bad, I'd heard a few of those tracks before. Anyone who listens to Industiral/synthpop etc. should really check out these groups: VNV Nation : They also do a slamming cover of Circling Overland by Front 242 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK0LYOq2iGI Also: Imperative Reaction Boom Boom Satellites God module
  18. Those pics look like funky ride armors to me.
  19. Very interesting, I was thinking of doing this as well...
  20. Ok, I'm going to chip in here: Best anime series: Mac Frontier (of course) Worst anime series: Code Geass. I tried to like it, I really did... Best anime film : Appleseed Ex machina Worst anime film: Evangelion rebuild. I love evangelion, I do. I just didn't like this, I thought they should have left it alone. Move forward, don't rehash an already great story. Best non-anime series: Fringe. Highly addicting, the only series I follow right now. I was worried it was an X Files knock off at first, and while it's not as good, it's the best damn thing on TV right now next to South Park. Worst non anime series : 24 redemption. Can't this just die already?! Best non anime film : Dark Knight. hands down. Everyone says that I know, but it's true. Though I hold out hope for the day the earth stood still. Honorable mention : Quantum of Solace Worst non anime film: Oh crap, that HAS to be Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I've watched it 3 times, and I tried to like it, I really did... Best album: Imperative Reaction - Minus All. Gotta love moody dance music. Worst album : Jason Mraz. My wife has driven me NUTS with him for months! I hate that #(*$&)$ bastard! Best game: Gears of War 2. DESTROYED, ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED Halo 3. Here's to the new king of carnage! Honorable mention: Fallout 3, Silent Hill Homecoming. Worst game: Dynasty Warriors Gundam. I own it. I don't know why...
  21. I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I really dig the idea, but may I offer a suggestion? Simply wire an LED into the head, find a small round clear piece of plastic with a flat edge, paint it clear red and glue it on, then run LEDs. You'll get a light up effect off the visor, and the red light.
  22. That's the 1/72 Hasegawa kit.
  23. Damn I cannot wait! Not to rush, but when are you projecting these being available? As I said in an earlier post, I;m mainly interested in seated pilots for Hasegawa valks.
  24. There's a few of us pop kids still out here. I wish Insoc (the REAL insoc) would put out another album, dammit. Wasn't Depeche Mode supposed to be coming out with something in the near future?
  25. Here's a thought MC, if you don't f**king like it, here's your options. 1. Make one yourself, show your apparent superior audio mixing and production capabilities, blow Hikuro's out of the water, and say HA! See, should have listened to me. Though I doubt you will, and I commend Hikuro for doing this, and staying with it this long. I can't wait... 2. Here's the more likely option for you. If you don't like it, then DON'T F**KING WATCH IT!!!!!!!! DON'T F**CKING LISTEN TO IT, and above all else, for the sake of the rest of us who've had to watch this pointless bitching, DON'T F**CKING TALK ABOUT IT! Thank you, and Hikuro, to be honest, yeah, I find the effect slightly off. Not bad though. And seeing as how I'm just happy someone did this, so it's easily overlooked and a small price to pay. Some of us more realistic people understand you don't own your own animation studio with professional VA's and the latest dubbing equip. When are you selling these, anyway, or at least putting them up for download?
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