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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Just waiting for a price!
  2. That's surprising, considering how well my Gundam hold together. The only problem I've had is posing the left arm when the shield is on, as the shield's really heavy. But I don't use it on him anyway, it looks cooler hanging on the rack behind the stand.
  3. Yeah, I understand the legality of it, but on principle, it's still a crock from some wannabe bullies, who are threatening BBTS simply because they're so damn incompetent that they can't engineer and manufacture a product as nice as Yamato's, so they just piss and moan. It's not Yamato's fault that Toynami is apparently run and has toys designed by morons. I mean for christ's sake, while Yamato, Bandai, and even Takara are making leaps and bounds, what do they do? Try to remake the 25+ year old 1/55 line! (As great as it was, and I'm sure they'll f**k it up like they always do) Do we really need to go back to the MP line vs. 1/48 line again? Yeah, Yamato has QC issues as well, but at least they try, and improve a little each new line.
  4. It amazes me how great Battroid looks now with armor. Looking at my kits they almost look anorexic and frail, but the armor really seems to beef them up nicely.
  5. I like this look more than their other newer Mac 0 kits. I'd rather have an 0A rerelease though.
  6. Am I crazy because I really don't like these neograde kits? Their GbP looks all wrong, the biggest issue being why does the chest come half way up the valk's head?
  7. So absolutely badass...I'm so jealous.
  8. gay blue? Aren't the gay colors pink or purple? Oh wait, they get the whole rainbow. I love this valk and really dig the paint scheme.
  9. Only a couple months until RE5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. God I hate these f**king things. I HAD to buy Hound though even though I don't actively collect TF's, because my damn OCD disorder with collecting him. I have EVERY version of Hound US and Japanese, and Homage to Hound (energon Ironhide, ehobby, etc.) in MIB or MISB. Even Diaclone and Italian Diaclone...I need serious help. I even noticed how Armada had him in it in the beginning for like 3 seconds, so I watched the whole crappy series hoping he'd show up in it. Point is, I own one, and his retarded ass is looking at me right now soiling up my cool looking Hound shelf and laughing at me...
  11. Yeah, Achtung baby was number 11 for me, followed by Disintegration for the Cure at number 12. But I just listened to Aphex Twin after forgetting about him for 2 years, and I totally remembered how great that CD is. He BARELY edged out U2.
  12. Those look sweet! Been a long time since I was totally blown away by a toy, but I am so buying these!
  13. I could give a damn about DX, but I do admire the model kits a great deal. Normally, I'd have passed this thread by but I had to vote for ass...
  14. And it's for that reason I REFUSE to buy anything else from BBTS. I went to them a lot in the past for things, but no more as much as it pains me to do so. I'll deal with HLJ from now on, so be it. I can't respect a company, or a retailer who won't give it's customers what they want. And chances are, if someone is aware of Macross, knowing the difference between Macross and RT, the HG debacle that goes with it, etc., then they're not going to be looking for some POS Toynami puts out when they could have something vastly superior from Yamato or Bandai. Speaking of which, I noticed they carry the 1/55 reissues from Bandai, but not a 1/48 from Yamato? I'm sorry, but Joel's a f**king hypocrite. Let them pick on a smaller company like Yamato and justify it, but don't f**k with Bandai, right? You'd think as a small company owner who supposedly cares about his customers, he'd empathize with Yamato.
  15. Anyone else pick up the Megabloks RX-78-2? Suprisingly nice and posable. Also, the stand and Amuro minifig kick ass!
  16. This is why my interest in TF's began dying to begin with. I'm so sick of G1 repaints. Anything for a buck though, right?
  17. I've heard about this, but never understood why it was axed. Anyone care to fill those of us who weren't here way back when? Also, hell with 1/48, I'd love a 1/72 more.
  18. You need Kurt, easily the best customs guy on here (no offense to the other excellent people).
  19. Go with the flow is the only song by them I ever liked. They just never caught on with me. Anyone remember Placebo? For some strange reason, I had a horrible urge to listen to them today. Them and Orgy...I don't know why, I was never a big Orgy fan, the only song they ever did that I really liked was Spectrum, the hidden song on their second CD. Here's a good question though, if you could only have 10 albums to listen to for the rest of your life, what would they be? Here's mine: 1. Depeche Mode: Violator 2. Faith No More: Angel Dust 3. Ministry: Twitch 4. Skinny Puppy : Bites/Remissions 5. Front 242 : Front by Front (sony release) 6. Pig: Sinsation 7. Nirvana: Incesticide 8. VNV Nation : Futureperfect 9. Pop Will Eat Itself : The looks or the lifestyle 10. Aphex Twin : The Richard James album
  20. Not bad, it's a really nice build (on the link). Only two complaints : 1 is that it's a little to clean for my tastes, I like my valks dirty! And 2, that if you're going to put that much effort into a kit, please drill out the holes for the airbrake. I did on my VF-0S battroid I'm working on, and it adds so much depth to the torso...looks a lot cooler than paint. Herve, I'm so glad you posted this, as I'm building the exact same kit, and just started working on it again after a LONG hiatus from building (because I'm lazy). I'm painting/washing now, and I'm just finishing up the torso and head. I really like the color you got on the feet. Is it Alcad?
  21. Why the hell would they make a new non-transformable 1/72 valk kits? We already have perfection on that front from Hasegawa! I seriously doubt Bandai could beat them in that arena. Now new VARIABLE, non chunky 1/72 valks similar to the frontier kits in quality, assembly and detail, that would interest me a great deal. I'm with you on the enemy mecha stuff though.
  22. Sign me up as well, I'd love one and gladly pay for it. You should make a profit on this though, considering how much work you put in for it. I for one would actually feel better if you made something for yourself out of this.
  23. Not really a 25th question...but has anyone else preordered the Sideshow figures? I have all three on preorder, and I'm wondering when they're gonna show up. Also, is anyone else as tempted as me to take Cobra Commanders trenchcoat and put it on Snake eyes?
  24. Who's Ben Dixon ?
  25. You know, the funny thing is if RT wasn't blocking Macross, no one would care that RT or Carl Macek even exsisted.
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