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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Decided to re-watch the entire UC timeline in Gundam, I've only watched them out of seq, so far. Help me out with the order, I think it's: MSG MS Igloo 1 MS Igloo 2 MS 08th team 0080 0083 Zeta ZZ Char's Counterattack F91 V gundam G-saviour (Not sure I can sit through this AGAIN).
  2. Well, I think part of it is the franchise. I mean, Spider man and X men/Wolverine are far more well known than Ghost Rider or Daredevil, so they get bigger budgets, and the writers are more sensitive to the fan base. But it seems even with good solid franchises, eventually they go south. Watch, soon it's going to be team up flicks, like Spidey and Punisher, and crap like that. If marvel really was smart about how they do the films, they'd do a movie, and if it was well recieved then group all the characters into a team movie based on a good story. I'd love to see an Annihilation movie personally, and Vin Diesel (yeah, I said it) would make a perfect Drax. Of course, it would never happen but a universe crossover Batman/Moon Knight team up would kick total ass.
  3. I admit I watched it online, and I wasn't impressed. Seems like Marvel's movie's are really losing steam. They pick all the wrong characters to make movies of (FF, Avengers, Punisher) while the great characters either get ruined (Spiderman 3, Daredevil, Xmen), or completely ignored (Moon knight, Nova, Death's Head and Deathlok). Iron man wasn't terrible (although ever since civil war, tony stark is a punk IMO) Hulk 2 was good, maily because of Edward Norton's acting All in all, Wolverine was entertaining as a mindless action flick, but Xmen 3 just wrecked the entire mutant universe for me.
  4. I think that's the greatest lego build I've ever seen.
  5. Anyone else get or build their Red Frame PG yet? I got mine, 2 of them one to display with the clear parts and extra sword, one to display old school style. Anyhow, I'm about 40% done with one, and I got to say I'm shocked on how similar it is to the Strike. Not that that's a bad thing, I love the Strike, it's my favorite PG kit. I know it was basically a retool. I have to say I'm slightly disappointed with the red coloring on the plastic for the skeleton, I thought it would be more vibrant. I'm not one to paint my PG's unless I have to, aside from panel lines, but I might paint my second one that will use the clear parts. Other than that, I haven't noticed any major differences. I'm even considering buying two more, when it's cheaper (without the clear parts, etc.) so I can make a Blue frame and Green Frame. Overall, a great kit as usual from the PG line.
  6. I like that. Wish he had a kit list so I could build one.
  7. Not sure if it counts, but I've been watching Invader Zim again. God that was the greatest...
  8. I went to 3 targets and didn't find squat, I did end up with Ultra Magnus for 29.99 though. Pretty cool figure, actually.
  9. The reason I'm considering these is because I've been doing scratchbuilding/designing for a PG Strike Noir, and I've been using my one of my PG Strike naturally to test fit/design. However, it would be great to have a cheap template to work with, that way if I break it in expierimentation, oh well. So I need a bootleg Strike. Next, I need an extra backpack from a Wing Zero custom to modify for it's wings, so a knock off is ideal for that, and I don't have to rip up my PG zero. After that, I need a 1/60 big scale Freedom to use the wing guns for it. And, I'm considering using Grandslams for the wing swords. Not only that, but I can take the rest and make some seriously battle damaged Gundams, or have spare parts in spades. If the Strike noir doesn't pan out, I figure I can always make a Strike Dagger. That's why I want them, simply because I love my real PG's too much to risk destroying them. I'd welcome any suggestions anyone has for parts to KB for the shoulders of the Noir. I've been looking through TF galleries for a TF I can rip apart, but damn there's a lot.
  10. I have the opportunity to buy a bunch of PG KO's. the model GD version. I can get the Strike/Strike C3/Strike Rouge/Wing Zero/and skygrasper. I've never built a PG Knock off, does anyone know anything about these?
  11. NO NO NO NO NO NO! High full metal musical?! NO NO NO NO NO!
  12. I'll see if I can dig it out, I never finished it though. It was a Transformers weapon, basically, what I used. If I remember, it was from TF Armada or Energon, I'll check. It was like 3 years ago, sorry my memories kind of hazy.
  13. Anyone ever seen "Family of Debauchery"? All I have to say is...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While I've willingly watched hentai before (anyone who says they haven't is a liar), that movie was so sick!
  14. I'm amazed that Ninja Scroll,Vampire Hunter D, Patlabor, Appleseed, ND Tank police and FMP haven't been mentioned.
  15. Kevin at Valkyrie exchange had one for a decent price in his sale thread. Don't know if it's still available though, you could PM him.
  16. From what little I know, I don't think it would work very well, you'd have serious fit issues, as well as looking a bit awkward. You'd almost be better off dissecting say a 1A head and using the base of it, and scratchbuilding the rest out of styrene. The VT head is a simple enough design. As for the VE head, I almost did one one time by cutting a barrel off a toy blaster from a TF and modding it that way, with some styrene as well. Just seems it would be more trouble than it's worth to use a 1/55 head.
  17. Best series: Gundam. It's the longest running series for a reason. The UC timeline alone is amazing in it's story telling, Seed was great IMO as well, and Turn A proved they can still be original. All the others were great as well, even Wing, which had lame characters yes, but the suit designs were awesome. Best film: I'm going to have to say DYRL...Amazing how a film can be so much better than the series, working with much less of a timeframe. Close runner up is Lensman. Best OVA: Detonator Orgun...This series floored me, really.
  18. My stepdad was Special Forces, he's 6'4 and about 220. The running thing is true though, he still runs 3 miles a day and he's 55. I remember when he was active he ran 6 miles twice a week, 8 twice a week, and the other days he'd sprint and run flat out 1/4 and half miles. I used to think he was insane, still kind of do.
  19. Dalong.net has the PG Red Frame review up now. Seems wierd, it's bigger than Strike, but Strike's arms are longer, and Strike seems from the pics to have more articulation in the shoulders. Damn I can't wait for mine to get here...Guess I better hurry and finish my old ass Mk.II first.
  20. DX Gundam toys aren't true 1/60, but a few are close. Otherwise, the DX Sazabi and Nu would TOWER over any PG, and they're only the same size. Probably closer to 1/72.
  21. Oh, you ass!!! That's just mean!!!!
  22. How do you figure the skygrasper is 1/72? I have it and it looks perfect to me with my PG kits.
  23. My wife is friends with this guy, and he's going through a hard time and could use the money. He's also really good, and IMO deserves to win, it's really good. Here's the link: http://zudacomics.com/node/1102 Thanks a lot, I'm sure he'll appreciate it. If this thread is out of line, sorry mods.
  24. I'm not a fan of the movie designs, they look like an aborted EVA fetus. However, I do like Devastator, besides, he's supposed to be like 2 feet tall! I can totally have my Jumbo Grade Zeta wail on him! I think the only designs I like are Prime, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Barricade, and Devastator out of all of them.
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