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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. I wouldn't take Schilling over Bowie. I like Bowie, however, anyone remember the Ziggy Stardust cover done by Bauhaus? Soooo much better than Bowie's version, of course, Peter Murphy is probably one of the greatest voices ever. I'm going to have to pull out the old Bauhaus CD's now and give them a spin. New Prodigy album was surprisingly good... Been listening to lately: Alice In Chains : Dirt (revisiting my teenage angst I guess) Killing Joke : Pandemonium (probably the most underrated album of all time) Skinny Puppy: Cleanse, Fold + Manipulate Pig : Genuine American Monster Fugazi : Repeater Front 242: Pulse Depeche Mode : Violator
  2. MJ, nice Optimus...really. I nominate a 1/60 monster with light up barrels for the next project!
  3. Seibertron has a section for Breakaway head mods and Sideswipe chest mods that greatly improve the toy.
  4. no, they would applaud him for a good job and a nice little spit in the face of talking robots everywhere...
  5. I'd rather see an accurate mecha simulator than another 3rd person shooter. I've always wished Gundam would make one.
  6. So is there a release date for MP Skywarp? I'm a sucker for black jets, although I have the MP version, I want a more G1 accurate version.
  7. I love it! I've been waiting for someone to do this right...awesome!
  8. Oh I got 2 more for the list: American Psycho 2 (with Jackie from that 70's show, come on!) And they're actually making a sequel to Donnie Darko. How in the f**k are they going to make a sequel to that?!
  9. I have to say, I've seen all the Star Trek movies, I watched NG and DS9 when I was younger, and I'm not much of a Trekkie but this move KICKED ASS! I was so impressed, I can't wait for the Blu-ray. Really. This movie floored me. Going into it, I didn't want to see it, but I thought hey, it's got Harold in it, and even better Shaun of the Dead. So at least there would be some funny parts. Wow. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a movie THIS much. I thought it would suck, and Terminator was going to be the best blockbuster film of the year, man, I had that totally backwards...
  10. I might pick up Optimus. The only ones I've seen that look really worth owning are Optimus, Megatron, maybe Jetfire, Sideswipe, Sideways, and a big maybe for the big Devastator, it depends on how detailed and articulated he is. Anyone know when he's coming out?
  11. If you look at the defination of model, it's basically a display. And since both can be "displayed" rather well, then I would say that they are both indeed models, different TYPES of models, but both models. That's the only point I've been trying to stress here, although I have enjoyed the debating. See, I look at it simply like this: Both are chunks of plastic made from smaller chunks of plastic, and I've seen some incredible Hasegawa/Fine molds/Resin/even older kits like Imai built up to inspiring and awesome proportions. Builders like Wm Cheng, Captain America, Rockhound, and PetarB are a continuing inspiration for me personally to keep building. When I started Hasegawa, my first build was a VF-1J Super Battroid Hikaru. I trashed that kit 3 times stripping paint before I got a satisfying paint job. Now, about 12 kits later, I'm working on a VF-0A Reactive armor Battroid (the 0S kit with an extra 0A head I had). I can also say the same of Bandai kits. I've seen some incredible builds of them as well, painted, modified, all the same things you see done on Hasegawa kits. I even started using some "real" model techniques on my HGUC kits I occasionally build. The point is as I stated before, it's not the kit, or even type of kit, it's the builder entirely. Some may just slam build gundams, others may do more to them. You can't really judge the kit, you have to judge the build. I mean, the old 1/48 Legioss kits suck, but I've seen some people do great things to them.
  12. As the proud owner of both the Zaku and Strike PG's, I will tell you that you are totally wrong. I have multiples of BOTH kits, I've built 4 Strike kits to date, and 6 Zaku's. Zaku is A LOT more of a pain in the ass than the Strike, I can build a Strike in 7 hours flat now, A Zaku, with all those finicky hoses? The minor, annoying fit issues? As someone who has just built the Red frame as well, I can tell you for a FACT that PG's are getting more straightforward as they go on, and last I checked Strike came a few YEARS after the Zaku II. So MC is right on that one. Didn't you notice how many LESS screws there were between the 2 kits? And an NT-1 ? Whoopie. My Daughter built the Strike Rouge MG and the Wing Zero Custom when she was 8, and she built the Zeta 2.0 about 6 months ago at age 9, and they actually has an inner frame of sorts. I agree yes, that they have gotten easier to cater to a younger market. However, I don't think it's fair you're bashing on MC about his model skills (who's fairly young himself, no offense MC), everyone has to start somewhere for one, and two, if he wants to practice patience building his kits, and make them come out a little better, then good for him. And so he makes mistakes, we all do. I still make the occasional flub, I had to rip apart an MK.II chest 3 weeks ago because I didn't fit the pilot chair and pilot in the cockpit right. So what? Does that mean I have to go back to school? I'm a fully trained and educated machinist who can use Pro engineer, Autocad, XP100, and Mastercam and have probably seen more blueprints and schematics than most people in their lifetimes. And I messed up on something as simple as a cockpit seat. Oh well, sh*t happens. Maybe you should go back to school, and learn some BASIC social skills (maybe your 8 year old could teach you) so you don't come off so unjustly condescending. Now that I got that out of the way, I looked at those pics again, and can anyone see any kind of separations where things would move? I've been combing over it nightly and I still can't see any. Either that's just a total mock up, or it's a really good sign if it is a variable...
  13. I've collected a lot of different toys in different scales, built a lot of models in different scales, and all I'm gonna say is when it comes to robots, BIGGER IS BETTER.
  14. F**k me that's awful...
  15. Let me add the biggest spoiler of all to the new movie, the ending: The Decepticon forces are mounting, the Autobots have fought valiantly in the face of certain doom, however it looks hopeless for them and mankind as well, and just when all seems lost-------------------CONTINUED IN TRANSFORMERS 3 : BAY GETS MORE MOTHAF---IN' MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...everything is an Empire Strikes Back ripoff...LOTR, The Matrix...ugh. The 2nd movie HAS to be gloomy so you hold that small glimmer of hope for 3 years to see the eventual happy ending. I'm more interested in the prequel where they show the origins of the Bayformers, Evangelions land and start humping vehicles, making nasty bayformer babies.
  16. A swordfight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone ever see that John Ritter movie "skin deep" with the glow in the dark condom scene? Ah, what a moment of cinematic perfection. I hope he chooses Veronica
  17. I just feel like I haven't really seen anything refreshing in too long, especially the mecha genre. The last mecha anime I remember truly enjoying was FMP...but that was more for the humor than the mecha. I guess the last mecha anime I really enjoyed for the mecha itself was probably either Gundam Seed (even though it's a UC Knockoff I liked the art and mobile suits a lot, and before destiny I hoped it would be a chance to fix some mistakes made in the UC continuity) or Detonator Orgun. I don't think it's the mecha designs that have fallen off, they seem to be as sharp as ever, I think I've just hit the point where I realized that just because a robot looks cool, doesn't mean the anime is cool. I know I'm jaded a bit, but I just want to be blown away again like I used to be, when I saw such great animes as Akira, GITS, Macross Plus, DYRL, Zeta Gundam, and Patlabor again.
  18. cool, thanks guys. anyone know where I can find pics of the sega prize stuff? I'd love an EVA 01 that size, even if it is just a statue.
  19. Ok, the only thing I could find that was close is a Tsukuda vinyl, apparently they're about the same size, but it doesn't look the same as the others. Please, anyone? This is driving me f***ing insane!
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=320376043485 Just wondering if anyone knows who made this and how good or bad they are. I've never seen one like this. Also, does anyone know where I can get an EVA 01 like this? I'm a sucker for big scale robots.
  21. I'll buy one, but when I went to the store front it didn't have any order info.
  22. IMHO, other than the Stamen and Deep Striker, no.
  23. I think it's Raiden in the pic, maybe his eye color was somehow altered by the cyber ninja hardware. Also, is this coming like sooner, or are we going to have to wait for a PS4? I know 2 and 3 hit the same generation, but it just seems there are LONG waits between these games (I don't count the itouch game or PSP card game thing).
  24. I hope they don't attempt to scale up the Battroid kits, that would suck. Big hollow pieces of plastic. I'll pick non-VF-1 versions of valks, but no VF-1's, I think yamatos look nice enough. Too bad hasegawa won't make the misc. Mecha....like 1/48 regult, 1/48 Glaug, 1/48 Destroids, or the mother of all kits, a 1/48 monster.
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