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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. I just got my first 1/60 DX, an Alto w/ super parts, and I am really disappointed in Bandai. I used to bad mouth Yamato, but I'm just as disappointed in this as I am in Yamato's little quirks (although at least my Alto hasn't broken yet). I don't mind the chunkiness so much, but the Battroid is just FUGLY. I always thought I'd wait and see it in person, so I got one for a good price and man...it ONLY looks good in fighter mode IMO, and I stress good, not great. My 1/72's look a thousand times better, and I don't think detailing the 1/60 is going to help all that much. Doesn't feel all that solid to me either. Disappointing, because I mainly collect large scale robots like 1/60 gundams, etc. and was trying to scale my entire collection from Gundam to Macross in 1/60. Are the others any better, or all they all bad?
  2. I'm so jealous man, I wish I could do that. You need to start making kits...you'd make a mint off all of us.
  3. Dude that's great! I've been looking for some Bin/Alt stuff to bash. Actually, I kind of like Jazz and the racing Dead end. I HIGHLY recommend the Predaking KO it's a nice price for it, I got that a while back from somewhere else and it's a really nice quality for a KO. I've been meaning to paint mine, just haven't got around to it. I might pick up another one from these guys for the hell of it.
  4. Nice man, really nice. I feel you about not having space, ever since my son came along and took my display room, I have a very limited amount of display space, coupled with the fact he's 2 and I don't want my stuff destroyed. I'll pull some stuff out and snap pics though. Kudos on the Overlord fig, I'm not into TF's really anymore (although I do have my G1's still from when I did collect and a few of my favorites from other lines) and Overlord always escaped my grasp. It was either incomplete, too expensive, or someone else got there first. I see you have Brave Max as well, I have that and I actually like it more than Fort Max. I don't know, I like weird color schemes, and Fort Max always looked bland to me, like an overgrown Metroplex. Anyhow, my biggest question for you is: "I know you're hiding all those awesome Gundam and other model builds somewhere, so show 'em!" The other thing is that I hope Graham reads this, I've been dying to see his collection/squadron. Maybe armada is a better term.
  5. ...and here's "Chewie" with the late news... Someone started another thread about this, and then one of the mods must have put it in this one, since there was already a discussion in here about it. I think it's pointless to have 3 threads to talk about the same giant robot, and was merely pointing out there were already discussions going on about it in 2 other threads.
  6. I guess so, if they're calling it an "actual grade" kit. Too bad we can't buy one. But if you think about it, it's pre-fabricated parts that were assembled for the purpose of displaying it, so how is it NOT a model?
  7. I almost bought one of these on the for sale boards a while back...I just can't get over how the face is obstructed by the chest armor. Other than that, it doesn't seem to bad. Just not sure about modding a resin kit to fix that, I've never modded resin kits personally.
  8. Actually, you're wrong. It is a model, in fact, it's referred to as the "1:1 Actual Grade RX-78-2" and it's also getting a miniaturized HGUC version soon. Granted, it's a huge model, but meets all the definitions of a model kit.
  9. How many times are we going to discuss this in separate threads? This is already being discussed in the Gundam model and figure thread...
  10. Let's face it, modeling for the most part as we know it is dead. It used to be that you really work to achieve a great look. Then Bandai came along, and came up with ways to make great looking, high detail kits which with a little more effort through washes/markers/minor paint apps look incredible. Not saying that's a bad thing at all, if it makes for a better kit than great. However, I can't count how many times I've heard people say they don't want to build Hasegawa's because their not variable. This is the future of models, toy meets kit with high detail results, and what's not to love about that? It started with the variable 80's kits, and evolved...and I for one am glad it did. Hasegawa really needs to get into the 21st century. With less and less interest in "real" kit building (I use the term "real" loosely, see the 1/48 MF valk thread that became a Bandai model kit vs. Standard model kit debate) they HAVE to evolve. This means they have 2 choices IMO, one, take a risk and start making kits that compliment toy lines that there are no toys for in the same scale (Regults, Glaugs, etc.), or the safer bet and one I'd like to see, take the Bandai approach to kit design, but keep they're high detail standards. I have no doubt after building the Reactive armored 0S they could do a great kit. Too bad I don't think we'll see it. I pre-ordered the YF-19, I figure for 50 bucks I'll give it a shot, and if I hate it, oh well. If I'm not blown away though, and it's just a 1/72 version scaled up, I won't be buying another.
  11. My toy, not as cool as some of the others. Mitsu 3000GT w/Maxflow and a lot of other extra goodies:
  12. Man, Bandai are a bunch of dirty motherf**kers. I just saw dalong has a review for the new 1/100 Seed Gold Frame. I bought that kit like 2-3 years ago as a limited edition Gold Red Frame, and paid TWICE what the regular was for it. I didn't care at the time, I loved the Red Frame, and thought it was worth it. Now, they come out with this?! It's the same f**king kit! Actually, it's the same kit PLUS a giant bazooka. That's bullsh*t. Yeah, I don't mess with anything other than 1/60 scale anymore, but still it's the principle. I swear, if they re-release the PG Casval RX-78 with some lame weathering BS or something like that, after I paid 350+ bucks for one, I'm gonna snap off! Last thing I want to see is Bandai start taking cues from those underhanded shady little bastards at Hasegawa with their "Limited edition" kits. Yeah, limited my ass. It's not right, I mean, if I pay money for something that's limited, what protects the rights of those who paid their share to own one? It's bullsh*t...total bullsh*t.
  13. If I ever win the lottery, I swear to god I'm having a 1:1 Sazabi built in my backyard (Hail Zeon!)...made by the exact same people. That thing is breathtaking!
  14. That's badass Macrossman. Ever sinced I moved I haven't had an IKEA anywhere near me. What are those?
  15. I always wondered about these, guess I'll stick to making my own washes.
  16. I have an Iwata Revolution and I love it.
  17. Yeah, those battles aren't going to happen. The VF-0S wouldn't last bacause of not only the Phase Shift, but the beam rifle would decimate it, the armor schneiders or head guns would ventilate it,or the grand slam would just take it's head. All the 0S has is that little pop gun and some small head lasers. As for the EVA fight, all the Strike would have to do is last a couple min, or lop off the umbilical.
  18. Does anyone know where I can get a song from a CD that's no longer made, and the MP3's are impossible to find. It's an early 90's industrial band "Institute for the criminally insane" and the song is called "Slasher". It's the song playing in Hitman Blood money, when you go to club hell.
  19. But why is your Titan mk.II naked?!
  20. Model kits that don't require paint or glue. They're big and heavy, and are usually about 500+ pieces to 800. I have them all to date, I recommend starting off with the Strike if you do get one. They're not difficult, but take your time building.
  21. Well, I know you can't really compare the two, except for that one song they both did a version of. I don't know, the lyrics, the notes, I always felt Bowie's version wasn't aggresive enough, and Bauhaus made it darker sounding, aggresive, and even a smidge of punkish angst to it. As for talent, they're all talented, don't get me wrong. Of course not everyone can be as talented as Pop Will Eat Itself... On another note, we all talk about music we like, what about the music we like that we don't admit to anyone we like? You know, the bottom of the CD rack "That's my wife/girlfriends/ex's CD...Here's come of mine, they're pretty bad: Jesus Jones EMF Savage Garden Katy Perry (I know...Hot n' cold is just too catchy though...) GWAR (slaught-o-rama...all I can say about that)
  22. If you want a good small scale, go with 1/200. They're cheap, easy to get, and you can fit a lot of them on a table IMO. I would think for a tabletop game 1/100 would be way to big.
  23. You guys are nuts! I thought 8 was way better than 9. 7 will always be the best, I don't care how trendy that sounds. Not only the best, but the best RPG ever. Hmmm...do I wanna be a badass with a HUGE sword, or some bastard elf/hobbit thing with a tail? And that f---ing Orko looking dude (I think his name was Vivi?) pissed me off to NO end.
  24. True...I think the reason I feel Bauhaus version is better is because it was performed by 4 very talented musicians. It's rare when a band comes together with each member being such a visionary and superior artist. Now, I'm not taking anything away from Bowie, who is an excellent vocalist and even more talented songwriter. I just think Bauhaus's execution of the song was better, due to the fact that Murphy is the better singer, and the band themselves are superior in every way to Bowie's band at the time.
  25. I feel bad when anyone dies, even if it was suicide or more embarassing circumstances. I was never a big fan of his, I liked Kill Bill, that was pretty much it. Still it's sad to see.
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