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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. 100% in agreement on my end.
  2. I know I sound like a broken record...but ENEMY mecha! Regults and Glaugs! Gnerls! On the other hand though...I've always been curious (at risk of sounding very, very robotechy) to see what Yamato could do with the Mospeada, and even a Southern Cross license.
  3. HELL YES. I've always loved Dairugger/Vehicle voltron, even as a kid I liked it more than Golion. I have a pristine Matchbox set, and it's one of the crown jewels of my collection, and another one that's in good shape loose I can play with. I've always wondered why we can't get an articulated high quality version of one of the coolest robots, and IMO the coolest combiner of all time. The plastic Voltron does rock, I like it more than my MP Voltron.
  4. You got my approval!
  5. Lately on the pod it's been: New Order tracks from Substance Underworld: Pearl's Girl EP Skinny Puppy: Mythmaker VNV Nation: Of faith, power and glory Nirvana: Incesticide Sex Pistols/P.I.L. Ministry: Twitch
  6. I used to have the RX-78-2 12" Mega bloks. It wasn't bad, except for the fact that those plastic polycap/balljoint wanna be things came to me broken, and I bought it new!
  7. UM is great, so is Leader Megatron, but my favorite was Grimlock. His bot mode owns.
  8. Well, since Boondock Saints is FINALLY getting a sequel (God finally answered my prayers) the only sequel left for me to wish for is the Resident Evil CG movie, and I've always wanted to see a sequel to that Clive Owen movie "Shoot 'em up" because it was so rediculous it was funny. I still laugh when I think about that scene with the baby and the merry go round.
  9. Man those are great. I love the Mecha one, I'd buy a kit like that. Starscream is great too, my only observation would be make a better head for him. Body is awesome though.
  10. I think we all agree that Hasegawa Macross kits are superior, but when I see the old Bandai kits, I realize that given a proper paintjob, they really do look awesome in their own way. Nice job!
  11. Agreed, but I would have pointed out MGS4...I mean, that game is just flawless... I have to bitch about Alone In the Dark. It was so hyped up, and me being a big survival horror guy, and then that piece of crap landed on 360. Funny thing is, once I sold off my 360 and bought a PS3, on a whim I bought the Inferno ver. for PS3, and was amazed how improved it was.
  12. I'm probably going to go see this in a few hours, I'm not a big GI JOE fan, never was, but I really like the actor that plays Cobra Commander ever since I saw that movie he was in "The Lookout". If you haven't seen that movie, you need to it's awesome.
  13. Yeah, twice, from a major TF site from Illinois, and I hate that site. All stemming from one incident. I bought a single lot of Armada/Energon/Cybertron stuff from a mod there about 3-4 years ago. He claimed they were all complete, some were MISB, etc. So I pay him, and it shows up about 2 1/2 weeks later, some missing pieces, some broken, and no MISB stuff. So I emailed the guy, saying I wanted my money back, and he told me he "took the liberty" of opening the MISB stuff to save on shipping, when he overcharged me for shipping by 15 bucks anyhow. He also said that they were all "complete and unbroken" when he sent them, basically accusing me of lying and said I wasn't getting my money back. So I started blasting him in his for sale thread, and anywhere else I could. Our PM's got heated, and he used those as evidence (I'm guessing) and banned me. Sold the lot on ebay and luckily got most of my money back. So about a year goes by, I signed up with a different IP address, and was a member. 2 of the mods there knew it was me, but kept their mouths shut because they knew I got the shaft. So I post on there for maybe about 6 months, and I wrote a post that hinted at who I was by accident, and the evil mod PM'd me. So we got into it again, and I said I was going to go to a site admin. about it if he didn't leave me alone. So I get a PM from a site admin. there, saying that if I didn't drop it, I'd be banned again. I then PM'd the evil mod, saying he could ban me all he wanted and that I ought to go out to where he lived, since I had his address from the shipment I got (which was about 4 hours from me at the time), and beat the hell out of him. He said he'd love to see me try it, and banned me again. So 2 weeks later I went on a road trip with a buddy from work, went to his house, and he showed up about an hour later. I confronted him and told him who I was, and he just kept yelling "leave me alone" and trying to walk in the house, to which my friend was blocking his way. So I hit him in the face and he dropped, then I hit him a couple more times. Never even hit me back once, just screamed and yelled. I jumped in the car and left right away. Never heard anything about it again. I don't advocate fighting, I really don't, and this isn't some BS story about being a badass, it just got to the point when it was about justice. I wasn't even going to fight him, that wasn't my intent, I had my MP3 player set to record and I just wanted him to admit he wronged me. But when he started trying to run away, I just got so pissed off I snapped. Anyhow, it wasn't worth it, and I regret it. I didn't even care about that site anymore, I wasn't even into TF's really anymore. I will say however that I think that site is nothing but a bunch of favorite-playing, nasty little cliques, and suckups, IMO. I don't miss it, at all. This site totally blows it away.
  14. A lot of people may buy a YF-19, not the majority though. Who do you think sells more kits, Bandai or Hasegawa? 2nd, it's not really fair of you to bash Bandai as with the exception of making the 1/72 VF-25, how long has it been since bandai has made a new Macross line? Why don't you wait until Bandai makes their 1/48 VF-25, then compare the 2. You tell me I read things wrong, yet you're the one acting like I'm bashing Hasegawa, which I'm not. Just stating my opinions from an unbiased point of view, which I can do because I like both kits, Bandai and Hasegawa. Furthmore, I'd bet that if Macross kits got the same treatment as Gundam kits, there would be much less Gundam and Bandai model bashing in general on here. As for the frame thing, why do you think they make clear parts? So you can display the inner frame. I like PG's more, which I've already stated, because they're more interesting. It's the perfect balance of form vs. function. Bandai reinvented and redefined model kits, and continue to improve, and just because you're bitter that you're a practitioner of a dying art doesn't really give you the right to bash Bandai kits. I think it's sad that traditional modelling is dying off, but at least I evolved and embraced the future of models rather than sit here and whine about it. I'm sure the YF-19 will be a great kit for what it is, but I doubt it's going to be breathtaking by any stretch.
  15. I hate subs, I only watch them when I have no other choice. Broken "engrish" translations, and the worst part is that you're supposed to READ a book and WATCH a movie, not READ a TV.
  16. Pbbt...I have skills, while not as good as several others like HWR and Wm. Cheng, I've built my share of Hasegawa kits and they don't come out bad (although I admit only Macross kits) as well as Bandai Gundams. I just like Gundams more. Now is that because I'm more of a Gundam fan and biased, I admit it could be. I wasn't bitching at all, just stating the obvious, if Hasegawa wants to truly compete in the market, they need to evolve. If Bandai put out a 1/48 YF-19 that was variable, it would KILL Hasegawa's version in sales, regardless of which one was more accurate. I'd love to see Hasegawa stick around, however, if the recent Frontier love trickles back to the older Macross stuff like SDF, Plus, Zero...Hasegawa could be in real trouble. We're already seeing some older Mac stuff get redone in the toyline like the VF-1 1/100 by Bandai, and Hasegawa really can't compete with them, Bandai is just too big. The only way to compete is to make a better product, and make it more accessible to a wider group. I'm not dogging Hasegawa at all, I have a lot of respect for their accuracy on kits. However, I do enjoy my PG kits more, I just feel when I buy a PG, I get more for my money than when I buy a Hasegawa kit. Maybe the 1/48 19 will change that, I don't know.
  17. Good riddance. I was more of a Prince fan as a kid although I like the Jackson 5 stuff, however, he was a pedophile, and we all know he was, and I like to think as a parent that there's a special place in hell for a piece of f***ing piece of sh*t like him. I feel bad for Ed and Farrah, and don't wish death on anyone unless they truly deserve it, and he did. At least per his will McCartney gets back all the Beatles catalog.
  18. I'm still looking forward to Rising over Peace Walker. I don't know, I liked MGS3 a lot, but I was disappointed it was a prequel. I'd rather see some events after MGS2 without having to be "Old Snake". I loved MGS4 as well, but something about being an old man bugged me throughout the game.
  19. It's like Energon Prime and MP Prime had a lovechild...
  20. Anyhow, back to gundam kits, here's why I'm so steamed at Bandai right now, please, other than the bazooka tell me if you see a difference at all, because I have the Bottom kit and would love to know if there are any: http://www.dalong.net/review/seed/s113/s113_p.htm http://www.dalong.net/review/seed/sl1/p/sl1_01.jpg
  21. Just call them like I see them, typos or otherwise. I have no desire to get into a flame war with you, because I really don't care AT ALL. You apparently assumed wrong thinking I was annoyed, I was merely redirecting the discussion. Your mistake, you took things way out of context. Then saying I'm arguing semantics, I'm not. Just pointing out FACTS. Again, your mistake. So as a parent of 2 kids, and as a parent who was once a child, I'll pass along what I was told in my youth and my kids get told from time to time: "If you can't keep up with the conversation, don't try. Go back to the kiddie table."
  22. True. But keep in mind TF's are more simple, as they're made for kids. I have seen some impressive knock offs though, especially the G1 Primes (I own the black and clear KO's), the Predaking (which I also own), and I've heard the oversized Bruticus KO a few years back was incredible. As for KO's in general, look at the KO PG/MG Gundam kits, the General Marshall Mk.II KO, and Jumbo Grade Gundam KO's. While of course they're not up to snuff with the real manufacturers stuff, some are DAMN close. Personally, I don't mind KO's for bash projects, or to have something to play and fool with. However, I do have a problem with KO's that pass for the real thing. I was one of the unfortunate ones who got a KO Encore Metroplex, and almost bought a KO G1 Cyclonus from BBTS a few years back before they discovered it was a KO. Luckily, I got my money back for the Metroplex, but the whole thing disturbed me so much I quit collecting the Encore line figuring if they did it once, what's stopping them from doing others?
  23. Tizzy? I'm not in a tizzy at all lol. Apparently you're imagining hostilities that aren't there. I just pointed out this discussion was going on in 2 other threads already. And why wouldn't it? It's a gundam, so it belongs in a gundam thread, right? Apparently who ever moved the thread thought so as well. Oh, and take this as hostile if you like, or me being annoyed, or whatever...but there's some serious grammatically incorrect stuff going on in your above post, champ. You might want to think about what you want to say before you type it.
  24. I'd love to see it as well
  25. So what's next MaveRick? Maybe you should do a CMS scale SDF bridge...
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