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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Saw it, was seriously unimpressed. I'm not really a fan, but as far as action movies go, it was lame. It's sad Sly Stallone at 60 can make a better action movie like Rambo than these guys can make. Only redeeming quality I thought it had was Marlon Wayans was hilarious, and the guy who played Cobra Commander was as usual excellent.
  2. I really hate the orange one. The other one is nice though.
  3. Excillon

    Latest custom.

    I always wondered what Kurt charges for a custom...although, given the level of detail and sheer perfection of it, I'm sure even expensive as hell is a fair price.
  4. I have a few bootlegs, but I don't buy them regularly. I bought a nice set of Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny/Stargazer for I believe it was 20.00 plus shipping from a guy in Canada. Normally I do download myself, but it just seemed easier than tracking 100+ episodes and 6 movies down. I always weigh my laziness vs. my cheapness. As for the helping someone pay their bills, I don't think you understood what I was saying. I was pointing out that those people don't really get squat compared to what they deserve, because the company takes a ton of it for the fatcat board of directors, which really don't do anything more than say ok or no. They don't actually do any work. If companies were giving their employees what they deserved, then I probably wouldn't pirate unless it was a have to situation, like I couldn't find it here in the US.
  5. That's my favorite episode of Family guy...
  6. I don't remember Megabug gladiators...eh, looks like I didn't miss much. I was looking on there, and I also remembered Dino riders and Dinosaucers. dinosaucers was the worst cartoon ever, next to Captain Planet and I even thought that back then. Oh god...Captain Planet. Someone shoot Ted Turner for that one...
  7. I'd place my money on this one. When I watched Mac 7, all I could think about was the time I was wasting and agony in the pit of my soul. Shame too, I liked the mecha a lot...
  8. Sheyrl of course, thought that was a no brainer.
  9. I'm a total pirate, and I admit it. The only Macross I own that's legit is the English SDFM and Macross Plus, and that was because I got both really cheap. However, do I feel bad about it? No, I don't and here's why in short: Like record companies, they all blame piracy. It's a load of crap. I know for a fact that it doesn't cost that much to record an album. Artists don't get paid that much from their album sales, it's the touring that pays them, and royalties. And since it doesn't cost that much to record (maybe an engineer, and equip/studio fees and most bands artists are producing themselves now so you can nix the engineers), the cost is just not justified. Sure, a series or movie costs more, but it still doesn't justify the expense of the end product. I know the voice actors aren't paid that much, the artists aren't, nor are the screen writers. The only ones that get heavy paydays are the Director/producer/rights holder. The rest goes to the company. Hell with the company, they just want profit, and a lot of it. There's a fundamental difference between profit and straight up gouging. I figure I'm doing more to support the industry by pirating/buying pirated copies. At least that way, I know the money is going back into the fanbase, or at the very least helping someone pay their bills. On another note, also, I don't feel bad because of what I spend on toys and models from these lines. Bootlegs of those are still crappy, so for now they can just gouge on those. All these shows are is glorified commercials anyhow, so either way they get their money out of me. I feel bad for the underpaid people that are involved in these projects, but certainly not the creators and companies.
  10. Going to see this...I heard Brad Pitt is psychotic in it.
  11. I never saw that...too funny!
  12. I bought some lame Tiger handheld console in like 1997 that sucked ass. I'm awful about buying crap that doesn't take off. My history (and most of this is still sitting in a closet): Turbo-Grafx 16 Turbo-Grafx Nomad Sega Game Gear Tiger console (don't remember the name right now) Sega Saturn Nokia N-gage Hd-dvd player and that's not including music gear I have bought that's absolutely useless now like Drum machines, sequencers, etc.
  13. Awesome work man. Is the Macross Quarter next?
  14. Nice work!
  15. I have so much respect for small scale model builders it's not even funny...my HG 1/144 Gundams look like crap compared to my 1/100 and 1/60 kits. Wish I had that kind of talent, that's why I gave up on any kit with less than 6 inches of height/length.
  16. Anyone else have problems posing the Armored VF25 in Gerwalk? I keep trying but no matter what I do, it keeps collapsing under it's own weight.
  17. I've done my share of injection kits...and then some. Haven't we all? I just don't see the hold up. Compared to a 1S with the strike parts, sweeping wings, etc. the 19 should be easy, the only thing maybe easier to make would be a 21.
  18. LOL, I can sum that one up: "Goose is gone, Mav! It's been 25 years!" "I know Ice, I know!" "Is he why you won't look at me when we make love?!" "Awww Ice, don't cry, come here..." "I'm not Iceman anymore Maverick, I was, but you melted my heart"
  19. I remember those! They rocked...I only had a couple of them, but I loved em. I used to use them as micromaster bases.
  20. Robo force. I think it was Max Steel's Robo-force. Cool toys I had a few of them. Had a gimmick with a button on the back you press to make their arms move, lame gimmick though, it barely worked. Obscure toys huh? Gundam and Macross don't count? Captain Power was pretty big for a while, I remember playing that stupid thing with the VCR tape and it would eject the pilot. I also remember having the Defenders of the Earth toyline with Ming, some robot type figures, Flash Gordon, The Phantom, and some Magician guy. If my memory serves, those figures totally rocked compared to any other action figure. I want to say they were part diecast, but I'm not certain on that, as my memory has escaped me a bit. Remember G.U.T.S and M.U.S.C.L.E.? I had a million of both of those toylines, including a wrestling ring type thing. I had some other stuff too that was already mentioned, I was really into Air Raiders, Visionaries, etc. Also had the Tron toys, I remember being the only kid that had those. Car Voltron was pretty obscure back then as well, everyone wanted the Lionbot, only a couple of us kids had Car Voltron, who I actually liked better. Silverhawks blew goats though...
  21. What's wrong with ricey? I like ricey...and I like ricey even more when it pisses off the guy driving the Mustang next to me after I blow his doors off.
  22. I hope so, I just hope that it doesn't make my 1/60 Exia look crappy the way my PG Strike made my 1/60 RD Strike look crappy...
  23. Just got back from wal mart, they still had a slew of Animated stuff, mostly deluxe class.
  24. 80's hair metal is lost on me. I'm kind of having a moody weekend, so it's been Stone Roses and My Bloody Valentine.
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