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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Wait, full armor PG RX-78? What the hell is that? Do you mean the RX-78 GP01 FB?
  2. Normally I order 2 of a PG kit, but this one is only going to be one, since I'm not big on 00 and I'm not a big fan of this design.
  3. Shame, I liked some ADV stuff. Too bad it isn't HG. I don't even know how the hell they manage to stay in business.
  4. I thought the only dead icon was Steve Irwin. On one hand, I felt bad, on the other hand, he had it coming from a probabilty standpoint. Name of that movie sounds familiar though, wonder if I've seen it?
  5. White Lion: Hair metal...Quiet riot...more hair metal...and I hate Led Zepplin almost as much as Ozzy and Pink Floyd. The bands you mentioned are a little too "Wayne's world" for me. Changed it up a bit this weekend...listened to old school Ministry, Puppy, FLA, 242, TKK and KMFDM. Very 80's industrial weekend, I think I went through the entire Wax Trax catalog!
  6. I know...it's just that it feels like robbery because I have every PG to date, so I feel forced to buy this.
  7. Just preordered the PG 00 raiser...300 motherf***ing dollars! Rediculous...absolutely rediculous.
  8. Bravo! I am impressed...I didn't think it would come out nearly this good.
  9. Good question, I was rather enjoying the PG vs. "real model kit" debates.
  10. Yeah because he isn't creepy enough, we need to relive him in drag... Seriously though, I can't wait. One of the most anticipated films of the year in my book.
  11. Meh, if they don't do Galactus justice, or show Annihilus, they suck. I've never pulled for a villian that badly until I saw these movies. I wish Dr. Doom would have killed them all. Of course, I'm dreading the Avengers movie, because anything with Thor just sucks donkey nads.
  12. I can answer these mold questions. What they do is called a reverse molding. They disassemble a figure, make a temp mold, then use the temp mold to make a permanent mold using imaging and some serious fine milling. You need a really flawless figure to this for one (no nicks/imperfections), and two, it is a VERY expensive process. That's why they redid Soundwave, as he was a more popular figure than say Wheeljack. As for the bootleggers, what they do is just make temp molds using reverse molding rather than make a permanent one, and keep using temp molds to make production figures. It's an ok process for a while, but if you're unlucky and get a figure cast from the tail end of the mold's lifespan, you'll see waviness in the plastic, panels not quite the right size and blemishes. It's basically a gamble on what you get. Odds are you'll get a decent one, but eventually, you will end up with a nasty figure.
  13. I say this about Iron Maiden: Big hair+Bangs+tight pants+double guitars+high pitch vocals+4 min. solos = glam/hair band/Cock rock. The only band that I felt were mislabeled from that time were Guns 'N Roses. For obvious reasons. Axl had a more diverse vocal range, Slash was more in tune with 60's rock and blues, and Duff and Izzy were more punk sounding than anything else. But Maiden, despite having cool album covers (I remember having a Tailgunner shirt and poster), are hair metal. As for the Maiden girl cover band, with the exception of the 2 on the right...gag me. Well, with the right beer goggles prescription maybe. Even the 2 on the right I'd give a 6 tops. As for talented or not, I couldn't say as I've never heard them however if they're playing swap meets, that's generally not a good sign. On a different note, I'm listening to a lot of Merzbow and Boom Boom Satellites lately. Seems like the Japanese music scene is so much more ecclectic and just flat out better the past few years. Everything in America seems to be Emo, R+B/Rap, pop or recycled metal.
  14. Is the Gundam site "seedforum" dead? I can't log on for some reason, I get a phpBB error.
  15. dobber, that camo job is nuts...I know you explained it, but I'll never understand HOW you pulled it off. I'd lose patience with it after a while. Awesome job.
  16. Contours, end cosmetics, ergonomics...and that's just on the surface. Everyone has borrowed from the Japanese. Even with the engines, you see it more and more. I'm a machinist and a card carrying UAW member who works for Caterpillar, my father in law works for Chrysler in the engine plant, and he can tell you some stories. For instance, when they were designing the Neon in the 90's, they brought in a Honda Civic, and a Nissan Sentra and began dismantling them, trying to get a better understanding of 4 cyl. engines and fuel economy. When the Viper's engine was being built, they had 2 different Mercedes engines, a Ferrari engine, and a couple 3000GT/Stealth engines laying around, just figuring out how to take the best from all three. I guess finding nothing wrong in that is a matter of perspective. I asked him about the Challenger, and he replied "Don't waste your money". For the record, he drives a Maxima.
  17. Would've been close, but yeah, it would have.
  18. Nsx vs. a vette? OK.... Can you say "bye bye"? It's NOT even close. It also does quite a number on a Dodge Viper as well apparently. I'm not saying the 3000 GT is my first choice for a Japanese car, but it's the platform I could afford at the time, and the parts were reasonably priced. I also own an 05 Acura TL. I'd take a GT-R, Lancer EVO or a Supra anyday over it. I fail to understand the love of american cars, and everyone making such a big deal over them. They're NOT good (except maybe the Aero). Sure, a few are alright, but I think the last good American concept was the Ram air. I mean, look what the Europeans are doing. The new Jag XK's, Porsche (who will always be the best), and Ferrari. I mean, it's just seems stupid to spend so much on something as lame as a Corvette when you could have so much more for the same price. If American cars are so great, then why did they have to have all those bailouts? Because their cars aren't selling. Chrysler is now owned by the Italians, previously owned by Germans, GM was in (and still half is) such turmoil they had to dump lines. Ford has just puttered along in the vein of mediocrity as usual. The point is that I think that American buffs have NO right to bash the Japanese, for one simple reason: Look at today's designs and tell me the US has not borrowed EXTREMELY heavily from Japanese car designs. And seeing as how Chevy and Dodge BOTH pussed out and wouldn't even race against the GT-R, I think that says something. And as for bashing my car...It's not the nicest car out there, but I like it. Furthermore, it's a lot nicer I'm sure than what a lot of people on here drive because they're blowing all their money on valks...
  19. The American muscle car lives... that's why they get their asses handed to them by the Germans, Italians, and English. Even the Japanese. Hell, a Vette can't even stand up to an NSX. American cars are all but dead compared to the rest of the world. As for my "Retard" car. My "retard" car is still a HELL of a lot nicer than what most people drive. And, with the mods, worth more as well. As for the looks, I like the sleeker looking cars, as opposed to clunky designs put forth by the American companies. The lambo doors...I got that kit for free, so figured hell with it. And I can't hear any laughing, because of 2 reasons. One, because by the time I'm in third I'm easily a few carlengths in front, and two, because I've got 4 15" kickers in there. Maybe the cosmetic enhancements are there, but that doesn't mean I don't have performance. And isn't that what you should look at in a car, performance? Well, show me a Camaro or a Mustang that handles as well, and has the speed of a tuned 3000 GT. And I'll still take a VR-4 over an LS1 or 2. All that HP and half the body weight? That's a no-brainer.
  20. Anyone remember Crystar? The guys were translucent, and looked like they were made of Crystal. There were blue ones, green ones, I think red ones...
  21. I love that scheme! Must have been a lot of masking off...
  22. Ok, I was with you til you had to badmouth Gundams. We all know who'd win in a fight...besides, if it wasn't for MSG your precious Macross wouldn't exist. Transformers, eh, I'm indifferent. They have some cool designs, but that's all I can say. NugundamII, I'm not siding one way or the other. Sure Yamato is expensive, and QC is lacking (and unfortunately seems worse as they go on). You have to realize that Yamato doesn't have the resources or mass-production capabilities that Hasbro/Takaratomy or Bandai have. So you need to be a little forgiving on that front. The reason the price is so high is because of the importing fees, the fact that Yamato probably doesn't get as good a deal on raw materials because they don't make as much product. Not to mention that their design staff, which is excellent. So you have to pay them as much as the other companies pay theirs, and your smaller. On the flipside, there really is no excuse for the failures although they do offer fixes. A toy that expensive and elaborate should come worry free. Sure the 1/48's and VF-1 ver. 1's are awesome, but keep in mind those were a while in the making, and as different versions came out Yamato had a chance to correct these. If you have problems with Yamato, here's a thought: Be patient. That's what I do. I wait on average 6 months after a product comes out before I buy it. I read the reviews, note the problems, and if they do have some QC issues, I wait for a later version / reissue. So far, I've only been really burnt on the VF-0S, VF-1S 1/60 v2, VF-1S Roy (crooked Skulls) and YF-19 ( minor problem but annoying). But those were all because I didn't wait and bought them right away. After the 1/60 v2 I said never again, now I wait.
  23. I remember hearing something about Logan's Run getting remade, is that true?
  24. Just thought of another one. Neo-Geo...cool games, badass system, never saw it again. Also, hitting a little closer to the toy realm... The Gyromite robot. Cool idea, never really panned out though.
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