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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. 1/72 is a nice scale for models, and probably the easiest to collect if you are anal about scales like I am. I got so bad about it I actually quit 1/72 for the most part, because there aren't many Gundams in 1/72 (save for G-system), and I wanted a uniformed scale collection. It was easier to buy and detail Yamato 1/60's and build Gundam 1/60 kits. 1/72 Macross kits are like this: Tiny Vf-1 kits, roughly the same as an MG 1/100 Gundam kit for battroid kits, and the Mac Zero stuff is larger. The frontier stuff is nice too. If you solely collect macross I recommend this scale, as it's the scale not only the best kits are in, but most of the great casters/designers like Moscato seem to work almost exclusively in that scale for macross mecha.
  2. Damn...now I have to go track down an old B-club kit?! Dammit. Sigh....wish me luck...
  3. I only collect the big size TF's and MPS/BT's. I used to collect a lot more TF stuff, but I just got sick of hunting it all down, and got more into models. Anyhow, the reason I'm posting is to say that Metroplex was awesome, I still have one, and his transformation wasn't as lame as Fort/Brave Max's.
  4. Just a guess but buy some metallic paints? Alcad is your friend...
  5. It's not really about the PG 00, it's about PG kits in general, and since we know so little about the VF-25, all we really have to base/speculate this discussion is Gundam PG's since that's all there are (minus EVA 01). However, I see your point. I'm starting to wonder when we here something new, strange we haven't heard more by now.
  6. What did you use to build that? I want one...
  7. Anime/Animation: Char Aznable from Char's Counterattack TV: Cigarette smoking man from X-Files Movie: I was always partial to the following: Patrick Bateman, The Predator, Joker in Dark Knight, and Robert Patrick as T1000 (God he was evil looking). But the all time villian award must go to (envelope please)...Jet Li in Lethal weapon 4. Calm, collected, and made such an impact in so little screen time.
  8. Aquarion, trust me, you'll love it.
  9. The 00 PG is expensive, but it comes with the Raiser fighter, stand, light up GN drives, the whole deal. So you do get A LOT for the money. Like I said though, I'm sure they'll sit on the VF-25 for a while, until Gundam PG kits go stagnant again sales wise. Can't steal from Gundam thunder, right?
  10. True, I'm not big on any 00 designs myself, usually there's at least one MS that says "Badass", but at least they semi-copied a worthy suit like the Strike. I know it's based on the RX-78-2, but I've always thought it looked more Strike to me.
  11. Dammit, I just gained respect for rambo after the last one. I only like 1st blood and the last one. The 2 in the middle blow ass. Now, looks like another one for the blow ass section.
  12. I remember having something unique, I've never seen since. Back in the early 90's, I had a CD5 (remember those?) from Faith No More's album "Angel Dust" that said on it that if you play it in some kind of player, a holographic 3D image of the bird on the cover appears. Don't remember the player, and the CD is either in the bottom of a box or gone. Anyone know what this was?
  13. You never know. I mean, look at the PG 0 raiser. It was just announced about a month, maybe 6 weeks ago (the 1st I heard of it anyway), and it's already coming out at the end of the year. Knowing Bandai, they already have a working Alto prototype, and are using it to make the heads, guns, etc. of the others so they can drop them on us like the 1/72 line, one every 4-8 weeks or so. I really hate that, because I like having time to save for this stuff. I just preordered the 0 raiser PG, at 300 bucks. Now, I have to pay for it, then put the money back into savings and pray nothing else comes out that I want between Nov. and whenever I put it back.
  14. Oh I remember it...it's one of my wife's favorite movies. And I still say (ahem): THOR SUCKS DONKEY NADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a way to hit 900 posts...
  15. I think we're all trying to forget about Watchmen, I know I am. Alan Moore should have bombed that set, and shot the cast. Except the guy who played Comedian, he did a good job. Seriously, I consider that more a superhero/action type movie. A glowing blue penis doesn't make it sci-fi.
  16. I love Q-rau's...I wish people made more of them. Hell, I'd make one if there was a decent 1/60 kit of it. I'm not crazy about yamato's toy version.
  17. I wouldn't recommend changing back and forth too much, these are kits after all, not DX's.
  18. Good job! Of course, you could be shot on here for what some might refer to as "desecrating" a Yamato to make an RT valk. Oh well, like I said, it's a cool custom in my book.
  19. Solid work.
  20. Very nice brushwork. Wish I was that good with a brush. What's your secret?
  21. I've heard horror stories about Wave plastic being not as good, but the small few Wave kits I've done seem identical to Hasegawa/Bandai quality wise. Of course I've only done the 0S, and a couple Mk kits.
  22. Someday I swear I'll sit down and do a papercraft model. I've always wanted to make one, but I have too much kits/customs projects in backlog.
  23. Not bad sizes, a little disappointing though in a way. For such a large scale I was hoping for more, but numbers don't lie. Oh well. I hope it's actually NOT anime accurate...I'd love something ala Strike PG (Beecraft design) vs. Anime Strike. It doesn't have to be accurate, just superior.
  24. Smart man, that was my choice easily. Obviously more of a freak, and money to boot. Betty just seemed to missionary...
  25. Star Trek hand down...followed by the respectable District 9. All the rest blow.
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