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Smut Peddler

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Everything posted by Smut Peddler

  1. Cant wait for some Gosu action. Ill be getting at least 2.
  2. When will space brick be up for pre order ?
  3. I got a 1/48 painted. Fantastic looking kit /thumbsup
  4. Where did you get 55"s ? They should be around the same size as a VF-1, without measuring, they are only around 12"s
  5. Since you are doing the 1/72 Spartan. What are the chances of you doing destroids in 1/48
  6. I've got crabs ! Excitedly announced by nobody, ever. However, I have no problem shouting that declaration.
  7. No crabs for me yet. Normally that would be a good thing =\
  8. I missed the spartan, what scale was it in ?
  9. Cant wait, & Im very curious to see whats next. Any hints ?
  10. So.... Now that this one is just about wrapped up, whats next ???
  11. Just out of curiousity, what is the 1/10 ?
  12. nobody suggested it be the next project :0
  13. A mecha that got like 3 seconds of air time
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