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Smut Peddler

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Everything posted by Smut Peddler

  1. Nice pics. Me wants, me wants.
  2. There's finally a cure for diarrhea now.
  3. Damn, nice work there. That looks great.
  4. About time. There goes more money outta my wallet.
  5. He is one of my least favorite, but I can't think of another super robot that deserves the SOC treatment more than ole T28.
  6. I did the opposite. I got rid of all my 1/60's because they just couldn't compare to my 1/48's. However, I kept all my old taka's and bandai's for sentimental reasons and pure nostalgia. I'll just have to set up my Q-Rau's and miscellaneous destroids with the 1/55 valk's, even if they are a little outta scale. I had to wait 20 somethin' years for some enemy mecha and nice destroids, so the fact that they are a little outta scale with my 1/55's bothers me very little. Besides, I would never get what they are worth ( or what I paid for them anyway ) if I were to sell them. <_< But hey, I'm usually a complete f@$ktard anyway, so don't mind me.
  7. I can't wait to get mine from BBTS, prolly be a couple more weeks, but the service at BBTS makes it more than worth while. I also noticed they started popping up on ebay this weekend. Eva-00 ebay auction link
  8. I didn't need an excuse to pick this one up, he is coming home with me very soon.
  9. I too would love any of those valk's, but there isn't much hope, if any, that they will be released by Yamato. We will just have to rely on talent in the MW community to give us those creations.
  10. Again, thanks for the pics and the mini review.
  11. Won't even watch this one on cable.
  12. I want the black one, even if it falls over easily.
  13. It better be rumors. FMP has some of the best mech battles in any of the latest animes... I would hate to watch a mechless FMP. I'll 2nd that.
  14. I need 2 #C1 (Heat Shield 1/48 black), and 2 VF-1S 1/48 heads if they can still be ordered. Just let me know when, and where to pay. P.S. What about the actual 1/48 gun pods, can they be ordered as well ? If so, I'd like 2 more of those as well.
  15. Someone hit your truck too??? I remember we were just talking about you getting a new truck. People don't have any respect. I once opened my door a little too hard and I dinged the car next to me, so I left a note. The owner called me and said not to worry about it. Life should be so simple... Yeah, and it was less than a month old. I'm getting a really nice paint job outta it though.
  16. Thanks for the pics and the mini review. Are the Hayoa Kakizake decals really that dark green, or is it the lighting? I always thought Kakizake's plane had a light greenish/blue color, those decals look almost forrest green.
  17. I'd get another low vis if it had a different head than the 1A.
  18. I hope your very, very patient, or have a really big imagination. Don't expect anything new any time soon, if ever.
  19. Go with the Takara. Hasbro has a tendency to suck all the diecast outta there releases like a stinkin vampire, and alot of the little extras get left out as well due to more strict child safety laws. <_<
  20. I wish.
  21. I'm sure I will see this one, it might even be one I wouldn't wait to see at the dollar movies.
  22. I feel for you. Someone clipped my new trunk in my office's parking lot last week, and they drove off as well. Fortunately, there are cameras in our parking lot and they caught the whole thing, and I was able to have the police go to this ladies house, and am in the process of collecting my money for the damages. Turns out, she is also a secretary for the same company I work for, and I could have gotten her fired on top of it, but I was in a rare generous mood and let it slide since she had gotten in enough trouble over it, and she was young, and I believe it was her parents that had to foot the bill anyway. <_< !@#$%^&*() Still get pissed thinking about it. !@#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$#@!
  23. I'd love to have one to set next to my other 1/48's.
  24. Thanks for the pics fellas, now I just gotta wait for mine to come in. Im jealous. <_<
  25. Now I can't wait to get all of mine, my valk's are still nekkid.
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