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Smut Peddler

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Everything posted by Smut Peddler

  1. That looks great. Keep it up, how about some more space cruisers and battle ships.
  2. Yeah, its like the lamp shade they stick on dogs to stop them from licking themselves. =/
  3. I'd get the black one, even if its only good for falling over. I'm just not a big enough Esca fan to jump on this one. P.S. Mechamaniac I love your avatar.
  4. They actaully look great, I'd use them for my Macross, and other anime books, if they weren't so expensive. =/ Like Batou said, I'd rather have another 1/48 over that for the amount of money we are talking about.
  5. Long time no see. =P But I'm sure I'll pick this one up, just becuase I have watched my Macross, and Mospeada DVD's way too much recently and need a short break.
  6. I love the SOC eva's, especially with all the extra weapons they come with.
  7. That fan movie had better costumes than that, it is very funny though.
  8. I'm Zeon all the way: Gouf Flight Type Gerbera Tetra Gouf Custom Kämpfer Zaku II's - all variations Gelgoog Dom Tropen Quebley Hizak etc.
  9. Yeah, I believe that they are releasing it under their MPC line, so expect some truely original and inventive things done to the old mold =/
  10. BBTS is getting both versions most likely, but they have had the Takara diecast ones up for pre-order for some time. They have both the #7, and the #8 versions available.
  11. The come backs are always good for a laugh, even if they are at my expense though.
  12. Well I do.
  13. Those look great, now if you could only add color, I could add them to my screen saver images.
  14. Why certainly, I will play with you! And if you're talking about who you're talking about, I don't think that person has JA yet. Vostok 7 Nice, let me get use to the new controls, and I'll be ready to hop online. And for the hint, I just can't seem to pass up an opportunity to poke fun. It's like those old Pilsbury comercials, once you poke him you just don't know what will happen next.
  15. I just picked this game up, I'd like to jump online with some of you and try and it out, well once I shed my noob status anyway. It would also help if a certain beautiful lady had a some what stable and reliable internet connection. HINT, HINT. P.S. I wouldn't mind playing with a few of you more appearance challenged members either. <_<
  16. Any idea when we'll get some more info on the Macross Zero lineup, o Sithlord? Scales? Prototypes even? I'll 2nd that but don't expect an answer. B)
  17. I believe they started airing on Cartoon Network sometime last September, prolly a little off, I'll have to look into that to be sure, but from what I remember, that sounds right.
  18. I hear that.
  19. I'd like one, but there are a bunch of other valk's I wanna see them make before they put that out.
  20. I'd take any of those, but would love something besides a VF-1, mainly the VF-0D.
  21. That looks great, I like it better than the original paint job on that paper monster.
  22. Totally depends on the toy to me. I have some great all plastic toys, and likewise for the diecast ones. There will always be toys that suck, and the material usually has little to do with that.
  23. I've liked what I've seen so far.
  24. What he said, and if I'm not mistaken I think I saw some of the very one you are looking for in that section a few days ago.
  25. I really hope they do make this figure, and it is not just a custom. Because I would really love to have one of those bad boys. I used to be a Bruce Lee addict.
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