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Smut Peddler

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Everything posted by Smut Peddler

  1. 1/48
  2. Nice, cant wait to get a 1/48 set
  3. I wish I had one, looks awesome.
  4. Thanks for the info. I saw that they are releasing the gelgoog and gouf in 1/144 and was wondering if they were about the same size as the sazabi, gouf custom, and the zaku 2.
  5. Could someone tell me what scale the robot damashii/robot spirits figures are. I was thinking of picking up few. Thanks in advance.
  6. A 1/48 Gnerl and Quel Quallie would be awesome.
  7. 1/48.... score painted please
  8. My package arrived yesterday, thanks again mslz22
  9. I'd grab one for sure if it ever happens
  10. Is there an estimated release date on the new movie ?
  11. That is a great looking build, I like the color scheme alot.
  12. Rediculous kit, great job
  13. I gotta find a display case this beast will fit in
  14. Looking great, cant wait to get mine
  15. Saw a pic of what I believe was the 1/72 monster on a wii fit board, that sucker is a beast, 1/48 couldnt be that much bigger
  16. Best power wheels ever !!!
  17. 1/48 and 1/10 would be awesome, I missed out on the legioss' =( Wonder how big a 1/48 monster would be
  18. QFE, the Regult kit and the Glaug kit are amazing, can't wait to see what is next.
  19. When is the next batch of these shipping out ?
  20. Pm'd
  21. I like the vf25 effects alot more than the vf1s'
  22. How tall is this beast once completed ?
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