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Smut Peddler

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Everything posted by Smut Peddler

  1. I complained and got a full refund and was told not to bother returning the garbage key chains
  2. they are probably banking on most people not bothering to return them
  3. yep I got 2 as well
  4. I grabbed 2, I'll see what happens
  5. Does anyone have the black and purple version of Feral Rex? I was really interested in it even though I don't remember anything like that color scheme in the cartoon or comics. I was just curious what everyone's opinions are on it compared to the more traditional color scheme.
  6. /drool
  7. The color of Shockwave, in hand, is better than the pics of him I saw prior to his release. However, I would love a darker purple one like the G1 toy.
  8. The only replant I'm currently hoping for is the gray Shockwave, but I'm admittably more of a deception fan.
  9. I broke down and pre ordered the quake wave reissue. It was going to be my first 3rd party purchase. Now I had to cancel it in favor of the official release of shockwave.
  10. Mike, do you have any more of the 1/48 Regult kits you made ? The one Exo built me was destroyed during shipping.
  11. My kid was really into animated. I got to enjoy that show with him, and he got most of the toys from that show and I got to play with them some. I thought they were pretty good toys, and they looked like their TV show characters in both modes. It took me a while to get into the art style of the show, but the decent story eventually had me watching all the episodes.
  12. I'm in for the 1/48's. Just don't know how many until I know the damage 😉
  13. I'm excited to get Tracks, but the repaint is an easy pass for me. I just don't have any memory of it from when I was a kid. If for some reason I did break down and get it, it would be to leave it in alt mode.
  14. it's nice to have the one that started it all
  15. Depends how you look at it, Star Sabers value to me is worthless. I've never had any attachment to the character. I never watched victory as a kid. The only ones that have any nostalgia value to me are they early ones. I lost interest when Hot Rod replaced Optimus. It does look like a great toy, I just don't have any interest in him.
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