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Smut Peddler

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About Smut Peddler

  • Birthday 07/28/1976

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    Smut Peddler
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    Smut Peddler
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  • Location
    Lexington, Ky Wildcat Country, GO UK !!!!

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Global's Pipe Holder

Global's Pipe Holder (6/15)



  1. I complained and got a full refund and was told not to bother returning the garbage key chains
  2. they are probably banking on most people not bothering to return them
  3. yep I got 2 as well
  4. I grabbed 2, I'll see what happens
  5. Does anyone have the black and purple version of Feral Rex? I was really interested in it even though I don't remember anything like that color scheme in the cartoon or comics. I was just curious what everyone's opinions are on it compared to the more traditional color scheme.
  6. /drool
  7. The color of Shockwave, in hand, is better than the pics of him I saw prior to his release. However, I would love a darker purple one like the G1 toy.
  8. The only replant I'm currently hoping for is the gray Shockwave, but I'm admittably more of a deception fan.
  9. I broke down and pre ordered the quake wave reissue. It was going to be my first 3rd party purchase. Now I had to cancel it in favor of the official release of shockwave.
  10. Mike, do you have any more of the 1/48 Regult kits you made ? The one Exo built me was destroyed during shipping.
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