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Rocket Punch

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Everything posted by Rocket Punch

  1. peter: What the hell are you standing in front of?
  2. I agree, Brick Topp was gangsta!
  3. There's this post-modern house that's completely concrete; ceilings, walls, floor. I saw it in Metropolis (I think it was in Metropolis). I think it's somewhere out in the desert in Cali. I thought it was pretty cool. I'll try to dig up some pics, but don't hold your breath.
  4. "Carpet Wood" will be the username I use on the next forum I join.
  5. Kind of old-tech, but I've always loved Cobras. I also love station wagons. Really, I do.
  6. Well, in that case, which Hitler movie did you have in mind? (Don't say Schindler's List, as he wasn't even in that film.) 390915[/snapback] Downfall (2004)
  7. I don't mind the pics. Keeps it fresh in the ol' noggin.
  8. Dude, that was in real life. On-screen portrayals of Hitler don't come close. 390909[/snapback] What are you talking about? If Hitler is in the movie and it takes place between 1942 and 1945, then the Holocaust counts.
  9. WTF? Carpet that looks like wood? Pics please.
  10. Ha! I remember that one. That was pretty sweet.
  11. Killing six million Jews ain't enough for you? You sir, are f*cking hardcore! I salute you. I have a rule: "no hard liquor until the sun goes down". But I just feel like getting sh1t-faced for some reason.
  12. Bamboo. Much more environmentally friendly and looks just as nice as wood. Asian-style, bitches!
  13. It does sound like a pretty lame and unfunny pic but does anyone here have it?
  14. [offtopic]Some of my favorite ready-made porn titles: Cold Mountin' The Firm Deep Impact Die Hard Spaceballs The Bone Collector Blow The Joy Suck Club The Banger Sisters[/offtopic]
  15. Yeah, but he's been protrayed in movies, so technically he's a movie badguy. My badguy trumps all of your badguys combined.
  16. I just hope that this poster isn't fake.
  17. Ren & Stimpy? Can you really call 5 episodes a series?
  18. I dunno. Living in Los Angeles I take seatbelts pretty seriously. Hell, some BMW got rear-ended today on Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks by a Crown Vic at the conclusion of a hour-long chase. The Ford must've been doing 60-70mph easy.
  19. Found more info regarding the recall: "Affected by the recall are 2nd-generation Lexus IS and 3rd-generation Lexus GS models built between July and December 2005. Although Japanese news accounts only mention the four variants sold in the Japanese domestic market (IS250, IS350, GS350, GS430), it's safe to assume that export-only IS220d and GS300 models will be affected as well." http://my.is/forums/showthread.php?t=289463
  20. According to the website the pronunciation of the Zentraedi alphabet is very similar to ours. Unless your speaking about the DYRL Zentraedi who obviously have a completely different language.
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