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Rocket Punch

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Everything posted by Rocket Punch

  1. Yeah, I don't know the BGM titles either but my favorite one is what I suppose you could call the "Zentradi Theme Song". Y'know the one they always play whenever they show the Zentradi ships. Call it the Macross equivalent of the "Imperial March".
  2. Wow. That's a shame. Too bad for you.
  3. John Stewart was great. I hope he hosts next year! The campaign commercial skits were hilarious! Jack Nicholson is the man. That was the best Best Picture presentation ever! I couldn't stop cracking up. I can't help but think he was stoned or drunk or something! And George Clooney's acceptance speech was awesome. "Proud to be out of touch." Take THAT Middle-America!
  4. promethuem check your Inbox. edit: Got the files promethuem! Thanks a lot! Did you ever build one, BTW?
  5. I believe the Macross Song Collection Forever CD (1988) has the track.
  6. Does anybody still have the files to make the paper Monster?
  7. "Runner" sung by Mari Iijima is probably my favorite song from the TV series.
  8. ...but I can honestly say, original Macross score AND songs are the greatest music ever composed. 376921[/snapback] LOL I love Macross as much as the next guy, but what about Beethoven's 9th Symphony?
  9. What the hell is this post about? Autonomous giant clones/robots and large RC semi-autonomous aircraft...why are they in this thread? 376914[/snapback] ...because I think the resemblance is funny.
  10. Kyun! Kyun! Kyun! Kyun! Watashi no kare wa pairoOotooo!
  11. Vanessa please. 376865[/snapback] I dig girls with glasses, but I think Vanessa is a little too nerdy for my tastes. I think I'm into Shammy because she looks a lot younger than she really is! I love little girls they make me feel so good; I love little girls they make me feel so bad.
  12. I sure as hell didn't vote for him. Steve Westly for Governor!
  13. Bob Sapp's a total Uncle Tom.
  14. Mine's called the pearl necklace.. hey welcome to the boards, btw, there's no pics allowed in the sig. Nice pic though. 376871[/snapback] haha! Paizuri fans unite! Thanks for the heads up on the sig-pic.
  15. Everyone must have an ultimate finishing move. Mine's called the 'Rocket Punch'.
  16. EVA Mass Production Unit(s) RQ-4A Global Hawk
  17. Space War I I'd love to fight in the greatest war ever. Plus I've always had this thing for Shammy.
  18. I'm gonna have to disagree with you on both points. In terms of character and plot development the TV series is superior to the movie (probably because they had 24 hours of extra running time to work with). Personally, I never watched any of the Macross titles because I was looking for some eye-candy; I watched it purely because I wanted to be entertained by great storytelling. The original Macross TV series is the greatest Space Opera ever written. EVER. Granted back in the 80's it was some of the coolest animation I had ever seen, but being a little (okay, a lot) older and a lot (okay, a little) wiser, it's the story that still has me addicted. I had no problem with the Macross Plus OVA's ending, although I can understand why some people would. I suppose it's just like how some people didn't like Cowboy Bebop because most of it's episodes were stand-alone stories that didn't follow or resolve any major storyline. BTW, hi! I'm Rocket Punch and I'm an alcoholic! SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! Guld's death scene in the Movie was a lot better than in the OVA, though. Plus you got to see Lucy's ladybags!
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