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Rocket Punch

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Everything posted by Rocket Punch

  1. "Oriental" is no more incorrect than calling people "westerners" or "middle eastern." 377950[/snapback] So, I'm Oriental, huh? That's funny. I thought I was filipino.
  2. Agreed. That is badass. I love Zentradi ships.
  3. That's right. It's all coming back to me now. I should dig that game out of my closet and play it again. Such a great game. I loved naming my wanzers. I gave 'em cheesy names like, "Emperor", "Killer", "Fatman", uh, and I can't remember the rest! What were the names you guys gave your wanzers? BTW, was it possible to recruit the Filipino wanzer pilot?
  4. Whichever one is the youngest.
  5. You should work on your debating skills. Your arguments tend to be circular. And about whether some of us liked this thread or not, check out the pardoy thread I started that azrael closed. He gets a "boooo!" for that!
  6. I haven't gone to F&S in a few years. I used to go to pick up HeroClix. Maybe I'll go one of these Saturdays, wanna pick up some TPBs. Does anybody here drink? Are there any bars around there we could hit up afterwards?
  7. Why do you boycott AX?
  8. I haven't played that game in years but IIRC there were two endings, right? There were so many things that made FM3 great. The mecha design, the ability to customize, the story, the faux-Internet system, and any videogame that partly takes place in the Philippines is okay in my book (even though a chunk of it gets vaporized )! At least is wasn't El Nido or Bacolod!
  9. The word "Oriental" should only be used for things like salad dressing and architecture, not people.
  10. And then they did the Apache dance! From Wikipedia.com: Apache is a highly dramatic dance associated in popular culture with Parisian street culture in the beginning of 20th century. The name of the dance is pronounced ah-PAHSH (not ah-PATCH-ee, like the Native American tribe). The dance is very brutal to the woman, and sometimes said to reenact a "discussion" between pimp and prostitute. Olive Oyl and Bluto do the Apache in the old Popeye television cartoons. The dance is named after the nickname of street gang members, Apaches.
  11. FM3 is one of my favorite games on the PSX. I heard that FM4 wasn't all that great.
  12. Haven't gone in a few years but it worked back then. Heck back then the on-site registration area was unsupervised - all you had to do was walk up to a registration computer, enter random reg numbers, and put your name on the professional registration list. Also, there are always people hanging out in the parking lot on the last day asking folks if they could have/buy their badges. You could do that if you're really desperate to go.
  13. Penny Arcade is great. I love the one about Wanda and the Colossus! I follow Chugworth Academy more though. Ellice is stacked!
  14. Here's another GREAT question by me: Have you ever wanted to tear your hair out or punch your monitor after reading a thread?
  15. 'cuz I do. It's one of the most easily identifiable mecha of all time. I know people who don't watch anime, but when they see a Valkyrie they're like, "Hey, I know that! Robotech!" (I know, I know ) So why mess with such a famous 80's icon? It's fine as it is.
  16. Why buy bulk when you can design a set on your computer? LEGO.com Factory Homepage Download the 3D virtual builder, place an order, and your custom kit will be delivered to your door with instructions and box!
  17. Rocket Punch


    I like it. Her outfit is sort of Sailor Scout-ish, though. And maybe ease up on the volume of her hair next time? I like the expression on her face.
  18. I'm quite partial to curvy dark-skinned elves. Meow.
  19. It wasn't expected it to. The craft of clay animation, especially with the long running quality and success of the Wallace & Gromit series, is tough to beat. 377434[/snapback] I've always been in awe of clay animation features. I remember one that I watched as a kid. I can't remember the title but it had Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, & Huckleberry Finn and they travelled in time (or was it other worlds?) in an elevator! Anybody know what I'm talking about? No Bill & Ted jokes, please! I've got to try some of that Stinking Bishop cheese from W&G!
  20. Agreed. Of course I'm a big fan of anything Yota, so I might be a little biased. But if you go to any 3rd World Country having a civil war or whatnot, you'll find Toyota pickups ferrying both rebels and government troops off to their doom. They're built like a rock! Homemade cars.
  21. Just create fake business cards and fake W-2s and submit an application.
  22. Most of the holiday traffic is people leaving town either to visit family or party. Popular destinations being Las Vegas and TJ. Nothing like celebrating your country's independence in another country!
  23. It'd be a toss up between Kobe Bryant or Voltron for me.
  24. Holy crap Kin! That's freaking awesome!!! Kudos, sir, kudos!
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