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Rocket Punch

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Everything posted by Rocket Punch

  1. So you're not an ass man, huh?
  2. LOL As kids we all had stupid little fantasies like that. You admitted that yourself, bsu. I think your post comes off as a little condescending and mean.
  3. He said they were located in "Southern California" which is somewhat vague. That could stretch anywhere from Los Angeles to San Diego. Plus he said these properties where "everywhere". Which is why I'm curious. I could do research on the web about real estate prices in 1999 but I thought maybe he'd be nice enough to save me the trouble.
  4. LOL! You don't get rich by writing checks. edit: I'd still like to know where LORD KUNGFU bought a house in Southern Cali for $50,000 in 1999.
  5. Never cared much for Mistsubishi cars and was turned off even more when they admitted covering up defects for 25 years. I will say, however, that the EVO MR is one hell of a car.
  6. It was a joke, bro. You should check out this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=18042&st=0 It's a great read. Make sure you go through all of it. Then you'll understand what I meant.
  7. I think it has a run-of-the mill , outdated, pointy design to it. Basically it's ugly. I think SK should redesign it.
  8. I actually bought a 1200 sq.ft. house, 3 bedroom, 2 bath for $50,000, and they were everywhere. 378758[/snapback] Sorry to go even more off-topic, but: You bought this house in 1999? Where? I was shopping for property around that time and there was nothing coming close to being that cheap, and this was in the San Fernando Valley.
  9. After attending the University of Southern Cal I made my money manufacturing and distributing methamphetamine. What we really should do is ask Warren Buffet where he thinks Macross toy prices will be in 25 years.
  10. Nice. I've got a couple of Macross records myself. Was visitng Amoeba Records on Sunset Blvd in LA and was just going through their stock and was very surprised to find them there. I picked them up just for the heck of it not really intending to collect them. But lately I've been playing with the idea of hunting some more of the vinyl down. The sleeve art is just so cool.
  11. Hmm, haven't heard about a second Golgo 13 live-action film but this place has the live-action Lupin movie! www.discotekmedia.com
  12. That's some fancy drivin' right thurr.
  13. Her name would be Song Hye Kyo. Yummy. I had read in an interview that Koike-san was planning on doing a sequel called Lone Wolf, in which Daigoro grows up. 2100 isn't that I hope. Sounds dumb.
  14. No, seriously, they DON'T look ugly. Really? The whole WORLD knows it? Are you for real? Where is the data to back up this insane claim of yours? Show me some published reviews stating so. Hell, post some links to other forums or webpages where people are saying this. I just went through this entire thread and you're the ONLY person who thinks this.
  15. George of the Jungle WATCH OUT FOR THAT TRRRREEEEEE!!!
  16. Phalanx thinks he can design a better VF-1.
  17. What y'all really need is a dose of Steven Segal's Asian Experience Energy Drink! It'll give you teh ULTIMATE POWEEERRRR!!!!11!
  18. I remember that rifle. It was part of the "secret wanzer", right? That wanzer was the one I named "Emperor" because it just pwned everyone.
  19. Dude, why don't you just scratchbuild a kit yourself if you want an UNOFFICIAL update to the VF-1 and get off of it? Kawamori-san isn't going to do ANYTHING unofficially!
  20. So essentially you're saying even though it is obvious to 99.9999999% of people that the VF-0 is a redesigned VF-1, given it's GLARING similarities to the VF-1, you don't consider it a redesigned VF-1 because you don't like it and you think it's ugly? No offense bro, but you reek of pretentiousness.
  21. You can correctly call yourself "terran" should the occasion arise 377969[/snapback] Haha.
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