sigh, I guess I've got to say it again, because Jelenien and Morpheus aren't going to. Legend of the Galactic Heroes aka Helgensagen Von Kosmenief, is actually one series that outshines Macross on most of these categories. Its a massive sci-fi Epic that spans 110 episodes, thousands of characters, and absolutely fantastic battles. They are more realistic than Macross (millions die as do important characters in battles). Finally while the series does not use pop music, it does use classical music, which fits in better than any pop music ever could.The only thing that it lacks is a true love story, but you won't notice it.
LOGH is likely my favorite anime series... and I've watched quite a bit in my day.
I've always wanted to watch LoGH but never got around to it.
Is there a US domestic release of it?