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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Just wondering if any of those 3d models are available through any source. Even in low poly form. I would like to see if could convert some of these into Card models. I have worked on severl 3d models myself but since I'm not as proficient as nayone else here it takes me a very long time to get to where you are on just one model. Having something low poly or even high poly would be nice to do something with. How about if anyone has the SDF/Macross cake I wouldn't mind doing that for everyone to have.
  2. I would also like toknow where can get a copy of the 19 for my fs2004. It's itching for some new hardware.
  3. mac666er, Will this model become available through any source? I have had several people ask me that I showed pics to. Or if it is already available where? Excelent work by the way far better than anything I've ever done. But then I don't really have much time to do any modeling anymore.
  4. Where can this models be obtained from since the works seem to be completed as far as I can tell from looking over the pages here. But can't find anywhere to get them from I would very much like to be able to use these. I even checked out the site refered to several times but nothing posted there everything I found posted there indicates still works in progress. But then how are these models already done? Just trying to find out I'm only after a couple of different models for the mod anyway but If can get them all that would be nice. Anyone that can help would be appreciated.
  5. Don't know if you got the one you where looking for yet. but, I do have it and will be happy to send it to you just pm me your email. Also, ANYONE seen or have or know where to find the SDF Paper model. I have seen pics of 2 different ones one thet came in the Macross Paper Model Book published back in 1983, and the other which was just a kit that when built was about 3-3.5 feet long. and the big one was also somewhat transformable from the information I found. I just want some more pics of it. Or better yet if I can find a copy of it I will buy it. The book version from what I'm understanding was only about 13-14 inches long in cruiser form. Actually, come to think of it I still have my wannabe SDF model somewhere. Didn't come out very well, (Very Low Quality), but if I find the files I'll post them for everyone.
  6. Fiberglassing isn't that difficult just takes a little practice just like flying. I wouldn't mind making a mold or two but still trying to get back to finishing the 3d park flyer first. Got a little delayed with some other things and just picked up a walkera 22Ez heli. Been tinkering with that as well. If I ever get this 3D finished I'll see if I can't get a fiberglass shell together and try it out. Although what does your model weigh without electronics or motors? I think weight would be a little bit of an issue. If made of fiberglass would most likley need to be nitro or some much larger electrics and proobably lipos, very high powered lipos. Anyway, I'll let you know if I get ready to try it out. Since you already provided me with the files you used I can work from that.
  7. I'm actually working on building a 3 park flyer from your design. Should be able to get a few pics up once put to gether then get som pics once had radio gear installed and eventually post a small video clip once in the air. May have up and running by late next week. But keep us posted on yours. Windy as hell here too. Can't fly my chopper or my jet. about 30-40 mph here off and on. Good time to build up the fleet for the year.
  8. NIIIICCCEEEEE! I new you would.
  9. I usually use elmers glue but experiment to see what works best for you. I usually just use those cheap disposable emlers schoolglue bottle with the really small tips. Less mess and yu can refill them so, put a little food coloring in them and get differnet collors and it blends in really well. As for pdf files just select the 100 % option or change as needed.
  10. Yeah 110 pound is better found that myself but, depending on the contours of the model you may want to every once in a while use differnt weights.
  11. IAD, any chance of possibly getting a pdf, dwg, dxf or anything of the sort with the outlines for the model you just post pics for? Wouldn't mind having a 3d foamie like that. Attach a couple of brushless ducts to the 3d foamie would be sweet to have as a park type flyer where I'm at. Got lots of land around but too many air restrictions. Limited to park flyer type planes. If, not not thanks anyway, doesn't hurt to ask.
  12. I don't know about anyone else but I put in for the SDF trio. I did because it takes same real skill to make a picture like that. And for everyone to be able to understand it as it is inteneded. I can do 3d drawings via pc but, can't draw anything but pure technical drawings by hand. I just don't have the perspectives right. That's my 0.50 cents worth anyway.
  13. I'll agree with this. I'm game.
  14. Hey, I'll take a set! Anyone know if there are any other threads similar to this I can look at! If, I can find more like this I just might find all the stuff I want.
  15. The below link is for a post put up just incase anyone is interested and having issues gettign these three items elsewhere. And I was trying to download the VF 11 tails file, but it was just taking forever so I'll just have to see if one of the ftps comes up or something else I just can't keep leaving my system running all the time anymore. Hope this helps someone else out though. Link Edit "And I was trying to download the VF 11 tails file, but it was just taking forever....." Figured I'd retry the download is going a lot faster all of a sudden. Hopefully will have shortly!
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