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Cdr Fokker

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Everything posted by Cdr Fokker

  1. Hopefully I won't have to re-tweak this again to get it in-game, though. I had to do a lot to just start getting the other ready. And if you were already working on tweaking it, why not improve the turrets? They've always clashed a bit since they use that different texture.
  2. Other devs - please get me all of this new material/media ASAP.
  3. Guys, try to get any finished models to me ASAP, and I can (finally) get them in-game. Full-fledged development on my part will probably resume in about a month, but for the time being, I should at least be able to get models rigged and converted.
  4. "Maggot missile" is name that Peter Walker of the Robotech Technical Files made up. They are "close-in-use super-small-type high maneuver missile launchers x 4 (126 missiles)" The Nameless Advisor www.macrossmecha.info 386924[/snapback] There's only really one use for those row-boat-techie names. And that's internal naming conventions for projects like this. It would be a pain to have model and data file names like "supersmalltypehighmanuevermissile.hod" or even "CIUSSTHMM.miss". That's about the only use for such rediculous rt-fanboy names, though.
  5. Figured somebody would make a joke like that. It really does suck being this short trying to get in and out of SdKfz 251's.
  6. Yes, there are missiles on the forearm FAST Packs. From the compendium:
  7. I'm in the middle there (Fall Planetree Smock). Yes, I am a WSS reenactor. And no, I am not a Nazi.
  8. Was acting slow for a while, but seems fine now.
  9. I have a feeling at the end of this season, everyone major is going to be dead or taken into custody. Such a very interesting turn of events last hour. And Robocop is still on the loose.
  10. 89% here on that "test". In other news, I'm off to Indy tomorrow for a gun show. Wonder if I'll pick anything up this time (last time I came away with a Winchester 94AE)... but probably not. Just looking to stock up on any inexpensive ammo for my military bolts and get a holster for a USP (latest addition to the "family armory"... thinking about getting into IDPA or IPSC with it now).
  11. Not quite. The old HW1 project site is still up: http://www.strategyplanet.com/homeworld/macross/ DL links may or may not work. The HW1 project was about as complete as it ever was going to be. The only real big thing we could do/add would be to start working on true code for it (HW1 source has been released), but the source has a number of issues which make it entirely not-worth-it to work with (ex - portions of code relating to various features are gone because of third-party contributions, plus, it took months before anyone could even get the source to compile). The HW1 project could be played through the entire SP campaign, though it was the HW1 campaign with all Macross units (where possible). If you can't play it through, you probably either have an older version of the mod, or an international copy of HW1 (for some reason, international/non-US versions have issues where US versions do not).
  12. http://www.dyrl.vze.com
  13. Uh, why not use it to do a barrier system? Macross definitely has a direct counterpart to the Homeworld-series' Defense Frigate. But that's discussion for later (or, more appropriately, for the mod forums themselves.) I find that comment offensive. It's not a question of skill, it's a question of having the time. (My work relates to realtime graphics development, including modeling & texturing with Maya and Photoshop. This is also what delays me further from working on MDRYL:SWO - I have Maya and everything set up with all configs I need for work, whereas HW2-minded work needs other configs and conventions.)
  14. I have seen it already, very awesome. Definitely is following the manga well so far. Anybody know when the next one is due out?
  15. Put me in for 1 as well (maybe more later... never know ). This is looking incredible.
  16. I have most all of the Macross BGM CDs covering SDFM and DYRL, so we should be set... we do need somebody doing music, though (sound would be nice, too, so I don't have to get back on it once I have time again).
  17. Same for me. Accidentally snapped the left side, just shook the piece out and left it. Works just fine to position the missiles by hand that little bit when displaying with the chest doors open. I'm seriously considering buying another -1J and GBP set after receiving mine last week. This thing is just too damn cool.
  18. ATTN: All devs Please contact me via IM or PM ASAP. I have something that may be of interest.
  19. The problem is getting all of us together to put our heads together. Lestat and the Major both tend to disappear for long periods of time. I'm always in the background, but can't usually reach people to get whatever done. One of the things that would really help would be if somebody could host a CVS server for us. Then stuff could really start getting done, and in a much faster, smoother way. 352772[/snapback] Forgive my ignorance, but what's a cvs server? P.S. on a totally unrelated note, does anyone know how long the Higaran Battlecruiser is in meters? I can't seem to find that bit of info anywhere. 352895[/snapback] CVS stands for "Concurrent Versions System". It basically acts as a big archive that can be accessed by all developers; you update your files every so often (usually every day or every few days), and it archives the old ones. You can then do an update to get all of the updated stuff everybody else is working on. It's really kinda hard to explain. Basically, a CVS would provide a means for all of us to not only transfer data, but also make sure everything is up-to-date and that nobody is building off old stuff. (all without people actually contacting each other about each update, which as we know can often be difficult) 353356[/snapback] Speak to nanashi. He has offered to host material. In the very least, he's able to provide hosting on an ftp. (ONLY for the team though) And as to me dissapearing, I've always been reachable on MSN Messenger. Indeed, I'm on every single day for at least 10 hours... I don't visit macrossworld all that often anymore, and you must remember I live at +1 GMT, so it could be that I'm sleeping when you're mostly using the internet. The Major is the real concern. His dissapearances include long periods of being completely out of communication. He hasn't answered a private message that I sent to him months and months ago. Unfortunately, he's the one with the most progress on the mod. He's got probably 80% of the completed material, if not more. Most of us just model and texture... 354050[/snapback] Think you're confusing the two of us with the last part. Pretty much all the Major does now is texture and model (though he does have a good deal of work in that regard). I'm the one with all of the main work... the main thing I was waiting on was the Macross itself - without it, there's not too much point in doing much else at the moment. Once we have that ready, then everything can be put together. BTW, I still would like somebody to contact me about working with "pre-balancing" (going through all of the documents I have with all of the weapon, armor, and unit types and figuring out reasonable starting points for all of the above, using DYRL, SDFM, and any other true reference material)
  20. The problem is getting all of us together to put our heads together. Lestat and the Major both tend to disappear for long periods of time. I'm always in the background, but can't usually reach people to get whatever done. One of the things that would really help would be if somebody could host a CVS server for us. Then stuff could really start getting done, and in a much faster, smoother way. 352772[/snapback] Forgive my ignorance, but what's a cvs server? P.S. on a totally unrelated note, does anyone know how long the Higaran Battlecruiser is in meters? I can't seem to find that bit of info anywhere. 352895[/snapback] CVS stands for "Concurrent Versions System". It basically acts as a big archive that can be accessed by all developers; you update your files every so often (usually every day or every few days), and it archives the old ones. You can then do an update to get all of the updated stuff everybody else is working on. It's really kinda hard to explain. Basically, a CVS would provide a means for all of us to not only transfer data, but also make sure everything is up-to-date and that nobody is building off old stuff. (all without people actually contacting each other about each update, which as we know can often be difficult)
  21. The problem is getting all of us together to put our heads together. Lestat and the Major both tend to disappear for long periods of time. I'm always in the background, but can't usually reach people to get whatever done. One of the things that would really help would be if somebody could host a CVS server for us. Then stuff could really start getting done, and in a much faster, smoother way.
  22. I meant to imply by this that we will probably release the macross as is without the ARMD carriers and ergo, without the animations. However, the final product should be able to transform. At least that's our intent. Thanks for the offer Boxer. I'm sure in the future your amazing talents will be called upon. However, for now, as I have stated, we need to take an evaluation of what progress has been made. Communication will be the key. So we're waiting primarily to get back in contact with the Major first... 337987[/snapback] Actually, we most likely will NOT be able to have the Macross transform. It remains to be seen whether or not collision meshes can be animated, but weapons themselves (i.e., the actual hardpoints defining weapon locations, directions, and effects locations) do not fully animate properly. The weapon issue can be handled somewhat, but will require a great amount of work (have to do every single weapon on the Macross twice, then work on scripting that enables/disables the different weapons based on transformation state, while also disabling all weapons during actual transformation...). But if the collision meshes cannot be animated, then the only way to have the Macross "transform" is to play the animation and then swap it via scripting for an entirely new ship. Of course, since it has health, fighter bays, and all other kinds of good stuff, such a feat becomes very complicated.
  23. No, FAST packs will not be subsystems. Missile loadouts, however, will be. They are rebuilt on dock/launch. The FAST packs are just modular in terms of the model, so we can easily slap them on and just add the new rigging points for the launchers and booster engines, keeping all of the original data intact (that is, they will be very quick & easy to implement).
  24. Still active. Got the finished FAST pack models/textures from the Major, hope to put them in in about 2 weeks or so. I've had to switch back over all of my stuff to focus on actual paying work lately, and so have not been able to get much done on my side of things. The Major is back in the picture again, and Alfie is currently working on some animations (fixing problems with the Zentradi Moluqe and then starting work on the Valks). I'm getting a "Forbidden" error on the devart link in the concept thread.
  25. Time to revive this thread. Hopefully Boxer here is still active and willing to help. To the best of my knowledge, there is no Meltrandi equivalent to either the Regult Scout or the Quel-Quallie. So, I figure that the Meltohlauendy need some sort of early-warning and/or scout craft. Thoughts?
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