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Cdr Fokker

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Everything posted by Cdr Fokker

  1. Eh, I don't think it's that drastic. Obviously the new one is much better, but I still think the old one looks pretty good - which is why I still haven't decided whether or not to order one of the new ones yet.
  2. And you know what else that would mean? MORE VF-4!! Unfortunately, I doubt it would happen, mainly because it doesn't provide a good opportunity for a powerful, influential music act, which is really essential to Macross. If one had existed, it would have been referenced in anything taking place in the future (i.e., all of the other works aside from Zero). While I respect the idea that there isn't a strict canon, we do have a pretty solid universal timeline that contains all of the major events and major players and is pretty well reflected across the whole body of work, and adding a bunch of exciting stuff - particularly a new idol or band - in the middle kind of makes a mess of it. If you had watched all of 7, then you would know that they already one-upped your idea. It's been said before but it bears repeating - the real triangle in 7 didn't involve Mylene at all. The real triangle was Basara - Sivil - Gigil.
  3. That can vary within manufacturers with the same fitment between styles; different specific styles will have varying chin bar geometry. Of course the biggest variation would be between categories - modular vs. normal vs. dual-sport - but it will also vary between models. And note that Arai specifically targets different head shapes across their models, so just because Arai model A fits superbly doesn't mean model B will do so as well. The general sizing will be consistent, but because it is designed for a different head shape, the final fitment will not be the same. This is in contrast to the other major manufacturers, who tend to have a similar shape to most (or all) of their helmets. For me, Shoei fits the best; I personally wear an RF-1100, though I could also easily wear a Qwest or X-Twelve (or of course the new RF, the RF-1200) and achieve virtually the same level of fitment I currently experience. But this is all really getting a little off-topic and just into motorcycling gear concerns...
  4. Which is where the VF-1 actually gets its name. (And there's a model of it in Hikaru's quarters in DYRL, too.)
  5. In general, helmets should be on the snug side. Loose helmets are no good. But it's kinda hard to tell without handling a sample. And of course fitment is more than just sizing, with head-shape having a lot to do with it. Certain brands fit better on certain people; Arai actually designs different helmets for different shapes and includes that information in its marketing. I'm going with a large; also, what did you guys hear about color options? I didn't see any options presented, and they didn't seem to have a problem when I just asked for a Max Jenius one.
  6. Just saw the latest on FB; going to be awesome.
  7. It seems to vary a lot from piece-to-piece as well. I have two V1 CFs that I took out recently. One had never been displayed, the other had been displayed for a couple of years before being put away in storage. Both were stored in the same way in the same locations. The one that had never been displayed has yellowed, while the one that had been on display didn't. Go figure. Oh, and my V1 Max 1A, which I have owned for the longest of all of my Valks, still has yet to yellow. And it's sitting on my desk at work.
  8. The problem is that HW2 is mostly a dead-end... it's not only an aging engine, but it wasn't particularly suited to the Macross world, as unfortunate as that may be. One of the biggest problems was that of scale. HW2 ships are a lot smaller than HW1 ships. HW1 has a much more realistic scale of space than many games. For the DYRL TC, we ended up having everything double its proper size, because VFs were virtually impossible to handle at true scale. Contrast this with HW2, where we were running true scale (so, half the size of our ships under HW1) and on some of the small one-on-one skirmish maps, you can spot the enemy N-V by just moving a smidge forward. Huge difference. In some respects, it's also not as easily modifiable as we were originally lead to believe it was going to be. Just trying to implement things like limited-quantity munitions required roundabout ways of working at it. While not insurmountable, this did have an effect on decreasing morale early on - everybody just thought things would be a lot more straightforward and capable than they turned out to be. There's also the problems with modeling - or at least, there were. I don't know if it ever changed, but the normal route required Maya, as the Relic toolsets were all only made for that modeling suite. While not a problem personally - as I have professionally used Maya previously and still have an active but old copy - this was often a bottleneck on teams where most of the talent was used to working in other applications. Then there are the problems with getting HW2 to run reliably on modern systems. I've found it flaky at best under W7 x64. Even vanilla HW2, without any mods, doesn't want to run most of the time. I'm not trying to dissuade you or anybody else from working on it; just trying to give some perspective on why some of us don't have much interest in any more efforts on that particular engine. See also my resurrection of this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5082
  9. Yeah, but you'd miss out on a lot of references here and there. Not fundamental issues, just that you get a whole lot more from Frontier when you've seen everything else. If you were to watch Frontier first, IMO it would be worth re-watching after seeing the other series/OVAs to pick up on these references.
  10. Eh. They should skip over the middleman and just give us a 1/60 Fz-109 already.
  11. If you go all the way back to the 1/60 V1 days, they were slightly different shades of brown (tan, really). Also, a little bummed - went to check mine to verify, and the TRU one has yellowed plastic bits now - and it's been packed away for a while.
  12. If they get the color right on the actual toy, I'll be down for one for sure. (I don't expect the colors from the CAD renders to necessarily reflect anything about the actual piece, but it's still something they could mess up.)
  13. Nonsense. I'm sure somebody will come to their senses soon enough and release a 1/60 VF-11MAXL, VF-17T, and a few Elgerzorenes.
  14. I don't see there being some kind of "ultimate valk". Even so, when such things exist, they don't necessarily stop me from pursuing any further along the same lines. (I've still bought more CZs even after acquiring what I consider to be the "holy grail" of sorts for handguns, an original short-rail CZ75, a few years back.) Unless they make a functioning 1:1. That would be the final then.
  15. Convenient location for speakers. Have you not seen the awesomeness that is M7?
  16. And I really want a VF-17T, too. (All with Sound Boosters.)
  17. Eh, if you happen to see one for the right price (i.e., cheap), I'd do it. Similarly, I picked up a V1 1/72 VF-11B on the cheap a little while back. I just happened to see one with a really low bid on eBay, so I put in a slightly higher bid and ended up winning it. I have my 1/60 V1 Max -1A on my desk at work. If some small accident were to befall it there, it would concern me a lot less than with my later, more expensive VFs. I wouldn't have explicitly sought one out, but if I happen across deals on the older VFs, I'll always consider grabbing them.
  18. Indeed. To quote you from the other thread, I too would buy an Arcadia MAXL sight unseen. Once again, the VF-11MAXL does fit both of those. Either way, it's of interest to me, as I'd kinda like a VF-0D and don't have one.
  19. Even as a big M7 fan, I concede that point. The absolutely tremendous losses are trivialized. Not only does that in and of itself feel "wrong", but IMO, more emphasis on the loss of so many lives would have really improved the series, adding a lot more emotional aspects - as well as showing Basara being steadfast in his pacifist stance despite it all, an even greater contrast when the grim reality is painted for what it is.
  20. VF-11MAXL. The missiles are just to throw all of you off the trail. Seriously though, I do think it looks to be a VF-0D, which is still pretty cool.
  21. But drones can be easily taken over by virtual pop idols. Duh.
  22. To get us back on topic, something that I should have posted here years ago... Not entirely a "weird place" to me, since they're my own plates, but would surely qualify if one of you had seen them in the wild. These were the personalized plates I got when I moved to Ohio. Decided to switch to a different option when I bought a new car in 2011, but of course I've kept the old plates around. (Discussion of the reference on the new plates would fall into our "weapons banter" thread. )
  23. Agreed. But, to side with the OP on another point, Fukuyama/Basara is still the best vocalist overall, IMO. (But all FB is awesome, including Mylene.)
  24. VF-1J VF-11B/C YF-19
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