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Cdr Fokker

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Everything posted by Cdr Fokker

  1. What we need to find is someone both capable and willing to tackle the integration of visual components - that is, the incorporation of a 3D engine into the rest of the simulation. While I am still capable of doing so, I no longer have any real interest in it. About as far as I'd care to go these days with respect to the 3D aspects would be analyzing any 3D models to obtain reference data for the physical simulation. (For example, I still have some MEL scripts around to do things like compute the moments of inertia of an arbitrary 3D model under certain assumptions.) BTW, I hold a BS in Aerospace Engineering and spent over five years working on flight simulation in the defense industry (plus some time during college working with simulation for civil/general aviation).
  2. I just fired off yet another email... hopefully I'll get my pre-order settled up here soon.
  3. And I don't recall the rest of the normal 7 cast as really doing all of that much in Dynamite - that is, IIRC, the whole story is entirely focused on Basara. The search for him by Gamlin and Mylene was all secondary. (And I know I never really cared; I was totally okay with it just being about Basara being a sort of wandering minstrel.) Pretty much. And as previously mentioned, with 7 itself, you also had the triangle of Basara-Sivil-Gigil, IMO, the closest "real" love triangle in 7. The Gamlin-Mylene-Basara thing really doesn't exist as a traditional triangle, because Basara isn't interested in much of anyone in particular (except possibly Sivil - and whether that was actual feeling for Sivil versus just wanting to prove the power of his song is a debate unto itself).
  4. Any my longtime dream is probably even less in line with what most would want than you're thinking. I want to actually have a true VF simulation - that is, truly running in the vein that real simulators run, not as games run. There would be an absolute emphasis on realism - okay, as real as we can get after injecting the not-quite-so-real OTM. That would still mean that portraying some of what we see in the series/films wouldn't really be possible - and thus why I think many would not care as much for the route I prefer to take. In an ideal world, I'd get some hardware to go with it as well. With the ever-increasing 3D printing tech these days, though, having some appropriate MFD bezels and HOTAS housings done up might not actually be out of the realm of possibility. One of these days I'll find time to get back to working on what I have started before. Possibly this winter, as my other hobbies naturally die down during that season. One of the big roadblocks on my efforts ever amounting to anything is that I basically want nothing to do with graphics any more - that is, I no longer have any interest whatsoever in working on a 3D engine or related efforts. (Which is a huge change in position from where I was less than 10 years ago.)
  5. From FB: So I presume the vinyl ones are all just for mock-ups.
  6. For those of us with pre-order deposits, any idea on when the remainder will need to be paid?
  7. MAXL, 17T, Fz-109, and Battle 7.
  8. Nah... but I do need a pink '11.
  9. And I would refer back to the comments that veef made. The PD themselves are otherworldly beings, so if you accept that, then the effects of "sound energy" and "anima spirita" against such beings should not be too much of a stretch. This even goes for the attacks blocked by the sound boosters - if the projected energy weaponry is actually more PD than PC (that is, gaining more of its quality from the otherworldly-components and not from the more-of-this-universe components of the Evil series), then it makes sense. I don't recall the sound boosters having much, if any, direct effect on non-PD entities or technology. Again, see the actions in Fleet of the Strongest Women, as mentioned by veef. (Speaker Pod Gamma FTW!) I totally understand those who don't like 7 for its inclusion of the otherworldly aspect to begin with (not just sound boosters, but the PD themselves and the whole spirita thing altogether). That is quite a departure from the "harder" depictions of SDFM, DYRL, and Plus. And of course this can often be a reason for why fans don't care for Zero as much either. Understandable. I also am one who enjoys the length of 7, but a lot of that is because I like 7 for what I feel it is - all about Fire Bomber. (So what some feel as pure "filler" I see as still being good episodes.) It's also why I don't mind the repetitiveness of the music early in the series - not only do I love pretty much everything Fire Bomber anyway, but I realize that it really seems to be a good depiction of a real band making a breakthrough into the mainstream: they get that one big first hit, which is played to death everywhere at the beginning before the rest of their material begins to really come out. So it really fits. I would love something like Macross The Ride; or as I mentioned previously, something focuses on a private guard unit for an idol or band. I think a lot of fun could be had with those ideas, providing for really great entertainment - with cool Valks and new paintschemes too. But you know what, I say, whatever it ends up being, the new series will undoubtedly be good. Why? Well, there hasn't really been any Macross that I don't like.
  10. Yeah, I don't have a V2 1J either. I'm not a big fan of the GBP, and as I've already got the 1/48 as well as the V1 1/60, I don't know that I'd ever display the armor, so I might do the same - buy it and then sell of the armor.
  11. Agreed. While the actual sculpt etc. is awesome, that's just not the right color. That's a Max blue, not the Shin grey-blue. (IMO, that's the biggest issue with the color - it's too saturated.)
  12. I do. (Well, at least I can say there is something from every album that I thoroughly enjoy, even if I still prefer some albums over others.) More in line with what we're talking about here, though you can hear how the styles change and the band evolved over time, there's still that certain something that ties it all together - that is, at a certain level, it still all sounds like DM. And that's really all you need. You don't necessarily need very particular, objective things for things to feel as though they belong. IMO, we could have a fairly "radical" departure from the "3 pillars" and yet still end up with an excellent series that would feel right in line with the rest of them. The one point I would argue is that you need great music; it doesn't necessarily have to win the day or otherwise really be _that_ important to the plot, but it should _be there_. For example, maybe follow a Minmay Guard-esque unit or something. Music would be often featured, but would not necessarily be the focus, and doesn't necessarily factor into any kind of deus ex machina. Personally, I would love to see something in the vein of M7, but with more focus on the death and destruction as a way of highlighting Basara's pacifist stance. (IMO, it was a missed opportunity - there is an enormous amount of death and destruction in 7, but it's really glossed over for the most part, and I feel that making things grittier in that respect would have really underscored how committed Basara was and, to an extent, why - the why being to prevent _any_ death and destruction in the first place, so as to not inflict the same suffering on your enemies that they are causing you at the moment.)
  13. AFAIK, none of us who have produced Macross and/or RT mods have ever received any C&D orders. Back in my pre-Macross-purist days, I had a "Third Generation" (or whatever they call MOSPEADA these days) Robotech mod that actually garnered some attention from a small gaming magazine in Europe someplace. They wanted to put the mod on their cover CD, but HG said no. They didn't shut down the project or otherwise object to its mere existence, they just objected to it being incorporated into anything resembling a commercial enterprise. Of course that was many years ago; their attitudes may have changed. I don't think that any of us on either of the two DYRL mod teams (for the HW franchise) ever received any communication at all from anybody at HG.
  14. Crap. Of course, one of the weeks when I don't bother looking for '21s on eBay is when one like that shows up.
  15. Doesn't KS issue full refunds if a project doesn't meet their base goal, though? (Of course if the goal is met, you're SOL if the project doesn't actually follow-through and produce what was claimed...)
  16. Mine's waiting at the post office now. I'll be grabbing it tomorrow at lunch.
  17. Happened to be taking some photos of other things and decided to snap a quick one of my 25A: It's presently on one end of the mantel... I have my surround speaker wiring running over around the fireplace, which is what's at the base there behind it. My RVF is actually on the other end right now, but I'm considering putting one of my VF-1 CFs on that end instead.
  18. Yes, in the other thread (about why no more 1/48), that is exactly the point that has been brought up by several of us. 1/48 is great for the VF-1, but leads to bigger toys than most would want (or could afford) if applied to the other VFs. (And of course, everything being in scale with one another is the way to go, really.)
  19. And that's the HWR-00-Mk.II - the original Monster - which is bigger than the VB-6. The joke back then was that we could use it as a coffee table - just put a piece of glass on top across the guns.
  20. Went ahead and ordered one from CDJ over the weekend... the paint scheme is just too awesome. Got my shipping notice this morning; went with registered airmail like some of the others here, as EMS was just too much. What I found strange, though, was that FedEx wasn't even an option. My last order with them was FedEx, and it included the Frontier movie BD set plus a bunch of other stuff - the box probably could have fit a VF-25 in it, but just barely. (And for that order, FedEx was way cheaper than EMS, and FedEx is way faster and more convenient for me, too.)
  21. Yeah, but as I recall, the attitude conveyed was "what, more Zentradi/Meltrandi? just kill them already" without regard for any other course of action (or concern when certain parties decided to take such action). With respect to the Vajra - not talking so much about the actual combat with them here, but rather how other aspects were handled, reflecting a certain attitude. I do admit though that this is really likely more reflective of the fleet leadership rather than the real NUN leadership, as I don't recall them being brought into much in F (unlike the handful of conference calls in 7). And that's what I'm getting at - a general attitude that doesn't seem as open to non-violent responses. Even though the series is all about love and winning over our enemies, that's not the attitude of those in command. (And really, would it be as interesting if everybody was 100% behind people like Basara from day one?) I will also admit some ignorance on the greater Vajra topic; I haven't read up too much on backstory in terms of how things actually first started - i.e., which party was the actual instigator that kicked everything off leading to the events of Frontier. Was it indeed because of official (N)UNS actions that the Vajra reacted and began attacking? Or did they just start attacking? It would seem something set them off - whether of their own accord or in response to a threat from (N)UNS, as first contact well predates everything we saw in the series (even the original attack on the research fleet).
  22. AFAIK, there isn't any truly free BD player software out there - at least nothing that looks legitimate and is able to deal with AACS and BD+ protected discs. I have the XMBC plugin to run BD playback through MakeMKV (which I use to rip everything), and just verified that such a playback works fine with the MacF movie discs. MakeMKV is still in public beta, and is free while in that state, though there are rolling keys that you have to update. Or you can buy a license for $50.
  23. I'm no so sure about the UNS high command being all that for love and peace; there's at least one really apparent instance where they just want to destroy any possible threat without regard to alternative solutions - I'm speaking of course about "Fleet of the Strongest Women". Based on things like that, plus some of the handling of the Vajra situation, I'd wager that most of those in high command would be of the opinion more often than not to annihilate anything that actually raises any kind of threat, without attempting to pursue alternative non-violent resolutions. Of course a race that doesn't present any threat could be accommodated and integrated (like the Zolans), but my gut says they would vote to crush any hostile forces at the first overt sign of aggression. But then again, from the events of M7, they are a lot more restrictive on the employment of reaction weaponry, so maybe they don't want to just reign down destruction on any enemies. Except that everybody seems okay with shooting off a Macross cannon whenever and wherever, so I don't know. (That's one thing I found a little strange - though of course we're to believe that the 2045+ reaction weapons are incredibly destructive, far more than those piles of nukes used in SWI, even the smaller-scale Macross cannons are still rather potent, and are seemingly used all of the time by comparison). And all of this is just about what high command - like back on Earth - is saying, which doesn't necessarily mean that the fleets will act out in that manner, especially given the growing autonomy of the fleets.
  24. My brother just alerted me to the news of Homeworld Remastered; not super-new-news (announced a few months ago, apparently), but still something I hadn't caught wind of. Maybe we'll have to start up a new project with the new stuff. Hopefully the new engine is focused on HW1-scale, so we can have proper Macross battles, instead of the crazy-tight HW2 scaling. (At least, I'm assuming it's a new engine; there's talk of shared multiplayer between the HW1 and HW2 remasters, so I'm guessing they're both on the same engine now, which would likely be new or a new variant.)
  25. In that case, you should have replaced the other "or" as well. And added that the MAXL and 17T need Sound Boosters, too. And we need a minifig of Veffidas with her drum kit. Oh yeah.
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