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Cdr Fokker

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Everything posted by Cdr Fokker

  1. Fists won't be need until we get some 1/48 Zentradi and Regults to beat up on...
  2. Yes! Yes! Recasts! Keep us updated on these babies!
  3. Alright, that's it. ... A portion of my next paycheck is most definitely going for one of these babies! I was planning on waiting to see if a standard purple ("cannon fodder") Q-Rau would be released, but this just looks way too good to pass up...
  4. It's called "paint". Perhaps you've heard of it. I don't really mind the white all that much, especially if its more work for Rohboy to change the shade to a darker more white-grey (which it probably is).
  5. Put me down for two sets.
  6. Dang. My scanner is too small to be able to fit the Hase boxes on it... somebody else is gonna have to get some high-res versions. Sorry.
  7. I like the current one (choice #1) - though I would prefer it with the color tweaks that Exo did a little while ago (of course done on a high-res scan, though) I'll see about getting the -1A and -1J boxes scanned in tomorrow afternoon (need some time to relax tonight, plus my scanner is on a different comp right now...)
  8. Highest LOD for fighter-class ships is between 700-1000 (800 or so is ideal) tris. Several LODs are required, but I have no problem doing LOD for those modelers working with us who either (a) aren't experienced at doing LOD or (b) just would prefer not to do LOD. I can also supply UV maps for completed models, as long as they're in a format I can read. It would also be a BIG plus if you could texture well.
  9. If nobody can scan in the -1S, I can scan in the Hase -1J box art. I have several -1Js and -1As, but no -1Ss, sadly...
  10. The simple fact is, the project has always been held back by the engine. I suppose it would be better to look at it this way: [... quoted post truncated to save space ...] Well, with the relase of the HW1 source, I was getting ready to overhaul a number of features, such as proper missile behavior and types, more slots, better ship attack behavior, etc. But it just wasn't worth the effort when I could instead go work on HW2 right away. Also, I work all the time. It's all I do. Either consulting/freelance stuff or Macross TC stuff. That's about it - I don't do anything else, or really have a life. (But that's fine.) The only thing is, now I'm doing a lot of actual work, and will be for a while; however, I've set up things so that I work a week or two, then can work on the TC for a week or two, going in rotation. Should be fine...
  11. Various versions of the Valks will be able to be upgraded in some way for them to carry missiles, either AMM-1s, UUM-7 pods, RMS-1s, or some combination. Attack styles and other flight behavior will be changed and tweaked. No Valks shooting down missiles, though; however, many capital ships will be equipped with proper CIWS emplacements for limited anti-missile defense. CIWS still isn't 100% functional (almost, though) and would just be problematic to try to implement on an extremely large scale (i.e., giving Valks, Regults, etc the ability to fire back at missiles).
  12. Knight26 - Just a technical correction; the JSF F-35B is the STOVL variant, not VTOL. It was designed with STOVL in mind, not VTOL.
  13. That's why, next time, you need to also do a scale gunpod with it... Fully functional, of course. That'll show those darn kids... Also, if there are any other Macross fans in the area, putting it in the front yard might cause some accidents on the way to work - "Whoa! Holy crap, is that a -1S head?" *turns back to road for a sec* "Ahh!" *car goes into a ditch* "Oh well, looks like I'll be here a while..." *walks over to -1S snow scuplture*
  14. Count me in, at least for the Plus one, probably the full SDFM one as well.
  15. QF-3000E Ghost, 1/72 or 1/48. I recall MN saying something about possibly doing one before, but nothing seems to have come of it...
  16. It's hard to ever really "finish" a modification/total conversion project. There's always more to do, more things to implement, improvements to be made. I was basically the only one working on the HW TC, and I've basically called it quits... the other guys were swapping over to HW2, so I figured I would as well (well, after I got HW2 that is, which was a while after it was released). Our efforts were better directed to a new HW2 project than to improving or "finishing" the HW1 one.
  17. Forums - http://www.doc34thfist.com/macross
  18. Heck, I was almost the only one working one the project, part of the reason it was shut down. The only support I had was from a guy called Crash in Italy, who did the player models and skins, and then later from McGibs, who was doing textures and skins right before it got canned. Still, this may prove interesting... I know there was a TF TC for an older FPS - I believe it was Q2.
  19. Ahahaha! (Go here if you don't get it...)
  20. HL uses a modified form of the Quake I engine last time I checked. Also, you're completely wrong about HL being limited to bipeds. You can do whatever the heck you want to. There's been a racing mod and all. Years back before I "saw the light" while I was stuck in that awful mess that is rowboat-tech, I had a New Gen / MOSPEADA project started for HL. I had the motorcyle mode of the ride armor semi-functioning, but the HL code is just a mess and kept frustrating the heck out of me. In addition, I had discovered the true originals, mainly Macross, and said "screw this americanized crap". Add to that a lack of support from basically anyone around that time, and you pretty much see why the project was shut down. I plan on eventually doing another first/third person MOSPEADA game, but not for a long time. Oh, and BTW - my RT/MOSPEADA mod for HL was called "Invasion" (Originally "RT: Invasion" but then changed) - so it looks like that new console rt game stole my title...
  21. Cdr Fokker


    Yeah, I too will be waiting for the "mass production" Q-Rau version. I've just grown attached to the purple (DYRL) and green (SDFM) schemes... Though it is Millia...
  22. Really? I know there's one in the first few eps. of SDFM, but I don't recall seeing a brown -1J then... but then again, I may be mistaken - been so busy lately I haven't been able to watch my Macross DVDs much (sounds crazy, I know... )
  23. What about a 1/48 Focker Strike? Either way, the 1/48 is the way to go. Better scuplt, better details, better everything pretty much.
  24. I "play" with my Valks the same way I "play" with my 12" figures - every so often I mess around with em and put them in different poses and all, set up scenes, etc.
  25. isn't this the trend for Real Life aircraft as well? i know the F-22 has internal Bays, so does the Comanche helocopter....does the new F-35 have them as well? Maybe Kawamori is simply following the trend?? BTW, good observations, David IIRC, the F-35 has both internal bays and external pylon points (at least the AF version, I think). Basically, you have your internal bays when you want to remain stealthy, and then the added external pylons after you've knocked out most of the enemy's defenses and need to blow up lots of stuff...
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