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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. 1. All Xbox 360s have red ring of death issues. Mine was a new one, that didn't get much play time, and I just paid to have it sent to the repair factory. 2. Be prepared to shell out extra bucks for extra warranties, and be ready for your system to die, which I'd say it's an 8 out of 10 chance it's indeed going to die within 2 - 8 months of purchase. So if you don't mind shipping your system out periodically to have it repaired, while paying for the shipping, then the 360 is for you! Oh, and once all your warranties are expired, you might as well buy a new 360 - that'll save you money in the long run, 'cuz you'll get new warranties for your new system which will probably inevitably have to be repaired. 3. After I chatted with the guy on the 1-800-4myxbox line, who was very honest with me and really cool despite the fact that I was pissed off (but not at him) it seems that Microsoft has a very real and very huge problem with the red ring of death and massive amounts of people needing system repairs. Microsoft has recently issued a new proclamation that repairs on 360's are free, but you gotta' pay to have it shipped to them. With all these problems, I'd say a price cut OUGHT to be on the horizon... but now Microsoft has got to fund all those repairs and re-shippings.
  2. golden Arms -- is that Aya Natsume standing next to Motoko? If it is, that's one badAZZ statuette!
  3. It gets even better. It turns out the punk at game crazy who sold me my system lied to me. He said I could bring in my system at any time and trade it in if it had problems, because I paid for the two year plan. Now today, I am told at two separate stores, that they won't honor their replacement warranty until Microsoft's warranty runs out in a YEAR. So I call up Microsoft, and they tell me "Oh yeah, we'll fix your Xbox for free. But YOU have to pay to have it shipped all the way to TEXAS for repairs." I told the guy on the phone nothing personal towards him, he was a cool guy, but Microsoft has just lost a customer for life, when it comes to console gaming. Nothing but Sony and Nintendo for me from here on out. I am incensed. It cost me 20 dollars to ship that f--ker to Texas. When I get that thing back in the mail, I'm sending it straight to ebay along with all my accessories and games. Hopefully it'll help take a chunk out of my new PS3 budget... if anybody actually WANTS to buy an Xbox 360 anymore. Piece of crap. *&%$#@!@#$$
  4. I'll tell you what caused my red ring of death, in great detail: system sat on a shelf in dry, room temperature climate with minimal exposure to sunlight, without being touched, or talked/sung to for a long period of time. Then the tray was opened, a brand new game was placed inside, the tray was closed, and the power button was pushed. Voila! 3 eerie red lights appeared where there should have been green (I asked my wife if she believed Satan could possess an Xbox at that moment) and then nothing happened. And nothing will happen, until I either machete my way through Microsofts' red tape to get my 360 repaired, or go trade in my useless one for a new or refurbished system at Game Crazy. I'm hoping for new, and then I'll ask for an immediate refund. If they won't refund my money, then I wonder if anybody around Mworld would like to buy an [Xbox 360 w/hard drive + 2 wireless remotes +headset +ethernet cable + HD/AV cable <---all brand new] +Gears of War + (brand new) Crackdown + Gears of War carrying case (brand new) + USB cooling fan attachment (brand new) + DVD remote.... I think that's everything.... for OOoh... let's say, around 600 bucks? -- I forgot to throw in "Free Xbox Live Silver."
  5. ...You should make a Berserk outfit, of Gatsu (Black Swordsman). THAT, would be something.
  6. I looked on the cover of Time magazine a while back and it turned out I was the person of the year. So there.
  7. I've been cruising the web and reading similar horror stories about xbox 360's crapping out like crazy. Fortunately, I "bought" a replacement policy from game crazy, and I'm taking this thing back tomorrow. Seriously, I think I had my 360 for 3 months. I've owned lots of video game systems, and the only ones I've ever had crap out on me were two different original X-boxes, and now my 360. There's something very wrong with microsoft. I read one website - http://blogs.mercurynews.com/aei/2007/02/x...l#comment-43727 Where a guy had I believe 6 out of 7 systems croak on him. I think the 360's an amazing machine... but I don't want mine anymore, this is ridiculous, especially considering how much $$$$ I've forked over for the thing. I wish I hadn't opened f--king crackdown, because now I can't get a refund. It's funny, because I hadn't even played my 360 for over a month. Oh, and the good thing about the older models, is that if you have a 360 manufactured before 2006, repairs are free. If you have one manufactured 2006 and after, you pay 100+ dollars to get it fixed. I believe the replacement policy I purchased (THANK GAWD) lets me have one trade-in, and that's it. I'll use my good fortune (good fortune that cost me an extra 50 bucks) to get rid of this machine as soon as I get my new one. Final Fantasy 13 will be better than the entire 360 library put together anyway probably. Note: I'll be patiently waiting for the next victim to come forward here on Mworld and speak of their beloved deceased.
  8. My xbox 360 doesn't come on anymore. It just flashes red lights. I just bought Crackdown. I didn't even get a chance to play the f--kin' thing. I am not pleased. And I'm REALLY not pleased, because I've barely played the dam-ed system since I bought it several months back. I only own Gears of War and now Crackdown. I swear, if I can get my money back I'm gonna' get a PS3. This is BS!
  9. If that was my kid I'd probably sort of just disappear one day, and get a name change, and stuff like that.
  10. Sony is like a really really hot super model who is also a total snotty stuck up B--CH. She can be the embodiment of everything we find atrocious about snobby behavior, but still everybody wishes they could get a date with her. The super model will have many boyfriends, Sony will have many customers. As long as they've got the goods, people are willing to look the other way. Also, I thought I'd throw in this tidbit. I have an xbox 360, and I own ONE game for it. I don't plan on buying anything until bladestorm comes out. Yet, I am now further-modifying my Playstation 2 and finding myself enjoying PS2 games more than ever. It's like the developers just NOW figured out how to really use the PS2 to its full potential. I'm not ready to give mine up! It's impressing me more than my 360 these days.
  11. What a great thread! Nice work, everyone. *two thumbs up*
  12. Macross world is the only place where I ever feel pangs of jealousy.
  13. I wrote toynami TWO emails, BOTH of which they responded to, telling me they'd replace the busted ball sockets on all four of my 1/100 toys. That was months ago. They never sent me the replacements. I emailed again to ask what was up and never got a response. Shame on you, toynami. That's just messed up.
  14. Good point. Agreed. Also, I will not be purchasing any "dildos" for my Yf19. TOO MUCH $$$$$$!!!!!!!!!
  15. Now I'm definitely not wondering why you like cels. Probably a lot stressful to collect.
  16. Awesome article, if not depressing.
  17. Okay I finally get my YF19 that I preordered like a year ago and the gunpod looks like it got punched by Guld when the plane is in fighter mode. Like everyone else I'm pist off about this. Now the fold booster is here (whoah, I didn't know THAT was on the horizon) and it's 50 f---king dollars before shipping. I'll be expecting it to cost at least 60 dollars on ebay. Then tack on another 20 - 30 dollars for shipping. Until I'm making $100,000 + dollars a year I'm pretty sure my Macross toy collecting hobby is at its end. Can't wait to get back into it when I'm 49 years old and I'll have to pay 900 bucks for a cruddy, botched, first run SV51. And thank you toynami for mysteriously ending the 1/100 scale line - something I could actually almost afford. *kicks rock*
  18. Techromancer is a game for the emulator program ZiNC. I just played it the other day, and it's a total rip off (but in a good way) of anime mech shows. I swear, they have a guy who pilots what looks to be a modified YF-19, someone in something that looks like Alphonse from Patlabor, and some Gundam looking suit, and there's others. It's a pretty cool fighting game too, I'd recommend trying it out. If you need to know where to get ahold of the Rom or the emulator, just let me know. --Bri
  19. I looked into purchasing a Saturn for nostalgiac purposes. I read somewhere that the hardware on the Saturn was actually slightly superior to that of the playstation! It's kind of sad that Sega got shut down so hard on this one. But anyway. A Saturn system seems to be around 150 to 200 bucks... way out of my price range for nostalgia.
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