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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Limitless possibilities. I'm just going to assume that because the SDF even had destroids denotes that they were definitely useful. I think they look kinda' gay as far as mech stuff goes, so I don't really care that much. But anyway, it would make sense they did more than get blown up until they began policing on Earth.
  2. *laughing* What a great picture! Hey if you get anymore similar ideas be sure to put them down on paper as well. Priceless!
  3. Don't watch M7. Just be happy that somewhere in the midst of all those episodes something interesting happens, and then use your imagination to fill in the cracks. Actually seeing it and envisioning it are extremely polarized on the disappointment scale. I own the series, but I haven't watched up to the point where Max pilots because I'd rather just pretend in my head that it's a neat thing. Oh, and if anything about the new Macross series is even remotely Dragon Ball Z-ish I'm gonna' start drinking again.
  4. The 1/48 is badazz. I bought a bunch of 1/60s after buying a bunch of 1/48s, and I was horribly, insanely disappointed by the 1/60s. Whoever started this thread, you're weird.
  5. I just want a believable series, y'know, like every series except for *cough cough cough*. My heart will break if my favorite anime once again becomes some journey into the ridiculously absurd. I can see the merits in *cough cough cough* and I know that it wasn't intended to be like the rest of the Macross. It just seems to have appealed to a niche audience, while the original SDF Macross, Macross +, and Mac 0 (somewhat for Mac 0) have garnered the love of everyone. Regardless, for now, I'm betting that the new series will be meant to appease the old schoolers like myself. But, deep down, there's that lingering fear. *electric guitar blasts in the background accompanied by a harmonica*
  6. Hey, for the mean time I'm a bonafide Xbox 360 owner. I think I should be able to speak my mind about something other than "which games I think are cool." I think my posts are more interesting to read than posts about meeting on xbox live to play whatever, not that there's anything wrong with that. My apologies for not being a loyal xbox fan.
  7. Crap! Double post. (Sorry!)
  8. The drummer in Basara's band is a man. Is THAT innane or insane?
  9. Dang Emerson. What a badazz gundam collection! I love the way gundams look - the toys, the models. I only wish I could get into the anime. But yeesh, what a collection. If I had all that my kid would have a seizure.
  10. Oh how I can only hope with bated breath that the new series will be a spin-off of Macross 7, which I am still to this day only on episode 20 something. And I've had the entire series for a long time. And it's really rare for me to own an entire series and not watch the whole thing. I guess what I'm really saying here is that I don't like Macross 7. I don't hate it, but I'm very close. Thank you, thank you. Macross 7 is like meshing Robotech with the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Please, Kawamori, or however you spell your name, don't do this to us again. And to everyone who's pist about this here post, yes yes, I loved Macross zero, yes yes I know it came out after M7.
  11. While we're at it, make sure you don't miss reading Black Hawk Down. But anyways, I saw 300 again tonight, this is what I've realized. THIS IS ABSOLUTE CRAP! GARBAGE! AMERICAN PROPAGANDA AGAINST IRAN! NONE OF... wait, this actually happened? *silence* YEAH, THIS HAPPENED IN YOUR LIE-RIDDEN, ALTERED HISTORY BOOKS! AND SCREW THE GREEKS TOO! Yes, I'm kidding. I just think it's so preposterously, childishly stupid that anyone in the world would take offense to this movie other than fact-frenzied history buffs. I had to make some sort of sarcastic comment. Sorry you tough lil' Iranians! Long long ago you got "owned" for three days as the youth would say nowadays. I'd like to add, that it's a nice little "coincidence" that God of War II gets released the same time as 300. 'Wish I was one of the producers for either of these two works of art right now...
  12. That sucks I'll never be able to play gears of war 2 now. But I WILL get to play god of war 3... muahahaha. Once I uhm, get the $$$ for a m--ther f---ing PS3. *kicks dirt*
  13. I recommend this book to everyone! (Sorry for the Pressfield mishap back there.) If you're really interested in Spartan culture and the way things probably were back then, this book is pure gold. It's told so well, it's as if the person writing it was actually there - that person being a squire for one of the 300 who lived and had to recount events to Xerxes. It's because I read this book years ago that I was so excited about 300 the movie. 'Can't stress enough how much I recommend this read. Now I'll shut up about it.
  14. Has anyone else here read "Gates of Fire" by Stephen Pressman?
  15. Well, I tried to sell my Xbox 360 on ebay. Sold within 12 hours... to some fraud perpetrator. It's actually pretty funny. 'Soon as they won the item they were no longer a registered user, and then they sent me some bogus paypal email, with instructions to send the 360 with all games and accessories to "her grandson" in.... Nigeria? The email also said that the money "she" paid to me would not be credited to my paypal account until I entered a verified shipping tracking number into some form, to "protect both of us from fraud." I guess this is pretty funny. I wonder how often this crap happens to other ebay 1st time sellers... and I wonder how many actually fall for it?
  16. Geez, I just found out about this today. "Must I lose touch with everything I love as I grow old?!"
  17. I hate legos... but I like these!
  18. Believe me, I feel your pain, even more than Bill Clinton does. At least they offered to send you the coffin. They didn't offer me that. I even asked about it and the guy acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. Add - in : And oh yeah, I'm way beyond pist.
  19. I've never heard of those... but I guess if I want anybody to get a look at my Macross crap I'd better learn what they are real fast. Thanks for the advice, by the way.
  20. I'd like to post some pictures of my collections. BUT LIKE ALWAYS, THIS SITE WON'T LET ME UPLOAD ANYTHING!
  21. A good lil' collection. Any macross collection is a good collection, I say.
  22. Dangit... I want my xbox 360 back from Microsoft-Perpetual-Repair-Land so I can SELL THAT THING.
  23. I'm not in the military, but I can honestly relate. I don't have a curio cabinet (yet) at my house to display all my gorgeous *wrings hands* Macross collectibles, so they're in boxes most of the time. Every month or so I HAVE to take out at least one Yamato 1/48 just to remember how much I love them.
  24. I just want a PS3 for three reasons: Final Fantasy XIII - Devil May Cry - and Metal Gear. Even if I didn't have a blazing hatred for Microsoft (which just recently spawned after my 360 crashed for no apparent reason other than sh---ty manufacturng) I'd still have nightmares about not being able to play these games. Hope my 360 sells on ebay...
  25. Once I sell of my Xbox 360 I want to get a PS3. How are these babies? Are they noticeably better graphically than the 360? How well do the controllers work? Will my system crash and DIE on me in a few months? I've taken apart my PS2 and put it back together many times, and it works just fine, and I've had it for years. I hope the Ps3 is as dependable.
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