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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. There's been 1521 f--king posts on this thread?
  2. I'm agreeing with you, Aegis. And I also agree with some of the things people said further up there. I'm not particularly thrilled about the whole "Minmay meets Firebomber" concept, truth be told. I try to keep M7 alongside M2.
  3. I'm especially farting nuts when I have the flu.
  4. Although I plan on buying it, my wife sure didn't like the new soul calibur pics in the new EGM. I uh... hm... how can I put this. I think there's a... a breaking point (?) where boobs are just a tad too big to be considered attractive anymore. And uh, the Soul Calibur team has transcended that point. I'm glad you posted the butt-shot, because once she turns around you can see her massive tumor-like potato sacks trying to bust out and touch her shins. Okay, maybe if I played Katarami I'd think it's the greatest thing ever to grace people's consoles. I consider myself fortunate enough to not have played, and therefore avoided addiction to, what to me appears to be extremely weird - too weird. I dig strategy (love Warhammer, Rome, Comand and Conquer, LOTR) but pretty much only on PC. It has nothing to do with me being a playstation "fanboy," as I bought an xbox 360 after both systems had already been released. It red-ringed me into giving the bird to Microsoft afer barely touching it for a few months, and then having to pay for the shipping costs instead of getting a "coffin" like everybody else. So I sold my 360, with it's ton of extras and TWO games, for much MUCH less than I paid. Now I have a playstation 3. If in 3 months my ps3 poops out on me too, then I'll hate Sony almost as much. I say almost, because I've never had a Sony system crap out on me, unlike my last-gen Xbox. Do I feel the sting of so many cool games (Bioshock, amidst others) going only to the 360? Hell yeah. But I'm hoping games like FF13 and Heavenly Sword will make up for it. I already think Resistance is about 60% as cool as Gears of war. For a launch game, that's really good. I'll tell you what I am a fanboy of; Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. I also love Sengoku Basara. If someone can get a medieval version of these to work right and look next-gen, I'll be a very happy customer. Oh I also loved those what the hell do you call'ems for Xbox. They were sort of like Dynasty but it was all D&D'd out, and you controlled units instead of an individual, unless you got into melee. They weren't quite done right, but they were fun enough to waste my time. Nothing though, has ever wasted my time like Dynasty Warriors 3 did when it was brand-new. But it was a really good waste of time.
  5. I'm not an expert on Katamari, but I've read about it briefly in EGM or Play magazine. It looks like a weirded-out crock of crap that I wouldn't waste a free-rental ticket on at Hollywood video. The fact that this won't be released on PS3 seems like more of a reason to celebrate than to lament. If they cancel Bladestorm then I'll be pist. I know it's a bit late to be saying this, but I'm playing through the solo mode in Resistance and dang. This game is absolutely awesome. i can't believe this is a system release title.
  6. Well, my Ps3 blows out some pretty hot air (It's like a space heater as you mentioned earlier!) but when I touch the top of the box it isn't hot at all. But --- just to be on the safe side, I ordered a USB plug-in fan cooler last night. Heck, I ordered quite a bit of peripheral stuf. I'm going to keep this baby in tip-top condition for as long as I possibly can! Playstation 4 won't be out probably for another ten years, so.
  7. For what it's worth, I still find the term "folddildo" to be amusing. I'd like to get one for my yf19, but alas, my money will probably get spent on ps3 games instead.
  8. I noticed it. Yet another reason why we (wife and friends) had a blast watching it.
  9. Has anyone else bought Motor Storm? Holy crap! this game is addictive as all heck!!!!!!! Playing it with the sixaxis controller is so much fun, it's just crazy. WoW is all I can say. I LOVE it! Rainbow Six Vegas is pretty cool so far too - aside from the fact that I'm stuck in Mexico at the moment. Oh man, next month I'm going to be one giddy 28 year old kid. If all the strictly-ps3 titles are as beautifully executed as motorstorm, then this is truly a good time to be a gamer. Hey, does anyone remember being a kid, and for nintendo and genesis there would be maybe like 3 games for each system per year that were any good, and so you HAD to get and beat those, and then you felt whole and complete somehow? Nowadays there are so many danged good games out there, that it's impossible to beat them or even play them all. Especially the role playing games. I'm happy to be in the middle of so much great vid-game entertainment, but flustered as well. I never thought I'd hear myself complain about something like this; but there's just too much goodness to go around! I need to live to be like 200 or something...
  10. HEY KEITH - exactly how bad IS the Gundam game for Ps3? I've thought about getting it... but I've read horrible, horrible things. That's why I'm waiting for Dynasty Warriors Gundam... there's no way that'll disappoint me. One thing I must say: If there is going to be a next-gen Macross game, which I suspect eventually there will be, I'll wager all my cash that it'll be exclusive on the PS3. Same goes with a Berserk game. Two more reasons for me to be happy. Hey, has anybody played any racing games on Ps3? Is NFS Carbon better than Motor Storm? Which one is recommended here?
  11. MY radar is full of stuff. Devil May Cry 4, Lair, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, Bladestorm, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy 13/and the other one, Heavenly sword, Kill Zone, GTA 4, mercenaries, and of course, God of War. There's more I can't think of right now, but those are the ones that are burned into my mind. Yes yes I know, some of these aren't ps3 exclusives, but like I care. I can't wait to get my modem router so I can play resistance online! ...if anyone is still playing it, that is. By the way, my wireless router I ordered is 108kbs per second I think, most I looked at were like 50. What do I need for games? I hope I got the right one.
  12. Lair got pushed back to August 14th! AUGH
  13. I'm sure it would make a lot of people happy if the PS3 tanked and Sony was booted out of the video game market. But then what would we be left with? Pointing dildos at cute little gamecube graphics characters with a Wii, or wondering everytime we turn on our 360 whether or not it's going to be "ring time?" THREE YEAR warranties. Yay. I just can't wait to get my system refurbished again and again and again and.... I guess I'd get a Wii, so I can experience gamecube all over again - but this time with a nunchuk.
  14. Like I care. I already got mine. To me, the biggest "screw you" ever in the gaming industry was Microsoft mass releasing the most defective gaming system ever conceived; and then not admitting it for about two years.
  15. I haven't read any of this thread so I have no idea what anyone is talking about nor do I care. I just wanted to say that I saw the movie a couple nights ago with my wife and some friends, and it kicked AZZ. I was VERY impressed. I thought it would be horrible, like I've heard Spiderman 3 was. I was scared going into that theatre, but rest assured, it was a f--king cool movie, with the awesomest CG I've EVER seen in my life. I hope the sequel comes close to being this good.
  16. I just don't think grown men should be dressing up like valkyries, or any other kind of giant robot for that matter. He looks like an idiot. And the "gerwalk" mode is hideous. Now, a semi-nude valk girl, that's a different story. That's okay.
  17. Hey, I found out something cool a few minutes ago. I have a cheap adapter to plug a PS2 controller into my computer (USB.) I decided to try it out on one of the USB ports on my PS3 and lo and behold - it worked! Now I don't have to spend gawd knows how much money on another controller for games that don't really need the sixaxis. Hope this may help some of you out there! Ciao.
  18. I just bought Resistance Fall of Man today. Pretty cool so far. It's really making me hope that PS3 can come out with something as amazing as Gears of War someday, because even though Resistance is cool, I can't help but compare it with Gears. And Gears kicks its arse. I pre-ordered Lair today as well. *keeps fingers crossed* I hope this game is amazing. The only thing I can see about it that I don't much like is that the dragon they give you to ride looks like it ran face-first into a castle at high speeds, and never fully recovered.
  19. Even though the only two Ps3 games I've played are Ninja Gaiden and Virtua Fighter... i hafta' recommend Virtua. It's addictive as hell. I've blown hours on it - and I've only played as the kickboxer and the vale tudo chick! 15 more fighters to go. But, I think I'll be sacrificing Ninja Gaiden to get Lair when it comes out at the end of the month. Gaiden is cool, but no matter if you give it high definition graphics, a new weapon, and some chick missions, I still feel like I'm playing the exact same game from my old X-box that broke down and couldn't play anything except halo anymore so I was able to swindle the people at gamestop into letting me trade it in. But, yeah, I need to beat Sigma in the next couple weeks.
  20. The Ps3 isn't "whirring" away unless you're going to be sitting like 5 feet away from the console. The system is amazingly quiet, although not silent. I mean, c'mon. It's a video game console. Anyone who b--ches about it being too loud for blu-ray needs a good swift kick in their silver-spoon-fed azz. It's about 1/10th the noise level of an xbox 360. Maybe not even that loud.
  21. Uh, yeah, I guess it just sits there... when I'm not playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Virtua Fighter. (?) What else is it supposed to do? Clean my house?
  22. I find this amusing: in my latest issue of EGM, the STAFF WRITES, that ALL of their Xbox 360's crashed in the last month. (Go to the 360 thread on Mworld and everyone there will deny the existence of the red lights practically) Also, when I was buying my playstation 3, the guy working at gamecrazy was ON THE PHONE with Microsoft, working on getting his 360 fixed! And he said it was his THIRD TIME. Not only has everyone I know who's owned a 360 had it crash on them, but hell, it's even in a magazine such as EGM now. I just can't believe people will put up with this garbage. I got the red ring of death ONE time, and that was enough for me. I hocked that thing on ebay as fast as I could, and now I'm content-as-hell with my ps3, and looking forward to the killer games to come. As for the price drop... screw it. I'll just keep what I got, just to be sure my system has the emotion engine, and a blu-ray player.
  23. I was thinking the EXACT same thing.
  24. All I know is last week I bought a PS3 for 600 bucks at a gamecrazy. Now the price is gonna' drop? f--k me.
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