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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Wow, you've built quite the collection in a short while - cool! I am jealous! I bought my first 1/48 Yamato this month - it is sweet! Am hoping to build up a decent collection soon, but it's tough on the budget!! As for how fast I can transform the valkyrie - it's good to read that many of you felt the same as I did the first time I transformed it. Took me almost 2 hours!! And now after a few weeks, it takes me about 15 mins or so. I still get scared of possibly breaking a piece, but feel confident that I know what I am doing. Can't wait to maybe get a VF-0S ... but it looks like I'll have to learn another transformation method ... cool. 401118[/snapback] Well. I also neglected to mention that I too was frightened when transforming my 1st Yam. I had this thought resonating in my head: "I just spent all this money on this thing and it's gonna' frickin' break. OH GAWD I JUST BROKE IT. Wait. Phew it's okay still." Now repeat that process for about an hour. Oh, and there was the inevitable "HOLY SH-T I BROKE THE HEAT SHIELD OFF! F--K!....oh. It goes back on pretty easy. Ha. haha. ha."
  2. Just to make it 100% clear, in none of the three modes (Fighter, Battroid or GERWALK) is the flap at the bottom of the backpack supposed to fold up.. This is where the VF-0 design differs from the VF-1. Illustration 4 on page 6, shows that you are supposed to fold the whole backpack up and over into the GERWALK mode position, NOT fold the flap.. DON'T TOUCH THAT FLAP!!!! Of course if you try to fold something which is not supposed to fold, it will break. This is more a case of not understanding the instuctions, rather than any defect with the toy. Graham 401103[/snapback] So let me get this clear. You are not supposed to fold the flap? hmmm... 401119[/snapback] .... well. I think, but maybe it's just me, that you're NOT, supposed to fold that flap. Don't do it - it's just not worth it.
  3. Ask Novea, tell him your situation and I am sure he will give you a special price for this valk. He is not just a vendor but a fan himself so he will be glad to help you! 401085[/snapback] Thanx for the advice! I'll PM him once I scrounge enough to at least make a decent offer... and retain my dignity while I beg like a pauper.
  4. Couldn't have done it without your VF1s recast head! Thank you! I hope you're enjoying your mangas. 400927[/snapback] NP Brian, i'm just happy you were able to make use of it with lasers breaking off like peanut brittle and all haha. As for Berserk i've only read about the first three issues but it's shaping up to be pretty good already. I really look forward to putting some time into reading it soon. Thanks. 401079[/snapback]
  5. I have 1 billion mame emulator games, but I didn't know there ever WAS a Macross arcade game! PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 401036[/snapback] Given MAME doesn't even support a fraction of a billion diffrent ROM image sets, and half of the sets they DO support are duplicates or unplayable, I find your statement to be a vast overstatement at best. 401088[/snapback] Okay okay. I have more like, 120 Mame games? Is that better? Count in my NES, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64, and various other emulators, and the total comes out to be around 1 billion, yeah.
  6. If I had the money, I'd buy one of these in a heart beat. I think these things look bad ASS. Alas. I'm poor.
  7. I think it's ugly. But if I had the extra money I'd buy like two of'em.
  8. I have 1 billion mame emulator games, but I didn't know there ever WAS a Macross arcade game! PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Try using Tamiya clear-red paint.
  10. I didn't start collecting Macross stuff until about September of 2005. Once I acquired and watched the various animes, I first off bought the entire Macross saga line of MPC's, as well as every super-poseable. I figured they were the coolest Macross toys in existence, until I discovered these "yamato" things on Ebay going for practically 200 bucks a pop. I swore I'd never buy one, it was way too much money and my wife would kick my ass. But damn. I couldn't help myself, and for my 2005 X-mas present I had a Hikaru VF-1S preordered and scheduled to arrive in the mail. WITH, a GBP set along with it. But the waiting proved too much, so I ordered a CF, which was in stock at that time, and it arrived shortly. How light it was compared to the MPC's sort of got on my nerves at first but I ended up falling in love. (I can remember it, I can remember IT!) So get this, at this point in time I have - Roy Focker 1S (w/strikepack) Hikaru 1S (w/strikepack) Hikaru 1J CF 1A Max 1S Milia w/fast pack 1J CF 1S Hikaru 1J (mutilated and in pieces from paint removal experiements) Hikaru 1S (awaiting being converted into Minmay Guard 2) Strikepack 2 Hikaru 1S (in pieces and awaiting it's Minmay Guard 1 day) VF0S Am I insane? Yes, probably. How fast can I transform one of these? I have no idea. Probably a couple minutes from plane to battroid I'm guessing. Oh, and my 4 year old has a pile of Macross toys as well. (All acquired in the same timeframe) K I'm done. ---Bri (I neglected to mention that my macross rampage has left me practically penniless in the "Dad's entertainment" department for a loooong, long time. I do get to pick out a movie at blockbuster video sometimes though.)
  11. *claps for penguin* I liked the colored lines thingy for the explanation. Very nice! If I may put my two cents in here, I'm completely new to the airbrushing thing, but I can offer up some words of wisdom from what I've encountered thus far. #1: Don't use crappy/crap-brand masking tape. FOR THE LOVE OF THE CREATOR DON'T USE ELECTRICAL TAPE. You can ony imagine what horrors I have seen, and how much money and time I have wasted. #2: Definitely make sure the paint isn't too thick if you're airbrushing, and before every spray, start off testing it out on a paper bag or something to make sure you're not gonna' shoot out globs of tear-inducing ugliness. #3: Don't go to Home Depot and experiment using various paint-removal gels/liquids if you ever want to get paint off of one of your 140 dollar Yamato Valks. Your heart will be dissolved in your stomach as you watch your valk dissolve under the liquid-nightmare you applied with your own weary, frightened, guilt ridden hands. I may have more things to offer up later as I make more mistakes. Hope this helps anyone else who is either unfairly unknowledgeable in this dept. or chronically stupid. I fall into both categories. ---Bri
  12. Hey chaos - is your avatar a blood-bowl player or just regular warhammer?
  13. move along nothing to see. 400986[/snapback] Hey, my cousin told me that the Japanese have been using real-life VFs to fight off intrusions from alien invaders for the last 25 years. Is this true? Does this explain why they have such vivid imaginations? Also, I've been trying to change my VF0S into race-car mode and I can't figure out how that goes and it's not in the directions. Can someone tell me where the steering wheel is? Why didn't my sticker sheet come with the NASCAR decals? Thanks for your help, ---Bri
  14. Couldn't have done it without your VF1s recast head! Thank you! I hope you're enjoying your mangas.
  15. So i don't think people here are exagerrating the floppiness. Just that some people are luckier than others. 400519[/snapback] Exactly. My VF0S is straight-up floppy. He looks cool dangit! ....But if he got in a fight with one of my Vf1s 1/48's he'd get his ass kicked.
  16. *laughing* Thanks Dev! Please wish me much luck on those!!!
  17. All I really care about, is that the toy looks beautiful. Now I need that 0A to go along with it, and someday my display case will be gorgeous. Once I get a display case, that is. Which will cost about a billion bucks with all the macross crap I've acquired in the past year...
  18. Nice quote, Toonz.
  19. definitely do!
  20. wow! That looks really cool! I'd like to see the Vf1a,j, and s lined up.
  21. I plan on taking totally new pictures, with good lighting and having a knowledge of how to make my wife's cam not take such grainy looking photos. The pictures look like crap unfortunately, but in real life the toys actually look pretty good! (I think. In my opinion. I guess.)
  22. Okay, I'm going to post pictures. They look awful - the lighting was bad and they were taken with great haste last night as my wife looked at me like I was a nut. (She's the one who knows how to work her digicam) I was just excited that someone else out there might wanna' take a look at what I made besides me! So here's the pictures. If I can figure out how to upload them. You'll notice the extra red lights I put on the front of the legs - I do that with all my Yamatos. Before I ever bought any Macross toy I once saw a picture of a valk with the lights on the front of the legs, and I always thought it looked cool. So - it's like my lil' trademark now. By the way, having to dremel your valk to get the head to not chip paint when you transform it is unnerving.
  23. HEY! What's the best stuff to put ontop of your paint once you're done to keep it from flakin' off?
  24. I don't even have enough time in my life to do my minmay guard custom 1/48 valk. Hopefully the creators of that monstrosity are getting like, college credits for what they built. If not then they must either be rich with too much time on their hands or really poor... with too much time on their hands.
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