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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. *claps hands* I hear ya' on this one! Gotta' love that artificial gravity too.
  2. I like AD&D 1st edition rules. I still have my copy of "Unearthed Arcana." They didn't need to make any other editions. Man, I haven't played AD&D for soooooooooooooOOO long. I miss those late nights full of pizza and dice throwing. Man, 13 years goes by so fast.
  3. Yes, I am who these people are making trashy movies for (Although I didn't think Aliens, Alien, Predator, and Predator 2 were trashy. But hey, to each his own.) I've been a fan of Pred and Aliens since I was a lil' kid! I even collected the comics. How can you expect me not to go see a new one that comes out? And contrary to what you may think, I don't like trashy movies. Because of people like me, maybe someday they'll make a new Aliens, Predator, or AVP that ISN'T trashy.
  4. How can any of you NOT have paid money to see the 1st AVP in theaters? Holy crap man. Even though it pretty much sucked, I still was all over that on opening day. I don't have THAT much pride. As a human being, I still have hope that a movie can be good. I WILL be paying money - again - to see one or more Predators take out some Aliens on the big screen whether it sucks or not. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be gloating over not going to see the 1st one, especially if you are a fan of either movie series. I haven't even seen the trailer for the new AVP because it doesn't matter; as soon as I found out this movie was being made I'd already made my decision to see it. Besides, I've had fast food worse than AVP1 that cost me more money too.
  5. I think I'll be pickin' up Gundam instead of Lair... the Dynasty Warriors formula never ceases to entertain me. I'm also skeptical about the ratings Lair got all around. The graphics are gorgeous, yes, but something must be wrong with this game for it to receive such mixed and generally low reviews. Anyone know when Dynasty Warriors 6 is slated for a US release?
  6. The main character will be duke. You know it. I know it. There's nothing we can do about it.
  7. Question: Would anybody here suggest getting Lair, or Dynasty Warriors Gundam? If you had to choose between the two, which one would you pick?
  8. From someone who used to own every single AVP comic book ever made... the 1st movie was heart breakingly bad enough. If there's a 2nd one, I hope they might take the liberty of looking at some of the first AVP comics, which interestingly enough, came in compilations with other comic series. "Dark Horse Presents" --- that was the name of those.
  9. I'd like to get jumped in also.
  10. Oh, but it IS a contest. Just not formally.
  11. I used to hoard video game systems and games, until some "friends" of mine in highschool traded it all to some dealer for weed. Since then all my consoles have been disposable. Except my ps2, that I'll keep. Hey, are there any King of Fighters fans in here? Any word on what's coming out in 2008? Did they release anything for 2007? The last KOF I played was 2006. It was cool, but why'd they ditch Joe Higashi once they went 3-D? Anyway. If anybody knows about KOF on ps3 eventually, please share your wisdom. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3161731 Man, and now I have to come up with the dough for Warriors Orochi, Heavenly Sword, Dynasty Gundam, Lair, and now Dynasty 6.
  12. I thought I'd add in; they're actually remodeling characters in D6. I mean, completely new looks finally. New weapons. Man, I can't wait.
  13. Holy crap, I'm not alone. When I hit 80, my azz is sitting on a recliner and my fingers are wrappin' around whatever controller splices into all systems at that point in time. Until I die.
  14. No no no! This isn't warriors orochi for the 360 and ps2. This is Dynasty Warriors 6, totally revamped next-gen dynasty warriors for ps3... and probably 360 too. The graphics are wicked, the game looks amazing. I guess now you can climb ladders, swim, and who knows what else. I wish I had a link, but I'm sorta' making dinner for the family right now. Look it up on google!
  15. *laughs* Nice, very nice.
  16. My favorite, is the 1/48 DYRL Max VF1S. (I made it out of a Hikaru 1S)
  17. Okay, hierarchy here: 1. New games are finally coming out (soon) 2. Unfortunately, some of us only get our game information from magazines while sitting on the can 3. EGM everyone agrees is a pretty much suck magazine 4. I mention seanbaby as being an ignoramous, albeit funny at times 5. People declare their undying love for seanbaby because he hates Christians and military personnel 6. Apollo Leader states his opinion, along with some pretty obvious insights, and is immediately (and unfairly) blasted by seanbaby's Mworld hit squad It's not about getting offended by what someone says. I freaking go to a liberal University, without one single conservative teacher on the staff; I get blasted for my political views almost on a daily basis and am at odds with pretty much the entire campus. I don't b--ch about it because I don't care. But for cryin' out loud, when I pick up a VIDEO GAME MAGAZINE I don't need nor want to read some jackazz telling me that all Christians and conservatives are human waste simply because he thinks so. Once again, this isn't Maxim or something. It's EGM. Seanbaby is as crude and retarded as the stars who hijack awards shows to push their ideology on the world. And if you think he's funny, go to Somethingawful.com, THEY are actually funny. And they don't spew their hatred using a video game mag for cover. Okay, I'm done, EGM's staff sucks, whatever. Today I foundout (using the internet!) that they've made a Dynasty Warriors 6?! HELL YEAH! Nobody else here but me likes those games probably, but dang, I can't wait to hear about a US release date! There's so much good stuff waiting to be released; for the 1st time in my life I feel sad that I won't get a chance to play all of these gems.
  18. Those guyver toys are SICK darkwind! I want some of those!!!!!!! How much $$$$ and where are earth did you find them?
  19. I forgot to add; by the time RE5 gets released 3 or 4 years from now who knows? Maybe they'll have transported everything to Prague or something.
  20. You can bag on anything you want in the appropriate time and place and I have no problems. Please take a second and realize that maybe most of EGM's readers are kids? Some are kids with Dads in the military. Some are religious people. If I was editor at EGM I'd tell Seanbaby to save his sentiments for his own website. I live in Utah now, and I understand how much some people hate Mormons because I used to be like that. But, I don't stand up for the dickheads who wait outside of LDS temples on couples wedding days and shout epithets at them and throw feces and the like on the bride's dress, even though the government says it's OK because of freedom of speech/expression whatever. I dunno', I'm just not the type to clap and cheer when someone says something intentionally offensive in the media; it's been done so many times it doesn't impress me. But hey, if that's your thing then more power to ya'. Send seanbaby a thank-you card.
  21. I thought it was pretty awful when they made Street Fighter 2 toys for Gi Joe...
  22. Okay - I started collecting comics at around age 5 or 6, and GI Joe was one of the 1st ones I collected. (That makes it... 1984 or 1985 ish) Yes, I could read that early, I skipped kindergarten because it was too boring. What sticks out the most in my mind is yes, I'll say it again, the Snake Eyes Trilogy (because he's always been my fave Joe by a longshot.) Did Hama write that? Or was that past his time? Was he around when Storm-Shadow joined GI Joe? What's most interesting here is the origin of the Baroness. Hama says she was from Japan??? I stopped collecting comics in Junior High... so I'm severely hampered in my comic knowledge to this day. But heck, I sure do know about the X-tinction Agenda, for whoever remembers that cross over series, or First Comics Ninja Turtles... everything Dark Horse... Mcfarlane doing the Hulk when he was grey. Man I wish I had all that crap again.
  23. What is this Hama stuff I keep hearing about? I'm in the dark here.
  24. I have a lot of friends and family in the military; and almost to the man they're more intelligent than seanbaby. But hey, I didn't say he wasn't funny. Everytime I read his column I laugh - but I don't take kindly to his bagging on people's beliefs and values. He's a condescending prick. A funny one. Yes, I did mean pretentious. (sorry there!)
  25. oooooh, I'd be pissed. Make your brothers buy it all back on ebay now.
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