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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. On that note. What are those two extra chunks of plastic that came with my VF-0S? I've been meaning to ask this for a while. What the heck are they for?
  2. Ha! She's definitely from Japan.
  3. Howabout the "VF-1(CENSORED) Version." It's a *%$ing naked valk.
  4. *pats you on the back* It's okay. I'll bet more people around here than we think are Toynami/HG victims. And definitely more people than would care to admit it! Look on the bright side though. You may have over-paid for your MPCs, but maybe in a few years they'll be so "collectable" due to their limited production, they'll be worth twice as much as you paid. (To anybody who hasn't discovered Yamato, that is.)
  5. hahaha! Okay Roy Focker said a couple of charming things. Everyone else... including Roy, made me want to commit suicide.
  6. Aesthetically I disagree. From a business vantage, yeah I get it. Sort of. If you go onto Robotech.com, you'll see that they have an entire section of vids that are Japanese with subtitles, like Super Dimension Fortress Macross, AND Mospaeda, AND Southern Crock Cavalry. Despite that there they are, selling the parents of their slave-spawn, you're still not allowed to discuss them at large. (?) That always made me tilt my head, like the stupid confused animal that I am.
  7. hahah, you are right. My valks looks prettier everyday.
  8. It may be worth acquiring just to hear Roy Focker say "Now watch jet jockey in action!" 408397[/snapback] If you can make it that far into the movie, then I suppose it may be worth it. Wait - no. I change my mind. Nothing is worth watching Clash again. Not for me anyway. I'll run away.
  9. You have a point. But edition sounds more like you're talking about a book rather than a huge military vehicle that flies around and turns into different stuff and leaches money from people.
  10. Yeah, but when you're a Dad and you're cooking dinner and cleaning and doing all sorts of stuff and trying to watch anime at the same time and can't speak japanese, it sucks. I miss all the subtitles and have no idea what's going on. Sorta' cuts down on what spaces of time I can reserve for my anime sessions. 407894[/snapback] Exactly. I swear, the English dubb was invented for people who do and fold their own laundry. I never even think about that fact that I'm reading from the bottom scrren untill I realised that when I was doing something else, I didn;t know what the hell they were saying. And I didn;t immeadiately notice. Funny how the mind works (or - at least mine) 408179[/snapback] Many anime's I have watched subbed and unthinkingly gotten up to do something briefly and returned to find myself not knowing wtf is going on. That's when I hit rewind. And it sucks. Then everybody b--ches at me for rewinding it. Well I don't speak Japanese, damnit.
  11. Holy crap! That's what happened to me. It went: #1: Bought battlecry for Xbox because of childhood nostalgia #2: 4 years later I get married and my wife buys me the robotech saga #3: I become reunited with something I loved+didn't comprehend as a kid #4: I start buying robotech crap offa' ebay (for me AND my kid). This leads to buying every macross film in existence #5: I discover robotech.com... where to my utter disbelief, I find that I'm literally not allowed to type certain words, like "ebay." (wtf?) #6: I buy my 1st 1/48 - then discover this site. (Paradise!) #7: I'm a broke ass
  12. Don't be an ass. You don't know that and are assuming. And if you do, then state your sources. vinnie 407818[/snapback] My source is common sense. You think animation just magically appeared in Harmony Gold's offices and they figured "Hey, someone here must have designed this?" I understand that some people really really dislike HG, but the common belief held here on MW that everyone involved with HG is some fire-breathing heartless bastard who's entire existence is focused on creating lies about a 20 year old cartoon and duping anime fans into believing something other than the obvious truth is ridiculous and downright ignorant. 408365[/snapback] I agree completely. Okay... so HG bought some rights to use some Japanese film footage back in the 80's... great, so they make money for themselves. Wish I had gotten in on it. Really. I'd still like the original Macross better, but I'd have $$$ which I think HG was more concerned about rather than destroying America from within' by chopping up Super Dimension Fortress Macross and then adding in Mospaeda and Southern- Cross -Whatever you call it. To assume that anyone who works for HG doesn't know that the origins of "robotech" stem from Japan is insanity. I'm not even going to argue this. I can't even think of an analogy for an assertion so ridiculous. Asking someone to cite this, is like asking me to cite how exactly I figured out how to utter my first word as an infant. I'm not sure how I figured it out, but I'm 100% positive that I indeed spoke a first word. I like SDFM better than Robotech, even though it's 96% the exact same thing (the first 26 episodes anyway), but I'm still gonna' at least rent the Shadow Chronicles. Hell, I can admit I'm looking forward to seeing what they've put together. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. I'm not gonna' pass judgement on a movie I haven't seen simply because HG has done some sucky things in our opinions; especially when it's derived from something I really really like. I just wish they'd release the stinking movie already. And wasn't it supposed to be a series?
  13. I just looked on ebay under "toynami robotech" to see if toynami is selling those new valks that are uhm... 1/80 scale or something? Anyway. I turned up a bunch of "Ben Dixons" going for about 25 bucks. Okay, I got one for my kid at that price about 2 months ago. Then there was a Miria for 80 bucks, and a Max for 159 dollars I believe? 159 dollars? wtf? Yeah, I'll admit I have one. I have the whole damned Macross Saga collection, but no way in hell would I have paid that kinda' change. Plus, ebay used to be saturated with MPC. Now there's only Ben? What the heck happened since I forgot about toynami and found yamato. On that note... is Macross/Robotech gaining popularity in the USA or something? I'm not quite sure if I like that idea. I don't want toy prices to shoot through the roof.
  14. lol I'm going to start my own website and call it "Clashworld.com" Bionoids, baybee! Gimme' those cheesy british accents. And it's safe for kids to watch! Joking. This is definitely NOT safe for kids to watch. I bought a copy of Bionoids on tape offa' ebay once, not knowing exactly what it was. I have since given it to my son (he's FOUR) to go into his collection. And HE won't even watch it. Now that's bad. But he really likes the new Macross english dub series....
  15. If they do that they'll call it a Limited Edition and the price will shoot up. I want them to keep making these not restrict the production. They can call it something else... Vf-1 Customizable (sp) - now with Less paint and More heads. 407919[/snapback] *laughing* that was just awesome.
  16. A. ROM form means the original carts. You want ROM images. Except disk games are disk images. B. Planetemu doesn't have the CD games, which the PCE Macross titles are. I'm not sure of a reliable place to get them. 407914[/snapback] crap!
  17. On that note, I have to mention, Clash of the Bionoids makes Robotech look like a beautiful masterpiece.
  18. I hope you are joking. BUT IT'S NOT FUNNY.
  19. Well. Then bring on the snow valks!... but make them cheaper...
  20. Yeah, but when you're a Dad and you're cooking dinner and cleaning and doing all sorts of stuff and trying to watch anime at the same time and can't speak japanese, it sucks. I miss all the subtitles and have no idea what's going on. Sorta' cuts down on what spaces of time I can reserve for my anime sessions.
  21. Crap. That's not good news.
  22. These games look so cool!!! Where on Earth can I find them in ROM form on the net? I tried planetemu.net, but when I looked for anything on PC engine I drew a blank. Any help/pointers?
  23. I'm loving the new english dubbed Macross series. Will they ever do the same for DYRL?
  24. Kinda' makes you wanna' buy your wife a Minmay outfit.
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