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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Well, sure, but Bowie is from Southern Cross, not Mospeada, so what's your point? 409560[/snapback] aw crap, I didn't mean to put mospaeda there. *slaps forehead*
  2. Yeah you should refraise that you`d be chunking those bad boys out 24/7 and that still wouldnt be enough to satisfy your hunger. for the mighty 1/48 409557[/snapback]
  3. I think it was a great effort!
  4. wow, freaking crap I wish I could do all this stuff... I'd have like, a slew of machined 1/48's all customized and everything
  5. I have only watched "the masters" one time through in my life. Therefore, I can't delve into incredible detail as to exactly why I don't like him. But here's my vague recollection of him: #1: He looks like a freaking dork #2: He acts like a wuss #3: Instead of concentrating on kicking ass, he wants to play piano #4: The fact that I don't like anybody he's surrounded by, including Dana, doesn't help things #5: He manages to stand out as exceptionally irritating in a show full of irritating characters #6: He looks like a freaking dork #7: I don't even like his name So there you have it! My absolutely non-intellectual characterization of one of anime's most irritating sissies. Hopefully someone out there shares my sentiments. I think it would have been great if the producers of Macross 7 would have figured out a way to get Bowie into Fire Bomber. And I ALREADY KNOW that Macross 7 and {THE MASTERS/SOUTHERN CROSS CAVALRY} aren't related and no I don't think this issue ever came up in production... unless I was working there... I'd have been like "Well. Let's just freaking stick BOWIE from the MASTERS in Firebomber. Then it's perfect. And in episode 15 we'll have a special appearance from He-man."
  6. Well. Up until I joined this site, I had a helluva' time piecing together Macross 2, DRYL, Macross Plus, and Macross Zero with Robotech. I think it was like my 3rd post when I asked "what's the difference between macross and robotech?" I actually got a good swift answer with a really interesting link about the origins of robotech. I suppose it was by pure luck, and out of a hardcore time consuming search for robotech/macross products, that I now am at this cool site, and I now know soooOO much. Amazing what I've learned in the few months I've been posting here. Also, this site has some VERY cool people, as I've had many folks help me out with all sorts of things from toy acquisitions to information on customizing. *hats off to Devin, who continues to coach me to this day* I think some folks around here are a lil' bit on the dickheaded side of the spectrum... but that's to be expected. I shudder to think where I'd be if I'd never found Macrossworld. Man. I'd be confused as hell. I wonder how many robotech fans are out there, wondering HOW Macross Plus and Macross Zero fit into it. And of course, I'd be confused as to why Robotech Masterpiece collection toys come in the super-cool books with the artwork on the side, while the obviously superior yamatos are in somewhat lame cardboard and plastic packaging. Heck, I kinda' still wonder that to this day...
  7. HAHA. Yes we should make a thread and sticky it. Or maybe put it in the forum FAQ. Origins of Macrossworld. Who are Shawn and Graham? What/Who is AgentOne? (which reminds me, what happened to him?) 409344[/snapback] You're right. And who in the hell IS agentone?! ---nevermind. Read all the next posts. Clicked the link. Agent one will be banging-anus on Macrossworld no longer. Good. I'm pist that I got a 1st production VF-0 now. Wish I'd have waited. Wish I'd have gotten a super-stealth instead...
  8. I wish I'd have known about the Macross RPG when I was a kid... I'd have played that.
  9. You met Reagan?! In my opinion you win this entire forum. If there's a competition. And then I guess next after that is whichever hottest celebrity chick.
  10. I always use usps, or fedex myself. Never tried DHL before.
  11. It took me months to finally get ahold of the VF1S Hikaru poseable... and the damned thing's lasers won't move on the left side of its' head! (I am still grateful to have it though. Makes my collection 100% complete.)
  12. Also, if our military comes out with infantry-tank equipment, I'm gonna' have more kids just so I can make them join the marines when they turn 18. And I'll expect them to send me lots of pictures.
  13. Wow, that is some crazy crap lowviz! Now if they could just make the dog thing look cool, it'd be almost perfect. Until the next breed of robo-dog comes out. I'm looking forward to the Tachikomas making their debut in real life!
  14. Holy crap. I didn't know people could do stuff like this. I guess if I was an engineering major instead of a mass comm major I'd be more in tha' know. But checking out paint schemes and what they look like on your computer before you actually do it? That is too cool. Adding decals? Crazy!
  15. A fruit/veg launching 1/35 scale Konig? I think you guys are definitely onto something. Graham needs to tell Yamato about this one...
  16. Well, I was thinking I could just pack them in ice, and ship it next day air. UPS!!!... does UPS have next day air?
  17. I'd like to have some hope that some honchos in Japan give a small sh-t about the western world... even if it's just a lil' rabbit poop...
  18. LOL They are the 2 main site admins. Shawn started macrossworld in 2000 I believe...maybe 99, either way most of the veterans met on an old old macross forum way back when. One of those rec.art newsgroup things I think. Yes they are real. Graham was the one who gave a lot of information concerning toycom's then Macross Plus toyline. After toycom became yamato usa, Graham gave us info concerning yamato's japanese releases. He basically gave info in a newsletter covering everything macross coming out in asia, from magazine scans, model kits, toys, and video games. He also did a majority of the reviews for the site. The only reason you don't see them from time to time is because of work(Shawn's been absent for a LONG time too!) How to become like Graham>? Move to Hong Kong, and try to start good relations with yamato's office there. Thing is Graham has known them for years, so maybe your best bet is to introduce yourself as the shizuoka hobby shows or wonderfests. 409206[/snapback] Does this mean I need to learn Cantonese AND Japanese?
  19. Even if it's just one of Bowie's relatives that gets blown up, that's fine with me. As long as anyone related to him dies. His bloodline needs to be done away with for the greater good.
  20. I don't plan on parting with most of my macross/robotech stuff until I bite the big one.
  22. I have seen Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson back on TV years ago when I had cable. If they are any indication, I think "dumb" is a mild, inapplicable reference. These people are astronomically ridiculously mongoloid. I admit I don't do enough to help those less fortunate than me, but seeing those girls in action made me want to reach out to the special olympics or something. Edit here: I don't think Britney or Jessica could win a medal at the special olympics
  23. I clicked that link and I don't know where the hell it directed me.
  24. If Yamato cut off contact with him they'd be forsaking the entire Western world! Noooo! (Think they'd do that?) Which leads me to the question... how exactly did this site begin and who exactly ARE Shawn and Graham? Are they real --- or just legends? And more importantly, how do I become like them? (I.E. I wish Yamato cared what my opinions were!) Should I create a new thread about this?
  25. Graham... can you please tell us when the VF-0A's are coming out? I KNOW you've gotta' know SUMPfin'.
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