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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. 1st off - I've had my soul tortured watching many precious 1/48 scale pieces be eaten/cracked/brittled/demolished, you name it, trying various paint removal methods. I've tried many... SO far, the best method, meaning, the safest for your valk, is Haterists' Brasso method. Works wonders, but it's a lot of work. I recently went to a hobby shop to get some tamiya thinner, and started chit-chatting with some lady who worked there, and I swear, this was totally off topic, she tries selling me some bottle of biodegradable paint remover all of the sudden. I have a natural aversion to ALL paint remover products these days after what I've done to my valks, so I wasn't going to buy it. Then I figured what the hell. I've got f--ked up 1/48 pieces lying around doing nothing. I might as well f--k them up more. So I bought this: CHAMELEON plastic safe model paint stripper phone (410) 287-9496 DPSG2000@aol.com www.chameleonproductsonline.com I bought the regular liquid kind. The woman at the store said the gel is even better, but they were out of it. So far I've used this stuff on a lot of valk pieces, including the MG2 I'm building right now. No cracking, no flaking, no unsightly stains, no brittle pieces. Hard-to-reach spots are EASILY "depainted" with a little bit of this liquid and a hard bristle tooth brush. Seriously - this stuff takes paint off with ridiculous ease. Just don't use it on any clear plastic pieces, such as HEAT SHIELDS. If you want a perfectly clear heat shield, stick with brasso and lots of q-tips or SOS pads. If anybody out there is like me, I'm sure you're thinking "yeah whatever, I don't believe this." Take it from the guy who's watched his valks die screaming - this chameleon paint removal stuff kicks azz. Until Yamato releases a plain white valk, I'll be using it. Okay, some pictures - Here's a few minutes later after some light rubbing with some Q-tips
  2. If you wanna' get a decent white paint match, here's what I suggest: (of course... I've never used enamel, so. This is just acrylic here!) Put some white paint in a small empty clear container. Add a little bit of tamiya thinner. (make it about 70% paint / 30% thinner) Now add like one tiny drop of black paint, probably even less than a drop. Shake it up, see what it looks like. Add a tiny tiny bit of orange paint. (less than a drop) Shake it up. It should be looking pretty close. Add more black paint, shake. (make sure you have something like a tiny marble inside of the can you're shakin'... but you probably already know that) You'll notice if you look close that Yamato's stock white is actually grey. So you're shootin' for a really light shade of grey. Keep holding up the clear bottle to a piece of your valk, compare, etc. Eventually you should get a near perfect match. Hope this helps... maybe this would work for enamel paints? I dunno'.
  3. Was there a problem with this part on the VF-0S? I think I missed that post. Why'd you want to do this? Can someone explain or link me to the post? Thanks. 411164[/snapback] the current release of the VF-0 has some loose joints, the swivel joint in the knees and the swivel joint in the elbows. Not everyone does and even for those that do, it seems to be to varying degrees. According to Graham, a revision 2 unit is coming out shortly that is supposed to have that issue resolved. 411166[/snapback] Ah cool. Thanks so much for the clarifcation. I'm debating whether to pick up a 2nd issue of the VF-0S ... gotta choose between THAT and the GBP armour. 411172[/snapback] Get the VF0S! GBP is cool, but you'll wish you'd gotten the zero.
  4. hahaha!
  5. Voltron and Robotech! (Speed Racer too?) Loved these as a kid.
  6. That's a pretty down to earth collection. But a good one!
  7. Okay wait. So the AUN came up with a variable fighter before anyone else? Or at the same time? And did the AUN know about the looming Zentraedi threat? I'm perplexed about an AUN force that's so on the ball and able to "steal" technology and keep up production of some, I daresay wicked looking valks... yet when the SDF is out in space fighting a war, nobody on earth knows about it? I'd think the AUN would be blabbing it to the world. What's to shut them up?
  8. The industry: "If you can whiz a bruise on this naked chick's thigh we'll pay you a cool thousand."
  9. Hell yeah! Great picture! Also, props to you for servin' your country. ::edit:: Why is this thread suffering so bad from pic quoting?
  10. I hope nobody gets all mad at me... but I'm not a Star Wars fan... I guess it's okay sort of. As a kid I liked Return of the Jedi because I thought the Ewoks were cool. Now that I'm older I don't think the Ewoks are cool. I don't own one star wars movie... or any star wars merchandise. I might buy a light saber for my kid someday to go with his toy sword collection. But that's about it.
  11. Well it wasn't MY fault... my buddy told me it was just SO cool. I don't think he's seen any other gundam series. He did make me watch the gundam "wing" or whatever movie. That sucked too. TO ADD: If I still lived in the same state as the guy I'd make him watch Berserk so he could have a GOOD series to immerse himself in.
  12. I've realized that there are like a bazillion Gundam toys and models. Now I won't pretend to believe they don't look cool, some of them wicked-cool. But, a friend of mine had me sit through some Gundam series like 3 years ago, with some "Hiro Yui" guy in it. I was not impressed. It was boring. Really slow and boring. I also bought a used Gundam video game for PS2 once. And it was boring. Really slow and boring. So... are there some amazingly complex and cool Gundam animes out there that I am not aware of? How is the popularity of something so bland perpetuated? My guess is the amazing models kits you can get. But I'd really like someone who knows more to explain THIS one to me.
  13. Speaking of doing things in a hurry... anybody every notice how in Macross when the three Zentraedi Mincloned pilots are aboard the SDF, the signs say "MEN" and "LADEIS", when the guy in the dress gets booted out of the mens' restroom?
  14. Provide both sizes! Make us as cool as you, taka!
  15. I personally like the VF-1's the best so far, but that definitely is some great detailing work. Nifty! My mind might change when they release the VF0A though... CRAP. It just hit me. I should have done my panel lining on my Zero-S before I put the freaking stickers on. Damn... guess I won't be paneling. CRAP.
  16. I hope you dubb every episode! I'd buy those offa' you in a heartbeat if you'd let me!
  17. Okay I've seen pictures and read all about the incredible breaking "garland." It looks cool I guess... But what the heck is it from? Megazone 23? What is that? Is it even worth watching?
  18. I think the Macross English dub is awesome. I can't wait for the next ones to come out.
  19. Freaking crap. I've been spelling "Mospeada" as "Mospaeda" all along. I thought it was the A before the E. (Ebay was my 1st exposure to the name, during a search for Gakkens) Damn.
  20. Haha! You like southern cross! Haha! (just joking) Hey, if it's any consolation, my wife and I like the HG voice actors from Robotech better than the original Japanese Macross and especially the new english dub Macross. Lisa's voice actor was badass in Robotech. Which reminds me... WILL WE GET TO SEE LISA HAYES AGAIN???????
  21. That's why you throw water balloons filled with urine at people you don't like instead of water. It lets them reflect on who they really are inside and how this contributed to their current state.
  22. They need to get on the ball and start coming out with massive amounts of macross series/movies. They have so much material to work with...
  23. I'm working at removing paint from some 1/48 parts so I can finally get my MG2 custom going. (pain in the A--!!) For paneling on the strike armor, I think I'm going to have no choice but to use a wash. I guess that's pretty easy to make, just like, ..... 1/4 parts ink to water? How to make the perfect wash would be appreciated. Also, how would I apply it without making a mess? What should I use? Should I put the wash on right after it's airbrushed, or wait and let the future finish cote set first? I know it's a lot of questions, but I'm a guy who needs answers. Thanks to anyone who can help an mworld brotha' out! --Bri
  24. I just watched that episode a week ago on the new dubbed Macross part 3 dvd. It was a terrorist attack. Okay so the anti-unification forces lost the war. And then AFTER the war they developed variable fighters? That's some pretty spiffy technology to come up with. It had to stem from something else I'd think. What exactly were the sort of weapons used during the war then? Destroids? I always figured destroids were designed with the size of the "original owners of the SDF" (Zentraedi) in mind.
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