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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Yeah but the Zentraedi are war-freaks! It's in their "genes." They'd have stopped interaction, yeah... with a gigantic explosion. To me it's like debating whether or not Hitler would have taken over the entire world if given the chance. Well, I think he would have. And once the Zentraedi's attention was taken off of obtaining the SDF, they'd have gone back to doing whatever they were doing and destroyed earth simply for having pissed them off during their operations.
  2. Agreed. I'm not sure what they were thinking... maybe they were just trying to get the game pushed out fast or something. But in a lot of respects, it doesn't seem like too bad of a rush job game.
  3. And when that huge ASS finally crash lands, expect some major sh-t to go down with it.
  4. The pain is still resonating. Someone help us!
  5. gotcha'!
  6. pleeeeease hurry!
  7. HG might allow that, if it meant their sales would increase. Okay they'd definitely allow that.
  8. The Zentraedi destroy things. They make war and kill. It's what they're built for. It's what they do. I may be wrong here, but doesn't Dolza sort of present Misa and Hikaru with a planet being blown up for the heck of it simply to show off what they're capable of?
  9. Well dangit. Harmony Gold isn't about free selection.
  10. Can somebody tell me how to remove the visors from a 1J head and the 1S head? This would be GREATly appreciated. Thanks! --Brian Dyson
  11. GutsAndCasca


    WOW! What a freaking cool thread! Talk about some awesome custom jobs. Man, I had no idea haterist had amassed so many heads! And they do look great too. Without a doubt.
  12. I wish I could detail…it my take many moons and a lot of cuss words but I think I could do it. 413605[/snapback] Get into detailing! It's a lot of pain and cussing, but it's worth it in the end. Plus it's always a treat to see pictures of a new custom job around here.
  13. I'll tell my wife to grab it offa' netflix. Once we finally get it I'll letcha' know what we thought.
  14. ...? The Zentradi were going to attack no matter what even if UN Spacy did hand over the SDF from the get go. It's funny when you call somebody a warmonger because they choose to fight somebody whose only intention is make war. If you want to go by DYRL, the Zentradi flattened Earth on the initial attack. If you want to go by the TV show, the Zentradi were going to take the ship by force even if the SDF hadn't fired first and I have my doubts that they would have left with just the ship. 413611[/snapback] The Zentraedi were definitely not planning on taking the SDF and teleporting back to their happy home without first making Earth into a burnt piece of toast.
  15. Well! Looks like you've got some cool stuff there, Luke. Those planes look gorgeous. Did you detail them yourself? Nice, Terminator, there. I myself own all the Terminator movies though I don't care too much for part three. I even used to collect the comic books about 15 years ago. But anyway. Judging by what you've amassed in your pictures so far, I'm sure you'll have a NICE collection of Macross stuff in no time. Especially if you can detail a valk kit like those planes up there.
  16. First they'd rape, torture, and napalm us into oblivion and THEN do the same thing to themselves.
  17. I was put on this planet so that others could learn from my mistakes!
  18. *laughing* Well I guess using Cinderella would rule out any hope for a future peace treaty with the aliens...
  19. Restrained yes, but still fun. You gotta' play through about 6 levels in a row with a fastpack at least once. And also, yes. Unlocking all the valks and color schemes unlocks the fastpacks.
  20. Like glamrocking them into submission. If the earth ever gets attacked by aliens in my lifetime, I'm going to depend on "The New York Dolls" and "Cinderella" for my salvation. Sorry, I also forgot to add Ziggy Stardust in there. I bet he'd drive off the martians.
  21. And if you're like me and you just gotta' have one... you can always customize a VF1S 1/48 toy into Max's from DYRL. Tip for you Motogenius: Don't take offense when people on here answer your questions in a rude or volatile manner. I think so many people have been Macross fans for so long they've completley forgotten what it's like to be new to it all. On this site there's no such thing... okay, for the most part there's no such thing as stupid questions, only a--hole answers. I haven't been a member for that long, yet I always know everytime I ask a new question I'll be referred back to some thread from 3 yrs ago in a not-so-friendly-way; but it's entertaining.
  22. Ryuji do you build stuff like this professionally? Or is this just a hobby?
  23. If they do, please let me know. I'll be in line for a copy of whatever it is. That stuff's cooler than anything Jackie Chan's put out.
  24. GutsAndCasca


    Haha. I know! I'll repaint my Hikaru VF1J head and put it on my stealth once I get it. That'll be awesome. I'll bet nobody's seen that before...
  25. Hm. If the technology is relatively safe then, I mean, without all the worry of decontamination and such in the event of a "problem", I'm surprised that tons of modes of transportation don't use fusion reactors. At least for military use. Maybe this will be prevalent in the near future? I wouldn't mind riding around on a small nuclear reactor if it meant I didn't have to pay these exhorbitant gas prices.
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