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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. I thought about working on finishing Mac7 last night- but threw in DYRL instead. Then after that I played the game. Hm. Okay, if Macross 7 is so cool, then how come it didn't spawn any video games?
  2. hahaha! I actually went to the store and bought silly putty for that purpose several days ago! Haven't tried it yet, but I thought it seemed like a good idea. Oh wow do I feeel cool now.
  3. Is he talking about... hm. Maybe after Max and Milia had their kid they put a no breeding rule on their baby? Wouldn't make much sense though, since I'm pretty sure babies can't breed other babies.
  4. Godzilla... when you die, you are going to win.
  5. It's just not working. I can't even open the site for some reason. I am having really bad luck today. It all started, when my kid woke me up at 7am... like he does everyday... Okay i got the site to finally open, but none of the links work on it. I am tha' man.
  6. Thanx all! Much appreciated.
  7. That happens to me at home, but not at work for some reason. Try uploading them to host site like photobucket.com... We need to get you a new camera, dude! 416183[/snapback] dangit, this has never happened before... and yeah, I definitely need a new camera. It's just hard 'cuz once I have the money for one I'll go and dump it into more macross crap.
  8. Gotcha'! Thanx Ghost.
  9. Pretty simple. How much would one of these be worth brand new? (Fast-pack Tv Hikaru, 1/60)
  10. Okay I finally have pictures to display (they turned out horrible I am so pist) but the website won't lemme' upload them. ????
  11. Actually that was a great answer. Thank you!
  12. If you didn't punch him in the stomach and then break his nose, you really must be a little gay. 416134[/snapback] hahahah!!! I think anybody who has seen my collection knows I used to do muay thai and nothing else, so if they have anything negative to say they keep it to themselves. My mother in law bought me tickets to meet Ann Coulter in person once, but Ann got sick and we got our tickets refunded. I took my ticket money and bought a fast packed milia. When my Mother in law asked to see what it was that I'd bought with all that money, I think she expected something that walked and talked and flapped its wings and flew. Nope, it just sits there and looks awesome. I swear, how can people not understand...
  13. I'm gonna' check it out right now... the link isn't working.
  14. I think this is it. 416152[/snapback] Thanks valk! I ordered me a copy. I hate the british accents, it's awful to listen to, but if it's uncut, then rock on. Must.... buy... more... macross... crap.... *pounds fist on table*
  15. What in the hell. This is confusing. I thought Jetfire was just a freaking transformer. Just a freaking transformer... *goes off into somewhere*
  16. What's the story behind these? Were they only released in Japan or something?
  17. Twice now in my lifetime I've seen a jetfire toy on ebay go for super-expensive because it has a macross symbol on the left wing. Are these authentic? I mean, were they made at the factory like this? Or are these blatant modified rip-offs? I mean... I think I could take my kid's jetfire toy and stick a macross symbol on it myself. From the looks of it I could make some major money too, unless there really are authentic ones out there.
  18. You bet your azz they would sell!
  19. Dang Ryuji you're badass. That is SO cool. I don't think my wife'd let me have that one though...
  20. Did you take the paint off of a canopy yourself? If you used the wrong method, it frosts-up the heatshield and it's translucent instead of transparent. Future floor finish fixes this... as well as any sort of gloss finish I suppose.
  21. *maniacal laughter*
  22. I swear, my wife had no idea I'd catch the Macross flu once we got hitched. It's her fault. She bought me the cursed Robotech saga after I got her hooked on anime... anyways, she still loves me and as long as I buy her stuff too, she's happy. My advice to anybody out there, don't marry any girl who doesn't like anime in the first place. People who don't like anime suck. Underscore that.
  23. Haha, what do you know he has a spare.
  24. So people weren't allowed to have kids onboard the Macross? I don't think that's true, I mean.. Max and Milia had a kid. Plus with so many pilots dying off they might as well try and do some futile reproducing.
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