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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Dude - I can barely afford my "habit" for myself, I can't afford to buy these as gifts. 417331[/snapback] I wouldn't even buy my WIFE a fastpacked valk - I couldn't bring myself to give it away. I'll buy her something of equal value. As long as it has nothing to do with yamato. I have no buddy swell enough that I'd part with a 1/48 to make them happy. That probably goes for when I'm eventually filthy rich too.
  2. Wow, thanks for the game breakdown! Fortunately, I already have DYRL for Ps2. I suck at it but I love it! Unfortunately, the end of this month leaves my wallet with two gaping wounds: (1) Anniversary (2) My kids b-day Yes, they both happen almost within a week of eachother. Feel bad for me.
  3. Thanx for answering. You have a LOTTA' talent. Give yourself more credit, you humble-master you. I honestly don't think it GETS more talented. I'm sure everybody, and that includes the whole world, would agree.
  4. Those are really cool! But... who is Komilia Jenius? I mean, what show is she from? I could swear I have every Macross movie there is and I don't ever recall having seen her. Is that just Milia with short hair or something?
  5. Thanks all - thanks for posting for me Ghost! That was very cool of you. I will get around to taking pictures of the customs and I shall post them! - through my intermediary benefactor that is - ADD: I forgot! My son's collection is pretty nifty, I think. (Maybe better than mine, in some people's POV?) My banprestO's were originally for him, but they proved to be more aggravating than entertaining to a 4 year old, as they fall apart with just a poke. I gorilla-glued one into battroid mode and he has yet to give us any problems. Haha, and yes, some of his toys proved to be experiments for a burgeoning customization-dad.
  6. Okay... I'll take it from the silence that he obviously makes exhorbitant amounts of money off this stuff, and I should be in-the-know, yet I am one of the ignorant few.
  7. My brother in law goes hunting and collects animal heads. I'm not dissing what he likes to do, but what he ends up with is a whole lot of expenses, and, animal heads. Hairy, catatonic, animal heads. At least with what I collect, you can pose them to look cool, unlike with an animal head. Or a mug/spoon/rock/etc. I think collecting Macross stuff is awesome, I can't wait to have a nice display case to shove it all in. If anybody doesn't like it, I can start a nice conversation about what they like to do, and why they think it's superior to what I like. I guarantee in no-time I can make them look just as weird as me. And like everybody else says, just lump your toys into the models category, tell them how much money they're worth, and peoples opinions can change in a heartbeat.
  8. I'm with Vermillion --- great collections all! To be honest... I wish I had all your stuff!
  9. hmm the way I read it seemed to me that he just reverted to the original argument, without acknowledging the point, that it did have spinoffs, he (or anybody else) hasn't responded to it. 417057[/snapback] I was trying to be as objective as possible about the postings. The original topic that got everything off-topic was whether or not Macross 7's franchise delved into the video game realm. And, as fate would have it, yes, its popularity did infact land it into just that. I wasn't trying to diss M7 (that time,) I was just stating where that "tangent" came from. I thought it was a bit more interesting than arguing about the fundamentals of spiritia, and in the process I may even have discovered a video game I might buy.
  10. I was going to buy a copy, but I don't speak Japanese. Will I still be able to enjoy and play the game?
  11. Actually, I think it's pretty much on topic. We're just discussing video games that M7 may have spawned, in relation to whether or not M7 was even capable of spawning a video game, which relates directly to "dam you Macross 7 ^%$&^$*%(%."
  12. Holy crap! WOW *jaw drops* You're my new hero, Ghost.
  13. Looks really cool. But I just can't forgive Yamato for making the feet the same color as regular CF feet...
  14. Nope! You gotta' get an S ranking in the Prometheus Milia fight, and the guarding the Mars base. Probably easy for others, but hell for yours truly.
  15. Just had to mention, I actually unlocked Max's VF1A TV version! And Hikaru's TV paint. Yay!
  16. I loooooooove customs. Great work! Make more!
  17. This game sounds cool. What is it? What system is it for?
  18. Okay, I still can't post my collection. Even better than that, I can't post pictures of anything, anywhere. I can't do it from home, or at school. (both previously worked until now) Did I piss off one of the admins and get banned from posting pics?
  19. Badass... Aliens was my favorite movie for years ever since I saw it when I was like 6. I still need to buy some toys from that (and predator) for my soon-to-be five year old. My wife would never let me keep'em for myself. Damn her.
  20. hahaha! JUDGE: "Hey... bring that lil' valk thing over here and let me have a look at it. Hm. Well. Hm. This thing is pretty cool. Where can you buy these?" MATLOCK: "No no NO your honor, it has to be in battroid mode, crap! Let me fix it back." JUDGE (waving hammer menacingly): "Back off b--ch! Or it'll be your blood they'll be using luminescent devices to detect on this thing!" *courtroom gasps*
  21. It still won't let me post my pictures. This has never happened to me before. Ack!
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