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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. I got one of these a couple weeks ago, and I must say, what an awesome little toy! I want more now.
  2. Uhm. Is this because she aims to please her man, or she's going to be under-age Scarlett in the movie?
  3. My friend had that thing. AND the USS Flagg. I was jealous - but I had that shuttle station though. Anyone remember how perfectly the big bottom-of-the-shuttle-detaching-but-part-of-the-shuttle thing glided along carpeting? If this movie doesn't include the name "GIJoe" or "Cobra" in it, then it's just another action movie, with no ties to mine or anyone elses' childhood.
  4. What I want to see, seriously, are more PS3 EXCLUSIVES for the love of GAWD.
  5. Yeah, same with me. I think I've seen Aliens over 50 times in my life. As a kid, my friends and I used to electrical-tape together various toy guns to try and make them resemble Ripley's ending ass-kicker ensemble. So tonight my lil' boy saw Aliens (he's seen the 1st one) and he loved it! But I don't think he'll be a fanboy like I turned out to be. He's the type of kid you just buy a bouncy ball for and it's just as entertaining as the terror drome...
  6. okay that does it - tonight I'm watching Aliens. And my son is gonna' watch it with me for his 1st time.
  7. Thanks for answering my question, D! Cool story! My toy collection is about a good 1/200th of yours, and I started collecting about 2 years ago. (Just Macross and Berserk) I wish I'd kept all my old stuff from when I was a kid. Man.
  8. Agreed! No other sci-fi weapons are permanently etched into my brain like the ones from Aliens. I just love them, and I always will. I WANT A NEXTGEN AVP FPS GAME DANGIT!
  9. D-unit; did you just collect toys your whole life and keep them in great condition - or when ebay came out did you immediately begin amassing all the good stuff? Or did you win the lottery and buy everything you wanted - ever?
  10. D Unit, you are my hero. I wish I was one of YOUR kids, and written into your will, and you were like 89 years old with cancer.
  11. Man... after having broken my macross toy collecting addiction, nothing feeds the hunger more than visiting this thread like every week. Great stuff everyone. MAN I want an SV51 so bad now.
  12. Holy crap, I have those exact same speakers you have.
  13. For fun I bought Minmay, Lisa, Rick, and Dana for my wife as a joke/gift. Altogether I think it probably cost around 90 for all of'em.
  14. Man. My ps3 has been collecting dust ever since I beat heavenly sword. I sold all my games except for two of'em, and I'm waiting for something good to come out. Every title I want is so far off that my ps3 has become nothing but a blu-ray player. Until 2008 I guess. But it's a nice blu-ray player though.
  15. Okay - so these gorgeous pictures I'm looking at are a computer image? It looks like a real-life honest to goodness obscure yet perfect model set. It looks absolutely amazing. It looks real! Is this for a CG movie or somethin'?
  17. I betcha' the NEXT next AVP or Alien movie will have colonial marines.
  18. I don't mind that the sixaxis controller is light. I don't even miss the rumble. In fact, I didn't realize how trivial rumble was until getting my ps3. I see a LOT of geat games coming out for ps3 next year - my video game magazines have been full of them. For some reason I got an issue of GAMEPRO in the mail. WTF? I didn't know they published this mag anymore. I looked through it and my gawd, it is seriously dumb. It's like it's being run by a bunch of junior high kids - aw screw it, I'm not even going to get into the details. Just dumb. Did gamecrazy switch from egm to lamepro or something? Back to what I was saying. I'm really looking forward to Fallout 3. It looks sooooooooooOO cool. It'll probably be out before Metal Gear, and Resident Evil by the way.
  19. On Heavenly Sword, it's actually really cool to watch the extra "making of" videos. I ended up watching all of'em last night in a row!
  20. Well. I'm playing through on Hell mode in Heavenly Sword. I've made it to whip-tail thus far. I hope beating Hell unlocks something like a new outfit at the very least. Anybody in here play Lair yet? Does it suck as bad as everyone says?
  22. I don't think I'm near beating Heavenly Sword... heck, maybe I'm close to 1/2 through? Here's my 2 cents; this game is breathtakingly gorgeous - and the CG acting is so phenomenal that I keep on playing just to see more of the story unfold. The actual combat and gameplay is okay, it's fun, but as was said before, it's no God of War. Enemies sort of have a hard time dying, BUT, you can stab them when they're on the ground to put them out of your misery quicker. It's still fun as heck. Coupled with the more than amazing voice acting/acting, this game is A++ badASS. Best game I've bought so far for my ps3, probably. Game developers are going to have a really, REALLY rough time living up to this one, story-telling wise. Bring on Devil May Cry! Please!
  23. I just went and picked up Heavenly Sword. Time to give it a whirl. Oh - rather than buy another cursed Xbox 360, I just upgraded my computer. I got bioshock, kicked up the graphics to full, and well - its a pretty cool game. I'd argue that the enemies are a little bit of a disappointment. Looks like you're killing carnival clowns. But hey, the environments are really pretty. (Is that why everyone loves this game so much?)
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