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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Okay I checked it out. Pretty awful. And it kind of pissed me off. Anybody who associates anime like Macross with this is just terribly off. Miyazaki or whatever his name was could just as easily been into Looney Toons; it's not fair for anime to catch a bad wrap because of this. Also, I finally read up on the word "otaku" and it seems to be a derogatory term anywhere except in the USA. (I also read some humorous paragraphs about how otakus in Japan don't know how to communicate with the opposite sex; they are just dorks to the bone) Hopefully.. well crap, this is really old news - not to me though - but hopefully this won't/didn't permanently tarnish the image of anime, especially my beloved Macross.
  2. Okay now I'm really scared.
  3. Yeah I think... wait, I'm not sure if I've posted here a while. I think I was posting on that one too.
  4. That picture rocks! That's what I call wallpaper.
  5. What I'm wondering is, what the heck (who the heck) is the "otaku killer", what the heck did he/she do, and how come anime is sort of shunned now because of it all?
  6. Toynami must always be shunned and consigned to the dark reaches. (jk) (kind of)
  7. Never have I been afraid of glue until reading this thread. But what the heck, I'll buy some!
  8. I want them to replace MY sockets now. What do I just email them?
  9. Crap. And I was thinking of not buying this one. If that's an actual picture of the in-game vf1s, holy crap
  10. Well before I assert the SHE is cooler, I'll wait until I see a fully painted yamato YF19 1/60. Well okay. The Yamato IS cooler, but the SHE just looks cooler. For now anyways. (Those unpainted tan things just don't do justice, I wanna' see what it's actually going to look like.)
  11. I'd get the same tattoo, and make sure the + sign is right on tha' pooper!
  12. Yeah, it's definitely purple.
  13. *laughing* Man, customizing toynamis just isn't what it oughtta' be...
  14. I love the D'stance. I actually have pictures of it saved on my computer. (I collect all kinds of Macross pics from the internet because I'm weird I guess.) The only thing I can see about it that strays from absolute perfection is that the heat shield seems to be stuck on? Can you take that gray piece off? Oh, and although I've only seen a few pictures of that purple SHE valk, WOW. Don't get mad at me for saying this but that puts the YF19 1/60 to shame. As for toy collecting, I prefer a 100+ dollar Macross toy to have as few removable parts as possible. That means, none, if it can be done.
  15. My netflix queue is REALLY filling up here. Just had to upgrade my account. Thanks everybody! Oh, yesterday I just watched the first DVD in Eureka 7. Awesome!!! Highly recommended.
  16. Geez Haterist, what's with the negativity here?! These stands are the greatest.... things, ever conceived by man. They are perfect in every way, and you should take yours out, hold it, rub it, whatever, just show it the love and respect it deserves. (I'm getting a tattoo of MY toynami 1/100 stand on my shoulder next weekend when I get paid) (jk) But my wife did have a really cool Roy Focker t-shirt made for me recently for no reason. And it has nothing to do with toynami. It's just Roy. In front of some plane he used to fly before they started making VFs.
  17. This is great. Just when I thought I'd heard of everything - bam, a whole slew of stuff I missed.
  18. The D'stance isn't made by yamato though, is it?
  19. Haterist - exactly, they'll just break again so I haven't even bothered. Honestly, the gorilla glue has really done the trick for me. I just had to leave more of the glue on than I'd rather have, but once I paint the excess black it'll be just fine. (even able to hold up FP'd valks)
  20. Wow, thanks for the rundown sketchley. Awesome explanation. If anime's been going on for THAT long (I had no idea; even though I've been watching it unknowingly since I was a kid) it must be pretty popular at its source. I got into anime knowing exactly what it was when I was 15, so, 12 years ago. I've always felt that you can do more imaginative things in an animated feature than you can in a live action film, and it just looks better as well. I'm taking down names of all animes I haven't watched and sticking them on my netflix queue. Here are the animes I've recently decided I like the best, for numerous reasons: 1. Berserk has been my favorite since I first saw it, and I have absolutely every page of every issue of this manga now. The anime may not be the best, in my opinion, but it did help me find out about the comic which has been some of the best reading of my life. 2. Macross! I loved it as a kid under the guise of Robotech, and now I love it even more. All of it. Except I just can't somehow get myself into Mac-7. (sorry all you basara fans!) 3. Fullmetal Alchemist: I believe it lives up to the hype. Plain and simple. 4. Gilgamesh: Cool and totally different style of artwork, coupled with a great storyline. This is my wife's favorite series, and she got me into it too. Weird ending though, but not as crazy as Neon Genesis. 5. X: C'mon, this is as cool as anime gets. 6. Ghost in the Shell SAC second gig: I had no idea how great this series would be. I had high expectations and they were met. 7. Texhnolyzed: A lot different than anything I've seen before. Moves very slowly, but for good reasons. 8. Wolfs Rain: I cried at the ending. Wtf? 9. Paranoia Agent: caused me to buy my wife a plushy Maromi pillow. 10. Hellsing - can't wait for the next installment. 11. Here's where there's a lot of ties. Like, say, Trigun is basically Rouroni Kenshin on a different planet. There's just so much good stuff. (Escaflowne, Neon Genesis, L.A.I.N., etc) As for movies, in no particular order - 1. Ghost in the Shell 1 and 2 2. Grave of the Fireflies (yup, I own that one.) 3. Metropolis <---eye candy 4. Fist of the North Star (2nd anime film I ever saw, and I still luv it) 5. Vampire Hunter D 1 and 2 (why no series here???) 6. Appleseed (the new one) 7. Macross DYRL 8. Blood 9. Karas Crap I forgot: Ninja Scroll Those last two seriously left me wanting more. So there's my 4 cents. Next month I'm sure this list will have changed dramatically. I'd recommend these to anyone who hasn't seen them. As for those of you who have seen them, I'm sure you've got completely different opinions, so please share them and point me to the best stuff.
  21. Where's our pics of a painted up finished one?! I'm dyin' here.
  22. If anybody wants to buy my comic book collection, let me know. Edit: it's mostly old Jim Lee Xmens, but there's a lot more.
  23. My wife and I have netflix DVDs landing in our mailbox almost on a daily basis. I've been watching so many new anime series my head's practically spinning. And wow, some of them are so good. I just finished Texhnolyzed, and I thought it was great. A work of art! So I couldn't help but wonder what everybody else thinks are the best series/movies ever. Some of you have been able to watch animes that we english speaking only (the unfortunates) people haven't been able to enjoy yet, such as the Karas series and Eureka 7. At the very least, I'd like to find out which animes I need to watch in the future when I can, and which older ones I've missed out on. Addition: To anyone who might know... how popular IS anime in Japan? There seems to be so much of it now, and oftentimes it's so brilliant. I'd assume it's all the rage but who knows, maybe it's not as mainstream as you'd think?
  24. Man I LOVE Ghost in the Shell. These pictures are awesome. My wife will trip when she sees this. (she loves GITS more than I do!)
  25. Thanks for the info, Skull-1. I'll eventually test that out someday, but I'm afraid of creating a black smoking mess that makes our apartment stink for hours after I run to the sink to douse the plastic. How long does JBweld take to dry?
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