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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. I'd buy it if given the extra cash! I'm a sucker for anything macross.
  2. I'm a lil' late to this thread, but FYI, I already have my yf19 bought and paid for. I'm just waiting for the stork to arrive at my door.
  3. Someone could have written down that all the 1/60's smell like poop and explode on contact with air and I'd still have bought one because like I said in my original post - I want VF1's to display next to the 1/60 VF0's, the YF19, whatever comes next, etc. I also didn't deny that despite the imperfections, I really do like these things a lot, sorta' like how my wife thinks about yours truly. Seriously, you can't go on other people's opinions. Not me anyway; if I want to buy something I'll do it, in spite of bad reviews. I've played many-a-video-game that other people hated and I ended up loving. Heck, when I bought my 1st Xbox years ago the salesman told me to avoid Halo like the plague because he thought it sucked. Macross toys that are almost as old as I am had designers who figured out how to transform them without removing the legs. My insinuation was that any toy made after the year 2000 (and this is giving a lot of elbow room time-wise, I should have said 1990) should be perfect transformation. Seeing as how the designers at Yamato are obviously very good at what they do, I don't think they were shooting to make anything perfect trans' - and this makes the toy suck in ways that it didn't need to. I'm not sure if I come across as incompetent and/or woefully stupid, but yes, I was aware that the 1/48's legs don't need to detach for purposes of transformation. EdIT: I definitely will be spraying down my Hikaru with a clear coat! Ghost - are those brands you mentioned available at say, home depot?
  4. To be perfectly honest, the biggest nerds I've ever known in my life were "sports-otakus." Since I moved to Utah two years ago, I have come to realize that nearly every single member of the male species in this state is a "jock-ku." I won't get into all the ways that they annoy the piss out of me, but I think it's strange how being jock-ku in the USA (especially UT) is not only accepted but frankly glorified. To me, nothing is more drab and boring than someone who has absolutely nothing else to do in their free time except watch team sports on cable and read sports illustrated. I'd rather smear peanut butter on my eyes and let live gerbils gnaw their way deep into my skull than be a team-sports obsessor. Edit: Sometimes, I wish I'd been born in Thailand where at least me and the jock-kus would have something to talk about. Thailand's national sport is actually something to be proud of.
  5. I honestly hope they crank out a whole ton of 1/100 crap. And I hope that in the process they become more focused on all things pertaining to QC. Perhaps if they were a bigger toy company they'd have better quality toys? Maybe their factory sucks?
  6. I got a Hikaru 1A in the mail today, and you're not gonna' believe this.. the paint doesn't match Max. Max is sort greyish (like the 1/48's) and Hikaru is bleach-white. What the heck happened here??? As for toys released in 2000 and up, I'm puzzled as to why Yamato didn't find a way to make the valks transformable without having to take off the legs. Oh, I tried gerwalk mode and it looks ridiculous no matter how you work it.
  7. *slowly climbs back into chair after recovering from seizure*
  8. *laughing once again* Oh man! I have GOTTA' visit Japan one day, if just to get a look at these guys. Do you think it's really anime that makes people into these crazy dorks? I wonder if maybe Japan just doesn't have enough diversity of hobbies to disperse the nerds enough, so they end up in anime-concentrations.
  9. Not harsh at all. I completely agree with you, down to the letter. EDIT: Also, I gotta' add, I personally like these 1/100's better than the Yamato 1/60's. They're a lot easier to transform and pose. I think they look cool as hell too --- way better than banprestos, chunky monkeys, and probably every other macross toy ever pumped out aside from Yamatos. They are overpriced, yes. But so is everything else in this world.
  10. I like listening to the dub because I don't have to read the subtitles. I can only handle a certain amount of subtitle-anime-viewing before I really get sick of it. Sometimes, it's nice to just sit back and enjoy anime in your own language, without having to focus 100% of your concentration on the screen at all times. As long as the voice actors aren't in monotone or otherwise blatantly inept, then I'm content.
  11. I actually already read almost all of them. I see you have the same complaints as I have. Just exactly when WERE these things released brand-new? EdiT: I just realized after reading your review that I will probably never find a strike roy.
  12. I shall be checking this out, thanks Jenius. And yeah Kensei, I guess you're right... although I will still be dropping at least several hundred dollars on these things. EDIT: I hear ya' Cube! This thing's already growing on me and I've only had it for less than a day!
  13. Just be careful, or you may some day find yourself borrowing my chin-tissue.
  14. Sumdumgai --- I laughed so hard when you described the fat smelly otakus! The one who squealed like a pig?? *ahahahah!* Thanks for making my evening. I guess I can't be an otaku for the same reasons as you, although I don't look like a serial killer I don't think, as long as I keep the blood washed off me. Plus I only really buy Macross stuff, and the occasional berserk item. Is there a name for someone like me in Japan? BerMacTu?
  15. Okay yes, I got a reply from Toynami! I get replacement sockets! Man, I have to feel for their company, it has to be a bit pricey to be sending out so many replacements. I gotta' respect'em for shipping the new stand pieces though - good policy, and makes me a definite future customer. As for fighter mode looking ugly... I disagree, I think they look way-cool. Can't complain!
  16. Thanx! Unfortunately... no store shall ever exist in Utah that would actually carry something that cool.
  17. I now fully appreciate the awesomeness of the 1/48 line. They are truly incredible. Yamato released the VF0 line in 1/60 scale. Now they're going to release Mac Plus in 1/60 scale. I decided I might as well get some good old fashioned 1/60 scale VF1(A,J,S)'s to go with what will eventually amount to a big collection. A few weeks ago I ordered a Max 1A from Hong Kong, and he arrived in the mail today. First off, I was shocked that the legs are made out of metal. (Why?) It freaked me out. And the transformation process really sucks. Max is now standing in battroid mode and I have no intention of switching to any other mode anytime soon because it's a pain. I'm debating about whether or not to ink-panel line this guy before I sticker him. Anyway, here's where I'm going to get flayed by everybody... I put his fighter mode next to my 1/100 toynami fighter mode toy and, well. I think the toynami looks better. Yeah, if you stare really hard and look at all the details lacking on the toynami ('cuz of scale) then the yamato is superior in that sense, but I am sorta' disappointed. I haven't tried gerwalk mode yet because as soon as I was done looking at fighter mode the intrigue of the 'removeable legs' gripped me too tightly and I had to figure it out. Which was a pain - BUT it will be easier next time I'll admit. You can't put the gunpod on the fighter plane either. (the gunpod is weird and chubby, IMHO) One more thing I have to add to my rant before I change course - why didn't it come with a pilot? I've seen other picturse of 1/60's with pilots and mine didn't come with one. ??? If they don't come with'em... then where can I get one? Or two? Or three or four? No pilot? C'mon! Okay don't get the wrong idea. I still wet my proverbial panties at just about anything macross so I DO deep down love this thing. And battroid mode looks absolutely awesome. So yes yes yes, I do like this toy. I just sort of expected more out of something from Yamato. I ruined myself by purchasing so many 1/48's before jumping on the 1/60 bandwagon. Also, putting this guy up next to my VF0S makes me appreciate why Yamato decided to not make the Macross Zero line in 1/48 scale. The 0S is freaking gigantic! Holy crap. My closing words will be... whining about where to get good stick-on stickers for my soon-to-be growing 1/60 collection. I've tried to contact takatoys but to no avail. Devin makes great water slides but I don't feel like future-finishing my 1/60 line just for stickers and a panel-line job. And once again, if there ARE pilots made for these guys, can someone fill me in? Peaze out y'all! ---Brian
  18. What a cool half price book shop. That's what I can't get over --- what's up with all the macross pictures in the bathroom?
  19. I personally love the new dub. To be perfectly honest, I do miss all the voice actors from Robotech, especially Misa/Lisa. EXCEPT - I am glad to have Mari Ijima as Minmay. It's nice having a Minmay who doesn't come off as a monumentally retarded bimbo-ditz.
  20. Well... I emailed toynami about getting new stand pieces. They must be inundated, 'cuz they're sure as heck not writing me back. Oooh, by the way, now that I'm used to these things, I think they VF1S head does look cool. And of course, I don't even need to mention the 1As. They look as cool as they possible coulda' made'em.
  21. Geez. So no price quote?
  22. Well I guess I've probably got a considerable amount of brain damage by now. *dabs drool from chin* I hope it's not 2 knotizoble...
  23. Well. No matter what, I think somebody on the net got pretty bored insinuating that Otaku-ism (even if just in name) began with macross. I think macross' biggest contribution to modern culture is keeping old guys like me young at heart indefinitely! And that takes a certain amount of magic, in my opinion. My heart's been captured since the age of 5! Yes, I can remember a whole range of shows and toys from childhood... but only one franchise still fascinates me even to this day.
  24. How much are these things going to cost, approximately? Any guesses?
  25. My stankin' YF19 is costing me almost 200 bucks after shipping. I pre-ordered a VF0A from HLJ but they haven't even sent me an email letting me know when they're getting a shipment.
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