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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Okay, I originally thought their problems stemmed from their careers. Glad the expert has clarified the situation. Everything's okay now. I still think Macross 7 is boring, but I don't hate it. Woo-boy! I was pretty terrified there for a minute. Max is my image of the ideal-soldier, and all around swell guy. The thought of him being a womanizer just about ruined my day.
  2. Okay we have the 1/48 VF1J, 1A, and 1S. In all different colors. Why no 1D? Does anyone know if this is in the works? I don't want to buy some conversion kit when I can buy the real thing.
  3. (What's a stampede valkyrie?)
  4. MAX MESSED AROUND ON MILIA?!?! Okay now I REALLY don't like Macross Seven. Portraying Max as a womanizer is just stupid. Really really stupid.
  5. ...I'd like to win a 20,000 dollar Yamato shopping spree
  6. You have a point. The same thoughts have crossed my mind. But in the long run, not having the exact actual TV fastpacks when you want them makes your life suck that much more. It may not be that big of a suck, it may be only an ant-suck, or a termite-suck, but it still sucks. An integral part of collecting Yamato is the pretentiousness of it all.
  7. Well. If I had the TIME, I'd play the hell out of this game. But, having a wife and kid sort of permanently stifles your ability to play MMRPGs.
  8. I've often thought about that as well. (Having a COMPLETE TV set meaning, yes, Hikaru in Roy's VF, etc.) Maybe someday when I'm rich with oodles of cash to blow I'll work on doin' that. It'd take some cusomization, but hey, what are retirement homes for!
  9. Hey Vinnie: Good luck in Iraq! If you're in the military, then I'm proud of you, man! Especially if you're managing to find time to watch Macross. That's awesome.
  10. I'm probably alone in this, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that they develop the end-all Macross game for PS3. AND, I hope Koei is hard at work designing a totally new, totally unique Dynasty Warriors for the PS3. Which reminds me... I have a samurai warriors 2 on it's way to my house that I preordered a long time ago. I'm sort of pist though, I've read reviews on it and everybody hates it.
  11. In the Macross series you never see Hikaru in his white and red VF1J with a fastpack on. So why does Yamato have a fast-packed 1J Hikaru in 1/60 and 1/48 scales? This has always puzzled me. I could understand them making a GBP Hikaru. But fastpacked? I'm missing something here.
  12. what does the recast head look like?
  13. I'm already wishing the next volume was out...
  14. AC needs a complete, and total, overhaul. It's a really cool concept, but never do you feel like you're in a huge robot. The graphics on the levels are pathetic. And this is coming from a once AC fan. Make the robots actually seem big by putting some actual detail into the levels and AC will once again be cool. Edit/Add: those pics of AC4 aren't impressing me
  15. Well, I definitely am for anything that would cause Yamato to realize that their prices are exhorbitant. I love their stuff but the cost is ridiculous.
  16. I have!
  17. I really really wish I could have witnessed that.
  18. You are WRONG haterist! Wrong, wrong, wrong! (jk) Yeah, as far as I can tell they 1/48's are all the same shade.
  19. Well. I just want to know if the hardware in the PS3 is fundamentally superior. We really won't know what either system is capable of until probably four years from now. I know that Metal Gear Solid 3 is relatively recent, and I just played it for the first time like a month or two ago, and WOW. Talk about impressive - I had no idea the PS2 could do such things. I can't imagine what the PS3 titles will be like in a few years. The system launch, as usual, will have games that are cool now, but will seem pretty awful eventually. Anyway, I'm rambling. So will blu-ray discs hold more information than a 360' disc?
  20. Okay for anybody who might know... is the PS3 in the long run going to be a more powerful system than the xbox 360? Also, how great are the graphics going to be on the PS3? I see those pictures but I'm not that impressed. My computer has a Radeon 9800 Pro card, 1 gig of ram, 3.12 ghz. Can the PS3 beat this? I don't think I'll be able to buy a better computer than mine for 600 bucks, and I KNOW for a fact in the future the pS3 will have games that I want so bad I could cry. It's a toughie wether or not I'll buy one at launch... but I SHALL own one eventually. Edit/add: So far, the Xbox 360 isn't "wow"ing me. How come every game coming out for the 360 is also coming out on Ps2 AND Xbox? If the 360's so great... then uhm, why do they have the exact same games on inferior systems?
  21. I agree swing bars always look like crap. (Except the new 1/100's manage to pull it off really well) The detachable legs without a doubt help to make the valks look great in fighter and battroid modes. Just like I said before - I don't think it was Yamato's intention from the beginning to make a perfect transformation 1/60. They probably figured detachable legs were the way to go in terms of looks, and they were correct on that. The result is a beautiful looking valk. (minus the VF1S head from the photos I've seen - and gerwalk mode) There's just some issues with the toy here and there that I can't help but wonder "what the heck were they thinking?" Note: I still really like these things. I shall not change my opinion. As soon as I possibly can I plan on buyin' a bunch of these guys from you, Vinnie!
  22. It seems I have a literal twin in terms of VF0 circumstances.
  23. Imagine living in a state where the one and only conversation guys have in their spare time deals with somehow knowing exhorbitant amounts of information about a plethora of other men. In my little world, I'd call that being queer. For jock-kus, knowing every name of every player on every team for every sport in every circuit and everything about the lives of all of them makes you cool somehow. (?) Now I will admit that it would be strange for a person to know everything about every anime ever made blah blah blah, but at least anime is diverse, intellectual, imaginative, and creative. I'd like to see a reality TV show in which they stick otakus and jock-kus together in the same house for a while.
  24. Those are true words of wisdom. I can hardly imagine a world with a toy company able to compete with Yamato. And yes, even though I've grown somewhat numb (developed a low tolerance) for Yamato's prices, I still try to avoid thinking about the issue because I believe they're practically extorting $$$ from the fans.
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