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Everything posted by GutsAndCasca

  1. Yes, I have a 60' 4:3. And yes, I like it. edit: It's a high definition TV set, which I don't take advantage of. Why would it be required to be a 16:9?
  2. so uhm. will anyone ever post a picture of this thing painted up?
  3. I've noticed that many of the upcoming games I see in Playstation Magazine are in "widescreen" format. I hope that upcoming games won't be required to have widescreen or else you get a squished/crushed game screen. I may have a 60 inch HDTV, but it's not one of those rectangular screens that I can't stand. I like having a nice big square TV. Even when a movie is in widescreen format with the black areas on top and bottom the screen is still huge enough that you don't notice. And I don't have to worry about my TV squishing certain programs to fit them. I hope the gaming industry doesn't assume everyone has a rectangular TV now.
  4. Well if there's a 1D sticker on the angel bird sheet, then I think that's all the proof we need that a 1D is going to pop up. I remember seeing Shin's name on my 0S sheet and thinking "Well the 0A is comin' out soon!" I was right about it coming out... not exactly the soon part.
  5. I don't have the stats, but from what I've seen, the crew is three guys.
  6. Well then hell yes. Yamato definitely needs to make that.
  7. Or howabout a T-shirt that says: "YAMATO 4 LIFE! What's the point of dying with money?"
  8. I have a question -- what exactly do you need hard drive space on a PS3 for anyway? All I'm gonna' use my PS3 for is to play video games that aren't connected to the net. My PS3 may never see the net as long as it lives. So I might as well get the small hard drive, right? Edit: Please don't tell me the hard drive is for putting "Mp3"s on your PS3.
  9. That kind of pisses me off. Are they that confident that the USA will fatten their pockets no matter what that they'll leave our prices higher?
  10. OKay, I have to ask. Is JB Weld okay to use on a 1/48 valk? I bought some today at the local hobby shot; it was all they had. Sorry, shop. Not shot. Typo. There.
  11. Also note, that a balding, bug-eyed, shirtless, team-color painted beer-stinking fat guy screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs while spit flecks and chunks of hotdog fly out of his mouth is somehow manly and cool. Were he to walk by someone at an anime convention dressed up as say, Hikaru, he'd actually make fun of him.
  12. I'd imagine they're selling well. I mean heck, I like'em. And I'm a pretentious bas-ard, so other people have gotta like'em too. I bet everybody on Robotech.com owns at least two.
  13. I want a DYRL "Roy's bashed VF1S head while he's vomiting blood" valk! Picture that one standing tall and proud next to your other DYRL's. And they might as well just market the "VF1A space-explosion" while they're at it. It can come in a 1/48 scale box, but it'll just be a really nicely painted fireball!
  14. Sorry to go off on a tangent here, but I was wondering. Does anybody know anything about the fast-packs for the 1/100's yet? Or what series three will be? (Will there be a series three?)
  15. Hey I had a mouse and keyboard on my Sega Dreamcast. Helped me to kick butt on Unreal Tournament.
  16. A-ha! Thanks for clearing that up.
  17. Yep. I agree. But uhm, the worst controller I ever saw were those gigantic XBox controllers that were originally included with the system. WTF was that about? I may be an adult, but those giant things didn't make me feel like being grown up is a really cool elitist position to be in. They made me feel like Microsoft was retarded.
  18. I do! ... he's, young..? Plus smokin' something', like usual.
  19. So what is my super-stealth then? The bast-rd son of DYRL and SDF Macross? Does he even have his own identity? How am I, no, how is he supposed to feel about this? Oh and meph is right - in the back ground in DYRL, those really ARE super stealths causing all those explosions.
  20. And a mighty-big valk as well.
  21. What kind of plastic weld should I use!!!!!!!!!! I meant, -- ??????????? This is exciting news! And... would a model shop have a pin-vise? Or do I need to ebay me one? thank you for the news!
  22. I guess I just want something VF1'ish yet new in more ways than just a paint job. Just give me a valk with Max and Miria in their wedding outfits, and I'm happy. And make it blue.
  23. I read a brief comment in a magazine that MGS4 will REQUIRE an internet connection?! Wtf is that? I hope it was wrong.
  24. I would trade you heads, but unfortunately my Max 1S used to be a Hikaru 1S. I DO have a CF head. And I have a recast 1S head, but the color doesn't match well enough. This situation sucks, because unless I use some super-duper end-all glue, this thing will keep breaking off. AUGH.
  25. Well then let's see Yamato bring us a blue VF1A two seater in 1/48 scale. I'm game. Anyone else?
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