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Everything posted by EggShen

  1. Mine is Voltes V And myk..I'm new here so who is that girl on your avatar?
  2. I've always imagined what the film could have been if Ridley Scott didn't turn this movie down. I still love the theatrical cut by Lynch, but if Ridley had made this especially when he was still in his Scifi/fantasy phase it would've kicked arse.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's the space bar.
  4. Controls are a little wonky right now. You can map them by pressing 0 at the start screen, but haven't tried this yet myself. The read me explains a little more.
  5. Hello, I've always wanted to play the real Starfighter game from the movie but no game ever came out. There was a game for the NES that was released and one for the Atari that never made it out, but those games didn't mimic the actual game at all. Stumbled across THIS and was blown away. These guys just released the full version of the game as a free download, so check it out if your a fan. Pretty impressive so far. You can check out the 13 page page thread on it's development here. They also have a working Space Paranoids game from the movie Tron.
  6. Oh man! Thanks for the pics! That is awesome. Seems like they go pretty good with the Aoshima scale wise and the APC is too funny with that squished alien. Very nice. Now I have to keep an eye out for those Galoob figures. Thanks again Guppy!
  7. Thanks for the info. I forgot all about the micro machine figures and never knew the APC made a sound effect....too cool. Do you have the Drop Ship? If it's not too much of a hassle it would be great to see one of the micro soldier figs next to it so I can get an idea of how the scale would be. Otherwise, looks like the 25mm figs from leading edge will have to do. But paintinig them might take awhile.
  8. Hey everyone, noob here and just discovered this thread. I recieved my bird the other day and I'm loving it. Snapped a few pics for ya. Trying to find some colonial marines that are in scale enough to display with the APC and Drop Ship. Do you think 25mm leading edge figures will do ok? Doesn't have to be perfect scale but passable.
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