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Everything posted by vf_1s

  1. Hi all, the "1/3000 SDF-1 lightly weathered vs. 1/2000 SDF-1 customized" have been posted. If you are interested, please click on the link below: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34511&st=0#entry892024 Thanks and enjoy!
  2. Hi all, the "1/3000 SDF-1 lightly weathered vs. 1/2000 SDF-1 customized" have been posted. If you are interested, please click on the link below: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34511&st=0#entry892024 Thanks and enjoy!
  3. Hi all, my original thread of the 1/2000 SDF-1 was originally posted in the "toy" forum, but since all the 1/3000 SDF-1 mod are posted here, I may as well do so. Also, I am hoping that this thread will be pinned, so that my SDF-1 customization can have a home. For the original thread on the built up, modification, and reference on the "1/2000 SDF-1 Customized", here is the link: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33243&st=0 For the 1/3000 SDF-1, I must admit, I haven't spend nearly as much time on it as the 1/2000 SDF-1. The 1/3000 SDF-1 was only lightly lined and weathered, but you will see, this toy has lots of potential! Hopefully the comparison will be another useful reference. For those who have seen the old thread, these are all new pictures (taken with my new camera), and it seems to pick up the details better. I have divided up the sections as such: 1.) 1/3000 SDF-1 - Crusier mode 2.) 1/2000 SDF-1 - Crusier mode 3.) 1/3000 vs 1/2000 SDF-1 - Crusier mode Comparison 4.) 1/3000 SDF-1 - Attacker mode 5.) 1/2000 SDF-1 - Attacker mode 6.) 1/3000 vs 1/2000 SDF-1 - Attacker mode Comparison Here are the sections, enjoy! 1.) 1/3000 SDF-1 - Crusier mode
  4. With your master skills, I never doubt you for a second. I am sure that you will do something crazy and made the perfect VF-1 for sure! I know you won't stop here... Sincerely!
  5. Ha ha that carrier was actually in one of my pictures with the 1/2000 sdf-1. This was actually one of the first place I look to see if I can use for 1/2000 vf-1. But I actually find the planes that came with the futura carrier to be too big and thick. Another place I looked was the planes on the micromachines aircraft carrier. But those lack the detail. In the end, the easiest way to make them and paint them is out of stylene rods. This is because you can cut, sand, polish, and paint the vf-1 while it is still part of the rod. And when you are done painting, just cut it off from he head of the rod. This way, it is alot easier to handle!
  6. Yup, that is Exactly what I did with my 1/2000 prototype
  7. The LED saber for the 1/48 gundam is actually powerful enough for fiber optics, and it is tidy in a way that everything (battery, led, on/off switch) is in one unit smaller than one AAA battery. Also, let me know what parts you need the scan for taking apart; I don't have time to do the whole thing, but can so individual areas for you and WM Cheng.
  8. You can go the easy route... When I was in HK this Christmas, I picked up some 1/100 gundam saber hilt that lights up (led with watch battery). It is small enough to fit onto the celing of the 1/3000 city. I think you can buy them online. Let me look for you... Here are the pics and video http://jqmodels.wordpress.com/2010/02/02/beam-saber-hilts/ Here is where to order them: http://www.gundampro.com/it_beam_saber_for_pg.php
  9. Crazier then me too. Way to go!
  10. Hi all: Quite a few people have questioned on how to take apart the 1/3000 SDF-1 toy to get access to the city, so that they can repaint it. The 1/3000 SDF-1 toy is actually assemble together the same as the 1/2000 SDF-1 prototype. Therefore, I have taken pictures of the construction manual, and added it to the "1/2000 SDF-1 Customised" thread (P.5) as another reference. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33243&st=140#entry890466 Hope it helps.
  11. Hi all: Quite a few people have questioned on how to take apart the 1/3000 SDF-1 toy to get access to the city, so that they can repaint it. The 1/3000 SDF-1 toy is actually assemble together the same as the 1/2000 SDF-1 prototype. Therefore, I have taken pictures of the construction manual, and added it to the "1/2000 SDF-1 Customised" thread as another reference. Hope it helps.
  12. Thanks again guys! BTW, just lined and lightly weathered my 1/3000 SDF-1 in HK. Will do some side by side comparison with the 1/2000 when I get home...
  13. Graham is correct, the arm is not suppose to touch the legs in crusier mode. Just picked mine up today in HK. I think Yamato pulled it off this time really well. I transformed my 1/3000 today briefly, it is significantly tighter than the 1/2000. The toy feels solid and tight. IMO, probably the best toy yamato have made up to date. Rigidness is on par with the Bandai toys. Also, to be fair, the toy looks a lot better in person than the pictures, the grey is not bad at all. Will take some pics of the 1/3000 with the 1/2000 SDF-1 when I go back to Canada. I am really happy with it... so far...
  14. Indeed it is!
  15. I am in for sure!!! what ever yamato is willing to make!
  16. Hi Sorry for the late reply, have been out of town... Sure, please send me PM, and I will be happy to share any built tips with you! Thanks for the complement again.
  17. Here is another size comparison I posted earlier...
  18. This is Awesome, all the details actually made it into production! Can't quite read japanest, can someone explain what is the improvement on the right leg? (i.e. the one without the city detail) Also, does anyone know if there is going to be lighting? I will definetly save up for this!
  19. I tried, but I can't... the city's building is so small compare to the storm attacker that if I focus on the city, the rest of sdf-1 would be so blurred that you can't tell what it is.
  20. I did took pictures of the Macross Quarter with the sdf-1, however, they are not the same scale. In one of the pictures, you will see the vf-25 is almost 2.5 times bigger than the 1/2000 vf-1. The pictures are in page 3. thanks again Pat
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