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Everything posted by Mechwarrior

  1. Not gonna get into details, but after the second part, I just have to say I like the new BS and look forward to more episodes.
  2. Well, i'm gonna fo out on a limb and say I liked it. Sure the start of it was slow, but then again they had to establish characters and such. I really liked the very beggining where the history was explained, and then after 40 years the hot female cylon chic shows up with the upgraded bodyguards. A little insight she provided by stating that chrome ones are still around too. Starbuck and Boomer are chcics, and they do suck, but i'll give the show a chance and maybe their characters will grow on me. The story works for me and I like it. I look forward to part 2. Just have to remember that it is a remake, that's all.
  3. Great job, I had not seen one of those for a long time.
  4. Well i'm just happy to see someone actually building their models, rather then horde them away in a dark closet for noone else to see (brings Gollum to mind "My Precious..........") Hard to beleive that here in Macross World, I have only seen 5 other VF-2ss Valks. It's too bad more people collect models instead of build them.
  5. The resin VF-2SS is a rare kit, to bad it don't transform. The bandai kit rocks, I didnt need glue for the one I did. Throw on a couple coats of cheap white paint and add some simple detailing and it looks way better then the model on the box. Transforming it is kinda weird, but worth getting for sure.
  6. The best course of action, would be to recast all the models he sent so far (Cat's Eye) and sell em cheap on ebay. That would not be benificial for everyone, but It would sure make me feel better since I missed out on that deal.
  7. Now thats kewl, great story boarding and narrating!
  8. Forget about it, yah, I'm done with Playstation multiPlayer games. Going PC from here on out. But give us review, it's gotta be better then the first one.
  9. In my opinion those models SUCK, so sell em to me !
  10. Gonna do some Bar hopping, and if all goes as planned, some babe hopping!
  11. I downloaded it awhile back. No subs, but the movie looked like it took alot to put together, i liked it just for the realistic look.
  12. AA is by far the most realistic game, with the best graphics up to date. I live multiplayer games, and this game is awesome. Most who play, find it too hard due to the realistic fps and gameplay. You have to give it awhile, but once you get your kill and find players with TEAM WORK ( A must in this game), you will be hooked. Better have a fast computer with at least 64 mb graphics card, any less and your computer passes out, its a resource hog. But I do not recommend this game to anyone. Sure it's free, sponsored by the Army and created by the DEV team, but thats the problem. I had an honor of 62 (do the math and that's alot of game time, ALOT), then a couple months ago I log on and find out iv'e been BANNED! What? Banned? Why? Come to find out that the new punkbuster (cheat detector in the 1.9 version) did not like that I had a hacked version of Kazaa on my PC. No way I say! So at the end of the day after research, I gave up the game totally (my loss, the game rules). Newer versions of punkbuster coming will be worse for players sorry to say. So my new favorite game is of course BF1942 (Desert Combat baby). What it lacks in graphics and realism (compared to the greatest game so far in that area, Americas Army), it makes up for in gameplay. The BF arena is so large and what you can do in the game is more then any other game. I had no idea any game in the world had such versatility. BF is my multi-player go to game now. Americas Army is a great game, but don't get hooked. One day you will find your self banned for any number of stupid reasons and punkbuster is just to nosey and future releases even more so.
  13. I always likes this helo thingy................
  14. I like, definatley original in customs dept. Keep it up.
  15. Definatley the best fight scene in the whole movie, you can almost feel the blows from that ball thingy as it slams into Uma.
  16. Great job, glad to see others making their own decals as well, its far easier than people think. Looks good.
  17. Anyone else find this scene to be one of the funniest in the movie, besides of course Wucy Woos table speach?
  18. I went in with high expectations, and left more than satisfied. The directing was flawless, I love the drawn out sequences, only a handfull of movies that ever tried it, actually got away with it. The sound effects were placed perfectly, and the humor timing was top notch. I wouldn't change a thing, and I definatly am looking forward to Febuary for Vol. 2. The DVD will be released about the same time for this movie, so that's awesome. Animation kicked ass, and Uma Thurman pulled her part off great (I had doubts on that role, but not now ) and of course the bodyguard for Lucy Liu, well, she was just sexy.
  19. It may be as plausible as a plane that transforms too.
  20. I should start checking out those pinned threads, I appreciate the info. even if noone else does.
  21. Tenacious D comes to mind.
  22. I've been eye-to-eye with the man, 5'9 or 5'10. Actually, I would have to agree with the Agent1. It is after all possible to fool the public, makes numerous movies, stage appearences and lie on your bodybuilding resume and have no one figure out that you actually shorter in real life.
  23. Gee, are yah sure, then again, Smith is no Quentin Tarantino . I am a big Quentin Tarantino , thats why I am seeing this flick. I have not been dissappointed yet. Besides, I have not seen Daryl Hannah in a movie for awhile.
  24. Personally, could care less who plays catwomen, not a big fan of that feline freak, but I do think Halle Berry is sexy and acting is ok. I think that's the reason she was casted, for guys like me who find her attractive and might go see it just because she is in it.
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