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Everything posted by Mechwarrior

  1. I 'd love to make it out there, seems like a historical event indeed. I hope all goes well and look forward to future flights as well.
  2. Man oh Man, I wish to hell I had time to work on a model right now. I can't wait to finish two I started in January. Wish I could make it to the MW Con coming up , to check out some awesome customs. Like others I am in the middle of a personal project myself. A Mark II , 1966 GT40 Replica. Should be done by august then I am back to modeling, and hopefully upload some finished models pics. Cuz we all know the model section and MacrossWorld forums are the best of all topics
  3. Now its time to build and share with us some pictures, congrats.
  4. Wow, though I am a PC Game player, that actually looks worth checking out, thanx for the update.
  5. Great question, You are not the only one curious.
  6. I think it's great, may even further the fan base in the Macross World , increase popularity with the toy community, causing toy and model prices to drop and increasing varients, who knows?
  7. Just caught a late showing showing of it. Glad I dont listen to the film critics in this thread, cuz I liked it alot.
  8. Mesa AZ latitude 33.3825427382482 / 33° 22' 57.1538576935" longitude -111.753007539188 / -111° 45' 10.8271410768"
  9. just check the source directory for the pics here HERE
  10. Wow, talk about model heaven. I wish I could attend something like that. Thanx for the Pics.
  11. Thanx for the review and info, I appreciate it man , already wasted some of my limited funds on a few posters and action figures for this damn movie , so i should get one of these box sets 4 sure. Damn you QT and Uma.
  12. By any chance, is this the package that comes with the shirt, sword etc. I was wanting to get one of those, and just curious to know what quality the 1/10th scale sword was. Any help appreciated, thanx.
  13. Wouldn't even bother bringing up a point to these people. The movie was awesome in my opinion and nothing can change that. Not even those who are on 24/7, just looking for reasons to pad their post count, and would argue even if they did like it. "That's a fact Jack" How about that coffin scene? Sheds a whole new light on being buried alive. (yes, I do have claustrophobia)
  14. Wow, the second part was just as good as the first, and I loved the first part. No doubt the movie will do good in the theaters, maybe even pass up ole Helloboy. I know I am going to see it again tonight. QT does it again with his unpredictable directing.
  15. Thanx for the reminder about Conan, I almost forgot, well actually I did. Can you believe there are like 5 dorks standing inline already at the theater next door? WTF
  16. Thats a great cockpit indeed. Great job to whoever did it.
  17. Congrats on the Yammie score! I for one am not a big toy collector, but I for one will be getting one of those Armored bad boys.
  18. A model section would be nice, I for one enjoy some of the great works members create here. I know there has talk about it in the past and a few attempts at making websites dedicated to Model works, but either they made it difficult to show em off/upload, or a million links just to get to a gallery of some sort. Also I think the problem is with models, is that lots people like to look at em, but fewer actually build em. I always see great models coming from the same 5 people.
  19. Kewl, thanx for the link, I know I am looking forward to the movie. I beat it the first time, but thats because i didnt know you could use the up/down arrows. I tried it the second time with up/down arrows and died right away lol.
  20. If I recall correctly, I spent about $130.00 on mine about 4 years ago. I am pretty sure it was a recast though, since it came with no decals and the flash was just rediculous. As you can see there is not a whole of detail, but I was pleased to finally have one. I know I seen some being sold awhile back for about 50 bucks, i'll check my favorites and see if I can dig up the link for you. As far as the model itself is concerned, it has about twenty pieces to it, and pretty straight forward to assemble, but a lot of trimming will be required if you want it perfect. The one i did had no decals/stickers so i just ended up making my own. If you spend time you could make the model look awesome, I know I could have done a better job. Captain america, great job on yours, it was actually the reason why i wanted one my self. As you can see i kinda copied your paint scheme as well so thanx dood.
  21. Well I appreciate the info, I am buying mine tonight, and thanx for the little review.
  22. Is it like this kind?
  23. Are toys worth the high price? I would say No, however I am a model person, I prefer detail over playablilty. I did however spend 60 dollars on a vf-1j fastback once, and actually fealt dissapponted. I do however look forward to getting that cool armored 1/60 upgrade.
  24. Ahh, those bring back some memories indeed, thanx for the flashbacks.
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